Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1863 The Fourth Disaster 27

The several ministers he asked looked at each other in confusion, and after a long while, someone finally said hesitantly: "Why don't we do the opposite? Since the emperor protects the third prince, why not suggest to the emperor that the emperor bring the third prince back?" .…”

"Bring him back?! No, no, no! We finally exiled him and then brought him back. Are we stupid? Doing something like this and slapping ourselves in the face?"

"Your Highness, we didn't know that the third prince was so capable before, so it was a good thing to exile him and have one less prince in the capital. But now, since the third prince is so capable, it is not a good thing to put him outside. He is like this. It's like a dragon swimming in the sea, now we have to get him back and trap him in the capital."

The dragon trapped in the shallows was tricked by shrimps, but I couldn't say this. After all, if I said it, wouldn't they become shrimps? But that’s the truth.

"Then what if he takes An Ran back and His Majesty likes the third child and wants to make him the crown prince?" This is the reason why the eldest prince is unwilling to take An Ran back. He is worried about this. It's not that he didn't expect the ministers to mention it. The reason for this proposal.

The ministers couldn't help but smile after hearing the eldest prince's worries: "When we return to the capital, the third prince will still be the same third prince as before. The third prince before has never fought against us. The ministers don't think that he can fight against us in the future." We, in the final analysis, are careless. Shouldn't we let him out so that he can spread his wings and fly? We should bring him back, fold his wings, and put him in a cage. In this way, no matter how capable he is, he will be unable to fly one day. My great abilities are useless.”

After hearing what everyone said, the eldest prince couldn't help but hesitate, thought for a while, and said: "If we mention this, will we be attacked by others? After all, it was several families who drove him out together."

He didn't want to cause public outrage and be attacked by other companies just because they said they would bring the third prince back, and then receive the same treatment as the third prince.

"Don't worry, if we think of this, others will think of it too. When we come forward and they think of this, they will definitely work hard to get His Majesty to recall the third prince."

When the listeners said this, the eldest prince had nothing to say, so he said: "Okay, let's do what you said."

So the next day, someone wrote a letter saying that the third prince had made great contributions to improving people's livelihood in the border areas, and his majesty should recall him to the capital to commend him.

And just as the eldest prince thought, one of his people wrote this. Soon, other princes' disciples also thought of this, so one or two of them, with compassionate expressions, suggested that the emperor call the third prince back. He said that although he had made some mistakes in the past, he was now doing meritorious deeds on the border, and his merits and demerits were balanced, and it was not good for him to continue to suffer on the border.

This scene is a bit funny. You must know that just over a year ago, these people swarmed to frame the third prince, and then wrote a letter asking the emperor to exile the third prince to the border. Now they are swarming to ask your majesty to recall the third prince. How can we not let people Think it's ridiculous?

Emperor Yongfeng is not a fool. Seeing that these people were trying to get rid of the third prince more than a year ago, and even wanted to kill him, and now they are saying they want to get him back. Although I don’t know what tricks they are playing, but I felt that most of them had bad intentions. Since they had bad intentions, if I thought about it, I immediately understood what these people were up to, and I couldn't help but darken my face.

Well, I used to think that the third child was an eyesore, so I got him away. Now I see that the third child is doing well outside, so I am scared, so I want to bring him back and restrain him, right? I really think that this court belongs to them. What do they want to do? !

Emperor Yongfeng, who had figured it out, immediately turned dark and ignored the group of people who wrote the letter.

These people didn't succeed, so they naturally kept jumping around. If they weren't afraid of bringing a good reputation to the third prince, they would also want to create momentum among the people and let people know that the third prince was doing very well in the frontier. They sympathized with the third prince and wanted to The emperor refused to let the third prince come back, but forced the emperor to agree to recall the third prince.

But fearing that this would make the third prince more and more famous, these people stopped doing this and only played around in the court.

Because their hands were tied in this way, the emperor was not tricked by them, and everyone had no choice but to remain in a stalemate like this.

While there was a stalemate between Beijing and China, Enron's career was developing better and better.

With the completion of Wunan City, Huangsha City, and Xifeng City (the name An Ran randomly gave to the third small town), An Ran's territory is expanding.

And 30,000 players have been helping her plant trees, which has resulted in these three small towns on the border that are covered with wind and sand all year round. The greening is getting better and better, and they look more and more like small towns in the Central Plains.

This is also thanks to Enron's system.

In reality, such desert areas are generally short of water. Trees can be planted, but water is difficult to obtain. In the end, trees cannot survive without water, making it very difficult to plant trees.

But the game is different. Although in this game, Enron does not sell players the kind of backpack or package that can hold items - after all, that kind of thing is too fantasy. If the natives discover it, don't go crazy, so the game system Although there is it in the mall, Enron didn't buy it and sell it - but Anron can buy water in the mall. There is no need to worry about there being no water in the game. If the player has no water to water the tree, the tree will grow white.

In each city, there are several water supply NPCs in the four directions of east, west, north and south. After watering players receive the task, they can receive water from the water supply NPC; if they do not receive the task, the water supply NPC will not give water if needed. , I will buy it.

There is no need to worry about players receiving free water without having to sell it or use it themselves, because once the water is received for completing tasks, it will become a task prop. If the player does not complete the task, the water will not disappear, but at the same time, players can also use it. No.

As for where the water supply NPC comes from... this is naturally distributed to everyone after An Ran buys it from the mall. Each water supply NPC has a large water tank. When the players come, they put two buckets of water for them. They carried it to water it.

As for the water in the water tank, it seems that there is an endless supply... This is all a game. There is an endless supply of water. Isn't this normal? So players have no doubts at all.

Water is quite heavy. A bucket of water weighs about fifty kilograms, and a load of water weighs a hundred kilograms. But don’t worry about players not being able to carry it - players in the army are strong and can carry it by themselves. After all, this is also a kind of exercise. ; Among the ordinary players who are adventurous, they can usually do it after training. If you don't have the strength, or if you have it, but don't want to contribute, just pay and let the natives pick it, as long as they water it in the end. , letting others choose on the way does not count as mission failure.

Are you afraid that the natives won't be willing? As long as you pick a little way, you can get some copper coins. The natives are very willing. It's just carrying water. They can walk dozens of miles without feeling tired. Now they only walk It's much easier to find a way than to do some dirty and tiring work.

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