Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1829 Return of the Dead 27

After drinking for three rounds, An Ran got down to the topic and said, "Uncle, your majesty and I have something we want to talk to him privately about. Can you ask the palace people and guards to stay away?"

If she didn't stand far away, she was afraid that the guards would be blocking the regent before she took action, and she wouldn't be able to kill them.

And there are many people around, so it would be inappropriate for her to use the powerful props in the space. Wouldn't that mean the plan would fail? So she naturally wanted to drive the regent's people away.

Emperor Jianning didn't know about An Ran's plan. He just thought that she wanted to ask the regent about usurping the throne, so he nodded in agreement: "Yes."

The regent glanced at the two of them, then smiled and agreed, "Okay."

To be honest, he has never been able to see through this niece-in-law, but the emperor is a simple man. He can clearly see what he thinks. She probably doesn't want to do anything against him, and the other party will also He sent his palace guards away, leaving only the two of them. He didn't feel that they posed any threat to him, so he agreed immediately.

At that moment, the regent asked his palace guards to stay away. The banquet hall was big enough and far enough away that they could not hear the sound, but they could still see the regent, so there was no need to worry about something happening to the regent. They were too late. rescue.

However, the palace guards thought the same as the regent. They felt that An Ran and Emperor Jianning were the only two people there, so there was no need to worry about what they could do to him, and they could feel free to retreat.

After everyone retreated, Emperor Jianning spoke first - after all, it is difficult for a queen, a female, to mention such an important matter - and said: "Uncle, you are my dear uncle, and also my father. I have always trusted you when it was entrusted to you. However, recently, there have always been rumors that the emperor's uncle is becoming more and more powerful and wants to usurp the throne and establish himself. I don't believe this. I don't want to hear outsiders drive a wedge between our uncle and nephew. I just want to ask the emperor personally, do you really want to take away the throne from your nephew?"

In fact, this is a useless question. Can't the regent lie? The regent would definitely not tell the truth before the matter was accomplished. An Ran used this reason to impress Emperor Jianning and asked Emperor Jianning to persuade the regent to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet. In fact, he never thought that he could really ask the truth from the regent. The answer was, I just didn't expect that Emperor Jianning was stupid enough to actually ask the regent this question, which made An Ran speechless for a moment.

The regent couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Emperor Jianning ask this question. He was obviously stunned by such a direct question. After a while, he smiled and said: "Of course there is no such thing. Your Majesty, you are overthinking."

He thought he would be able to comfort Emperor Jianning by saying this, but it turned out that Emperor Jianning was not as stupid and sweet as An Ran thought. After hearing what he said, he said directly: "If that's the case, then why doesn't the emperor always do this?" Would you like me to govern personally?"

When the regent saw that he had no AC and still asked himself about things he knew well, his expression dimmed and he said: "When your majesty grows up to be able to handle political affairs, I will naturally let your majesty take charge."

Emperor Jianning didn't know whether he drank too much tonight or what. He was not willing to let the regent go at all, and continued to speak aggressively: "When your uncle was assisting me back then, he was about the same age as I am now, uncle." You can do it, but I can’t do it? If you don’t let me personally govern, I will never know how to do it. Only by trying it myself can I slowly learn it.”

If he can do it, then he can do it? The regent couldn't help but sneer. There are some things that can never be done by him alone, because Emperor Jianning was raised and crippled by him, and he was carefully trained by his mother and concubine as the heir, but he never fought against his eldest brother. Only then did the eldest brother inherit the throne.

However, he has never fought against his eldest brother, but he can fight against his son. Now the throne has to be returned to his own hands, so that's about it.

Thinking of this, the regent couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that it didn't matter if his eldest brother was more powerful than him. Back then, he just took advantage of being older than him and he was too young, so he took the throne. Otherwise, if the two were of the same age, who would be the emperor back then? , not necessarily yet - he has been the regent for a long time over the years and has become a stable one, so he has swelled up and feels that he is very powerful. He feels that it was because he was too young that he could not compete with his elder brother.

So now Emperor Jianning said this, and the regent said: "It's useless to tell the ministers. The courtiers must recognize you and agree to your personal administration."

Naturally, the regent couldn't directly say that he would not return the government to the government, but just put the matter on the ministers.

In fact, in a few days, he will force the palace, and now he can also fool Emperor Jianning.

However, the regent couldn't rest assured that something had not happened, so he naturally did not mention it, lest if he failed to initiate action then, but now promised Emperor Jianning to let him take charge, he would have no way out and it would be difficult to deal with it. , so naturally we cannot agree.

When Emperor Jianning heard what he said, his drunkenness welled up, and he pointed at the regent and said: "Ha, I think I am a child. The emperor just doesn't want me to be in charge, so he deliberately makes excuses like this. Since you don't want me to be in charge, then In other words, you were lying just now when you said you didn’t want to usurp the throne. In fact, you just wanted to usurp the throne, right?!”

——Emperor Jianning was indeed a bit drunk, because he wanted to ask the regent some important things, but he was afraid that he would be too cowardly to say anything, so Emperor Jianning deliberately drank a few more drinks. Are you a coward? That's why Emperor Jianning drank a few more drinks, hoping to be brave enough to ask the regent what he had always wanted to ask. This was also the reason why Emperor Jianning was holding on to him so hard at this moment.

The regent got a little angry when Emperor Jianning held on to him like this, so he said coldly: "What if I really plan to usurp the throne?"

An Ran felt that these words were exactly what she wanted to hear, and secretly thought that Emperor Jianning was really good at holding fire tonight. In fact, she was originally planning to play the role of holding fire by herself, but she didn't expect that Emperor Jianning would do it without having to speak. The regent was angered, so he immediately said: "Your Majesty, please be careful. Your Majesty is a loyal minister, why did you talk about usurping the throne?"

An Ran deliberately spoke louder. She had the inner strength to raise her voice just a little, and it was sent far away. Many eunuchs and maids heard her say that the regent was preparing to usurp the throne, and they couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

An Ran looked panicked. It was normal for her to speak louder like this. After all, people often can't control the volume when they are panicked. Therefore, the regent didn't know that An Ran was controlling public opinion in advance to avoid being dumbfounded by her. If the regent is suddenly killed, the people will say that they have gone too far as a couple. The regent has worked so hard to maintain the court, and they still want to kill him. However, if they are angry and killed because the regent said that he wanted to usurp the throne, then it is normal. , in that case, the people will definitely not say it is as unpleasant as it sounds.

Emperor Jianning on the side became even more furious after hearing what the regent said. His voice was even louder than An Ran's. He pointed at the regent again and said: "You have been exposed! It seems that you really have ambitions! You actually want to usurp the throne. How can I be sorry for you these years?" is you?!"

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