Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1847 The Fourth Disaster 11

Since grabbing an account is equivalent to making a fortune, naturally there are countless people following this website, and many of them are people who don't play games and come here just to make a fortune.

Many ordinary people regard grabbing an account as if they have won the lottery, and follow this forum every day. So when they saw that the forum said three tests were required, they naturally rushed to grab the account. After all, as long as they grab it, they will get an apartment. Well, who wouldn’t?

Moreover, this game has become popular abroad. This time, not only domestic people are grabbing it, but also people from abroad have joined the pre-order army, resulting in an unusually large number of people pre-ordering.

As for how to pay once they grabbed the account - because Enron did not open overseas payment methods, only traditional domestic methods - since they dared to make a reservation, how to pay was naturally settled long before the reservation was made.

Three tests soon began.

There were 9,500 more people in the game instantly, but it didn't seem too much at all, because Anron had expanded the scope of the third test to a radius of 60 kilometers, and tens of thousands of people were scattered over more than 3,000 square kilometers. It is not conspicuous at all. After all, including the indigenous people, the population density is less than six people per square kilometer. Such a low population density naturally does not call it too crowded.

Although there are not many people scattered throughout the area, these people are not evenly distributed throughout the area. Although many people go on adventures and come to wider areas to fight sand pirates, most people still gather in Around the Third Prince's Mansion, steady tasks continued, such as planting grain, growing vegetables, printing bricks, building houses, etc. As a result, the area near the Third Prince's Mansion became very lively because of the sudden increase of these people.

In the past, five hundred people couldn't tell, but now there are ten thousand people. Even if half of the people are not nearby, only five thousand people will make people feel that this place is extremely prosperous and thriving.

Because there are more and more people, businessmen have heard about it and like to go here more and more, because they can sell a lot of goods here.

This is naturally good for Enron. The more transactions there are, the more taxes she can collect.

Although players spend money to buy things from these people, which will take away a lot of money from the players, but at the same time, these merchants will also buy things here, and the trade balance is basically the same.

The things that allow merchants to buy from players are naturally difficult to buy elsewhere. Players have an advantage in this regard. They have long relied on modernity and produced many novel gadgets. They may be common to modern people, but to These are novel things for businessmen, such as soap, glass, etc. These things can all be made by searching on the Internet.

There are also some novel styles of jewelry that always attract the attention of merchants.

Of course, in order to make huge profits, players who make soap, glass, etc. have agreed on a price that must not be lower than a certain amount, and the output cannot be higher than a certain amount, and try not to compete. After all, there are too many good things in modern times, and they There are too few people, so there is no need to compete with each other. One or several people can do the same business. Only in this way can the monopoly gain huge profits.

And because of the emergence of these things, the trade balance, which was still barely flat, has now become an absolute surplus - the players did not buy many things from the merchants, but the merchants purchased many things from the players that they had never heard of in the customs. Novelties.

Naturally, Enron would not object to the player starting a business and making huge profits. After all, she could follow and collect taxes to reap the benefits. Moreover, if the player made money, he would have more money to buy her land. In the end, the money was in her hands. She Why bother to stop it? At the rate at which players are making money, it seems that Sicha can still make enough money even if she doesn't sell the land.

However, the land must be sold, because more and more players are building factories. If the land is not sold, players will have no place to build factories, which is not conducive to the development of the game.

So in addition to the land around the garden under construction, Enron also opened some places for players to purchase land.

After all, the land around the garden is too expensive, and some players who want to build factories cannot build factories around the garden, so Anron allocated a piece of land further away for those players to build factories. This place is far away from the current bustling area. There is some distance, so the price is cheaper, which is suitable for this group of players who build factories.

This area is called an industrial park by players. It is full of various manufacturers. In order to prevent the secret recipes of each company from being stolen by the ancients and affecting their own plans to make a fortune, the players spontaneously built industrial park walls and hired security guards. Patrol day and night.

Although this place is far away from the pass and sparsely populated, those merchants and the natives who were recruited to work in the factory, knowing that players can make money with their stuff, how can they not covet it, and there is no patent law here. Things like protecting intellectual property rights become theirs if others steal them, so how can we not strengthen patrols?

In fact, if possible, players would prefer to recruit players to work, because at least players will not steal lessons. After all, there is no need to steal lessons. You can find it by searching online. But, isn’t it 10,000 people, which is not enough to recruit? Let’s recruit players. You have to spend more money. After all, with less money, who would want to work in the game like outside the game? They would rather take on various tasks and play, free and unrestricted.

Because players cannot be recruited to work, some small factories are run by several players in partnership, and everyone takes turns to produce products. Anyway, nowadays, these novel things are originally about the value of scarcity. Those few people work together to make hand-made products in small quantities. It's okay to have a high price. This way, you don't have to worry about recruiting players to produce, and you don't have to worry about recruiting local production to leak technology. It's the safest.

Just when the players were building factories in full swing, they didn't know that the danger of war was approaching.

Huangsha City - this is the name An Ran gave to the new town he opened. Before, this area was all desert and was only collectively known as Guanwai. There was only one place name for a large area. After An Ran built the city here, he felt that if there was no name, it would not be the best place to live. It was convenient to call it, so An Ran randomly named it Huangsha City - its prosperity attracted the attention of a large sand bandit gang, and also put the prefect of Anyuan City, the capital two hundred miles away, on alert.

These large sand pirate gangs are close to the nature of gangs and sects. They are completely different from those gangs with dozens or dozens of people. They have their own territory, are large in number, and are well-organized. It is not easy to deal with them.

It is normal for Huangsha City to attract the attention of large-scale sand pirate gangs. After all, it has become prosperous. Players have also developed various good things, each of which is a huge profit. How can people not covet it? This large sand bandit gang thought that as long as they captured Huangsha City, they would take it away. So after hearing the news about Huangsha City, this sand bandit group planned to find time to attack Huangsha City. Anyway, this Huangsha City Shacheng is stupid. Unlike the capital cities in the pass, there are walls. If there are no walls, wouldn't it be easy to attack?

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