Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1834 Return of the Dead 32

Therefore, the Lu family were really angry towards Emperor Jianning. They felt that he was mean and ungrateful. Not to mention that their daughter had contributed to the death of the regent, but she had not. Now that the regent is dead, there is no If people suppress him, he should be kinder to the father-in-law's family, right? As a result, not only did he show no sign at all, but he also became increasingly hostile to An Ran. How could the Lu family not have a problem with Emperor Jianning?

Well now, Emperor Jianning is dead, and the Lu family looks sad on the surface, but in fact they are very happy - in fact, many people in the Lu family are cursing the white-eyed wolf Emperor Jianning, wishing that he would die soon.

Now that he is really dead, they are naturally happy, thinking that their grandson has become the emperor, and their family will be prosperous no matter what, right?

Not to mention, it is indeed much better than when Emperor Jianning was here - not long after An Ran's son ascended the throne, he promoted the Lu family from Marquis of Cheng'en to Duke of Cheng'en. If you want to say that this is still a promotion according to the system, but for Master Lu, he was promoted When he reached the third rank, he was obviously promoted for the sake of his wife.

This is also the result of An Ran's discussion with his son. The Lu family has been quite honest in recent years. Although Mr. Lu is not very capable, his character is still decent. It is reasonable for the Queen Mother's family to be promoted to the third rank.

Besides, Mr. Lu is sixty years old. In this era, this age is very old. He may not have enough energy after working for two years and will have to retire, so giving him a promotion will not have much impact. It is equivalent to him Before retiring, give him an honorary position as the father of the Queen Mother, which is what he should do.

The new emperor didn't want his mother-in-law to be too ugly. In addition, An Ran said that Mr. Lu was old and this was an honorary position at best and would not have a big impact, so he agreed.

An Ran has done this for the Lu family, and feels that the original body should be satisfied. The original body had always felt that he had brought trouble to his natal family and had them behead everyone in the family. Now, not only has he not been beheaded, but he has also become the Duke of Cheng'en, and his official position has also been increased. Not low, the original person should be very happy to give a good evaluation.

When the Lu family saw that their grandson had been promoted, they were naturally excited and felt proud.

But fortunately, they also know that Mr. Lu is old, and their younger generation cannot pass the imperial examination. When Mr. Lu retires and An Ran is old, he may die one day, and the Lu family will decline, so It's not like the Prince Regent's Palace or even Emperor Jianning's maternal family, who were so arrogant that they were quite honest - in fact, this was thanks to An Ran waking them up from time to time and counting many arrogant families. In the end, the backer was gone because the people he offended were too many. Many, many people fall into trouble and are in difficult situations, so they can be so restrained.

The various families in the capital also acted according to the prevailing situation. Seeing that the new emperor was very kind to the Lu family, and it seemed that the Lu family was going to prosper, naturally some people came to curry favor with the Lu family, causing a rush of traffic at the door of the Lu family.

Lu Sanniang, who was already married, was going back to her natal family to celebrate her family's promotion from the Cheng'en Marquis' Mansion to the Cheng'en Duke's Mansion. She couldn't help but sigh when she saw such a busy scene.

I remembered that more than ten years ago, because I said something inappropriate to the girl Bai who was liked by the regent who covered the sky with one hand, the whole family was terrified, for fear that the girl would talk about their family in front of the regent. Bad words will cause trouble in your own family.

This was not just a conjecture on her part, but a real possibility, because she later saw the white girl several times, including when she became the high-ranking regent princess. Every time she saw her, the woman was right. She looked disgusted. No matter how she tried to flatter her or seek her forgiveness, she ignored her, which made her more and more frightened. Especially when the regent's power was at its peak, she stayed up all night. Su Di couldn't sleep, fearing that one day the regent would successfully usurp the throne, she would be targeted by Bai Zhi.

Who knew it would become like that later.

The regent suddenly fell, and Bai Zhi could no longer be arrogant, and even fell into extreme despair. At that time, she wanted to see what would happen to Bai Zhi, who was so arrogant to her back then, but she sent someone to inquire about Bai Zhi's situation. I heard that she was treated like an outsider every day, chased and scolded, and was in a very embarrassed state. I felt really happy at that time, thinking about how you were so arrogant to me back then. I just said an unpleasant word, but you can always hold a grudge. I, jointly and severally, because others wanted to please you, followed me and excluded me, which made me live in fear for many years. What about now, thanks to the blessing of my cousin being the queen, I married into a good family, and you, you are so miserable. You deserve to be chased and scolded every day. You were so arrogant at the time, so you shouldn't be too crazy. After all, who knows what will happen in the future.

Although Emperor Jianning was not very kind to his sister later on, and the Lu family did not benefit from it, at least the big stone that weighed on her heart was finally removed.

However, the good times did not last long. As Emperor Jianning gave birth to more and more princes, the family later became worried that Emperor Jianning would not be kind to their cousin, and that something would happen to them in the fight for the rightful son. Even though she was a married woman, Generally speaking, this kind of thing would mean that her mother's family was unlucky at most, and it was impossible for her to be unlucky as well. But if her mother's family was unlucky, it would not do her any good, so she was quite worried at that time.

After worrying about this for more than ten years, Emperor Jianning finally passed away, and her nephew, who was quite capable, actually grabbed the throne. Of course she didn't know that this was An Ran's contribution. Finally, her family no longer had to worry. Not only did she not have to worry, but she even became a fawning existence for others. Could this make Lu Sanniang not sigh?

Although Chengen Gongfu is not her standard natal family, after all, it is her eldest uncle's home, but in this era, her uncle's home is also considered her natal family, so she can also say that her natal family is Chengen Gongfu.

Thanks to this, her status in the capital has also increased. She no longer has to be as careful as she was a dozen years ago in fawning over Bai Zhi; she no longer has to dare to offend Emperor Jianning's wife - Not only do they not have to worry about offending Emperor Jianning’s maternal family, in fact, since Emperor Jianning’s death, Emperor Jianning’s maternal family now has to worry about offending the Lu family, and they have become cautious and laugh with them. This is Something she had never dared to think about before.

At that time, because the regent died and Emperor Jianning became emperor, even her cousin and nephew in the palace had to watch Emperor Jianning's face and act (she didn't know the real situation, she only saw from the outside that her cousin wanted to They were afraid that if they were not careful, Emperor Jianning would be deposed and everything would be lost, so they were outside, facing Jianning who had risen due to the fall of the regent and the rise of Emperor Jianning. The emperor's family was naturally cautious, for fear of making them unhappy, so they ran to Emperor Jianning to complain about the Lu family, making Emperor Jianning treat his cousin even worse.

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