Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1844 The Fourth Disaster 8

However, as the area expands and villages appear, there are also disadvantages - naturally there are people in those villages who can make clothes. Although they cannot make high-end clothes, they can make the ordinary styles that Enron sold before. Come, there are naturally more places where players can buy clothes. Seeing that the system is expensive, they buy them from the villagers, which makes the villagers very happy. After all, they can make money, can they not be happy? They originally thought that these players were new sand pirates who would often harass their village in the future, making life difficult for them. After all, they came to their village to kill people, and there were still many of them. If the villagers united to resist, they might even fight. But isn't it scary?

As a result, they just killed a few villagers who were said to have killed people. After killing them, they still helped them with tasks and bought the clothes they made, which greatly increased their income and made their lives much easier, which naturally made them happy.

An Ran saw that fewer people were buying the ordinary clothes made by the embroiderers in the mansion, so he began to sell higher-end clothes, more exquisite styles, and fashion. The system embroiderers were so skilled in craftsmanship, how could they be inferior to ordinary indigenous people? Now that she has more money, she can afford better fabrics and make more beautiful clothes. When those clothes are put on display, players who don't believe in beauty will not buy them, but they will still make money.

As the area expanded and the number of players increased, the houses and shops built by Enron players became marketable.

Although everyone is still poor now, there are wealthy people who can't stand it. They buy copper coins or silver coins from other players, and then buy shops and houses. After all, rich people naturally have to pursue something a little bit, and don't want to be crowded in the safe zone and log off with everyone. There was no pomp at all.

——It is said to be a safe area. In fact, An Ran set up a special hall in the New Prince's Mansion and set up a safe area. It is stipulated that players can log off in it. A protective shield will automatically form around the player, so that others cannot touch players who are offline or suspected of sleeping. Players there cannot steal from each other.

So soon, dozens of Anron's houses were sold, and many shops were rented out.

With only 500 people, dozens of houses can be sold, which shows that there are still many rich people. Of course, the main reason is the herd mentality. Seeing others dignifiedly selling their own houses, it is too shameful for you to squeeze in the safe zone. I want to save face, so I have to buy a house no matter what; of course, it is also related to the fact that modern people like to hoard houses. They feel that the houses bought around the Third Prince's Mansion will definitely appreciate in value in the future, so no matter what, it is better to buy a house while the current houses are built in The Third Prince's Mansion is not far away, so I have to buy one anyway so that I can be at the center of it in the future. After all, once it develops, the Third Prince will definitely start developing from around the Third Prince's Mansion. There is no way that the surrounding area of ​​his home is deserted and he has to go all the way. Go for development.

They were right to think so. Anron was indeed planning to develop further away from the Third Prince's Mansion.

As it develops deeper into the desert, afforestation has also been put on the agenda. After all, there is no afforestation in this poor place. An Ran feels that in a few years, this place will become a real desert.

In the real world, most people are not willing to plant trees in the desert for many years. Only some people who are engaged in this field will go. But now the players are here, so the afforestation tasks arranged by Enron are going very well. .

Just give out a few tasks of planting trees and watering. As long as the rewards are raised a little, some players will be willing to do it. After all, buying a house, renting a shop, buying clothes, and buying weapons all cost money. If you don't do it, you can't make money. ah.

There is also reputation, which is a good thing. Even if you don't make any money, you still need to gain reputation just to do well in the game.

Because some tasks require the third prince's favorability to reach a certain level before you can accept it. In this case, you need to exchange your reputation for the third prince's favorability.

Also, now that the system has opened the town system, this reputation benefit has also come - Enron stipulates that if your reputation reaches a certain standard, you can enjoy the benefit of a 5% increase in daily task rewards. This alone is worth the efforts of many people. Earn reputation.

After expanding the territory, slowly, people naturally discovered this place and discovered the relationship between these overseas survivors and the third prince.

The villagers of Huliu Village were the first to discover it. They are local indigenous people and are more likely to discover this situation.

Naturally, they also heard that not far from them, a prince was exiled by the emperor. He didn't even give him a servant, so he just left him in such a desolate place. He obviously wanted to kill him. ah.

Although they knew that the third prince was pitiful, the villagers in Huliu Village came from all kinds of backgrounds, but none of them were kind people. Therefore, even though they knew that the third prince was here and pitiful, no one came to help. After all, they all had a flat head. What qualifications do ordinary people have to sympathize with the dignified third prince? Maybe he is living a much better life than they are? If you go to sympathize with others, you will not be laughed at.

So even though they knew that the third prince was nearby, no one cared whether he was dead or alive. Now that these people appeared and got together with the third prince, they naturally found out about it quickly.

However, although they knew about it, no one went to report it to the capital magistrate two hundred miles away. The reason was also very simple. Most of the people in Huliu Village were not good people. Go and report it, so as not to be locked up.

However, just because the villagers of Huliu Village won't say it, it doesn't mean that others won't say it, for example, businessmen passing through Ping An's land.

As the territory expanded, in addition to seeing more sand pirates and a small village, I naturally also saw these people who were greedy for huge profits and took risks to sell silk, tea, porcelain, etc. from the East to the West, and then brought back gold, spices, etc. from the West. Such a team of merchants.

Originally, the place where An Ran was located was not a road commonly used by merchant teams, so naturally not many people would come - this was also An Ran's deliberate choice. After all, she did not want the situation here to spread to the capital quickly.

However, since Enron once again expanded its internal beta players and territory, and these internal beta players wiped out all the sand thieves within a radius of thirty kilometers, this area has become a "safe zone" for merchants, because everyone comes here Don't be afraid of being robbed.

It’s not that the players are very good and they won’t rob when they see a merchant, but they are afraid that killing a green NPC will turn them into a red one, so even if they see a merchant NPC passing by with a lot of supplies, no one will run to rob—— Not only did he not kill anyone, he didn't even steal anything. Someone had stolen it before. Immediately, other players received the task of punishing the thief and took that person into the prison built in the Third Prince's Mansion. He is still locked up today. He did something wrong. Having an account is almost like not having an account, it’s so painful.

After a few cases of this happened, no one dared to rob, so gradually, merchants discovered it. Many people would rather walk a few more steps and detour from the old road to come here, so that they can walk for a while without fear of being caught. A safe area where people can rob and sell a lot of things - many players are willing to spend money to buy good things from merchants - rather than take the less peaceful but shorter distance.

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