Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1860 The Fourth Disaster 24

She dropped out of school and was discovered by her parents earlier than An Ran expected. She originally thought it would be during the Chinese New Year. When her father and mother asked her about her academic problems, such as her test scores, she asked her in a casual manner, but on that day On a whim, Ji's father and Ji's mother drove over to see how their daughter was doing - her original hometown was four hours' drive from Xuancheng, which was not too far away. It was very convenient for her to go home on weekends or for her parents to come to see her on weekends - and found that An Ran was both They were not in school, nor in a rented house outside school. After careful inquiry, they found out that An Ran had dropped out of school for a long time, and they had no idea. When they thought of this, they couldn't help but get angry, and immediately called An Ran.

"An Ran, where are you?"

An Ran was surprised that Ji's father and Ji's mother called her now. The game prompted that there was a call outside, so she quit the game.

After listening to Ji's father and Ji's mother's inquiry, she felt that Ji's father and Ji's mother were unusual in asking her. Normally, she should have asked her if she had eaten and how she was doing recently. But instead of asking this, he directly asked her where she was. Something was wrong, so I thought about it and answered truthfully: "...in XX community."

Ji's father and mother did not ask her why she was in that community, but immediately hung up the phone, went to the community, and met An Ran.

After all, it's not convenient to argue on the phone.

As soon as she found An Ran, Ji's mother asked, "Why did you drop out of school? Also, did you withdraw from the house and move to such a far away place?"

An Ran said: "I'm busy playing games now and don't have time to go to school, so I quit. As for moving to such a far away place, it's because I don't have much money and can only afford a place so far away."

"Playing games?!" This is what Ji's father asked.

"Have you bought a house?" Ji's mother asked.

So An Ran told the two of them the answers he had prepared.

""King", this holographic game, even if you don't play games, you must have heard of it. It is our country's first holographic online game."

"I heard it." Ji's father and Ji's mother nodded. Even if they didn't play games, there was no way they wouldn't know about such a big thing.

"I applied for an account in this game, and then I made money in the game. Now I am busy making money and have no time to go to school, so I stopped going to school."

Father Ji and Mother Ji were stunned when they heard that their daughter actually had an account for this game.

They have also heard how valuable the accounts in this game are. It is said that one account can now be sold for millions. If sold to foreign countries, it will be even more expensive. They never thought that their daughter was so lucky that she actually won the lottery. The account for this game.

As for making money from this game, they didn't know much about it, but since their daughter said it would make money, she would definitely make money. After all, there was no need for her daughter to deceive them.

Although my daughter explained it, it makes sense to drop out of school. After all, as my daughter said, the purpose of going to school in the future is to make money. She has money to buy a house in Xuancheng in less than a year. She wants to come to school in the future. There is no need to worry about her making money, so dropping out of school is not so difficult for them to accept, but...

"If we didn't want to give you a surprise and this happened suddenly, would you still be planning to keep it a secret from us?"

Even if you can accept An Ran dropping out of school, you can't accept this girl hiding it from them.

"I really don't know. I just planned to go back and tell you during the Chinese New Year. Mainly because I felt that I couldn't explain a sentence or two on the phone, so I planned to tell you in person, so I didn't say anything for a while."

Ji's father and Ji's mother were spoiled by An Ran for a while before they accepted her statement and were no longer angry.

Although Ji's father and Ji's mother heard that their daughter was lucky and got a game account, because they are not people who like to play games, they were not as envious as those who do. They wanted to play, so they just asked her how to make money in the game.

"It's too simple. In the game, horses, clothes, jewelry, houses and land are all very expensive. Some rich people want it, but they don't earn enough from completing tasks, so they can only spend money to buy it from others. As for me, I work hard on tasks and earn a lot of game coins, so I sell them to them and make money. Sometimes I also do some live broadcasts of game videos. Now in this holographic online game, many people watch the live broadcasts in the game, which can also make money."

An Ran told Ji's father and Ji's mother how most players make money. Ji's father and Ji's mother nodded after hearing this, thinking that's how it is. She heard from her daughter that this method of making money makes money quickly, so it's no wonder that she is only a few years old. By the end of the month, I had money to buy a house. Although it was just a down payment and it was said that I had to pay off the loan slowly, it was normal for the game currency to be so valuable that it could be sold for so much money.

Seeing that their daughter was indeed earning a lot of money, Ji's father and mother were not worried, and immediately said: "It's not easy for you to make money alone, and you still have so many loans. I discussed with your father to sell a place in the house. It’s not a very good house, please help me.”

An Ran hurriedly waved her hands and said: "No, I can earn it slowly. You keep your money for your own use."

Ji's mother said: "Your father and I are the only daughter, so our money doesn't belong to you? Besides, we have enough money and can't afford this house, and the eighteenth-tier city in my hometown doesn't There isn’t much room for appreciation, so I might as well sell it to help you, so as not to keep it there without appreciation, falling, and losing money.”

Ji's father and Ji's mother insisted on doing this, so An Ran had no choice but to accept it, and then said: "When I save more money, I will buy another set and put it in your name. Then you will come to Xuancheng to retire, and we will live together." , it also saves you from worrying about your age in your hometown, and the medical conditions in Xuancheng are also better."

When Ji's father and mother heard what their daughter said, they didn't object. After all, their daughter was right. The medical conditions in Xuancheng were better. Besides, their daughter was in Xuancheng. If they wanted to be with their daughter, then come. But then It will probably be a long time later. After all, my daughter still has to repay the loan. I don’t know when she will be able to save money for a second house. And they are still young and still working, so they are not in a hurry to come here to provide for their retirement. So just accept your daughter's kindness first and let's talk about it later.

——They never thought at this time that their daughter would be able to buy another house soon after making so much money.

But that's all for the future. When Ji's father and Ji's mother saw that An Ran was fine, they stopped pursuing the matter of dropping out of school. They lived in their daughter's new house for two days and returned to their hometown on Sunday night. After all, they were still there on Monday. Gotta go to work.

After sending Ji's father and Ji's mother away, An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was thinking about dropping out of school, but she finally made it clear to Ji's father and Ji's mother. In this way, the matter in reality was almost settled. Next, as long as the matter is dealt with Just the things in the game and the things about Shangguan's family, his original enemies, will be enough.

These two things are obviously much more difficult than dealing with Ji's father and Ji's mother.

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