Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1865 The Fourth Disaster 29

Of course, the rewards for killing ordinary soldiers and generals are naturally different, and the rewards for killing generals are more generous.

Seeing the mission released by An Ran, many players were excited. You know, since the last time they dealt with the Black Wind Sand Bandits, there have been no large gangs for them to wipe out recently. There are only some sporadic sand bandits for them to wipe out, and as they move The reputation spread more and more widely, and the sand bandits were all around them. It was difficult to find anyone who wanted to fight against the sand bandits.

But now, if the Kun tribe invades, there will definitely be a lot of people coming. Then they will have monsters to fight and get a lot of things at the same time. Can the players not be excited?

The information obtained by the players and NPCs is naturally correct. After all, they are so serious, how could they not find out the real information? Moreover, the Kun people are confident that Daqi will continue to do what they did in previous years, not daring to do anything to them and let them plunder. Therefore, they did not deliberately conceal the information, so the players knew clearly the time of their departure.

Now that you know when they will come, you will naturally prepare in advance.

Although the enemy has tens of thousands of cavalry, the entire army will naturally not be dispatched just to capture a grassy valley. According to the usual practice, thousands of cavalry will be dispatched to plunder.

They generally do not bring infantry. After all, the cavalry regiment is very fast and the infantry cannot keep up. Although Daqi will not care about their looting, they generally still worry about it, fearing that one day Daqi will take care of it, and then the infantry will There should be no casualties. After all, be careful when sailing a ten thousand year ship, and they don’t want any of their own people to be damaged, and the cavalry don’t have to be afraid. The people from Daqi can’t catch up with them. After all, Daqi’s horses are not as good as theirs. .

Just like Daqi would block the supply of salt and iron to them, they would also block the supply of horses to Daqi. Occasionally, if the relationship between the two countries improves, they will trade, but Daqi will only give them low-quality iron, and they will do the same. They would only give Da Qi inferior horses, so even if Da Qi had cavalry, their horses would not be as good as theirs, and they did not have to worry about the enemy catching up.

Therefore, when the Kun people send out troops, they usually use cavalry, and then one man has two horses. When he comes back, it is better to let the other horse carry the loot than to carry the infantry. After all, how much can one infantry carry, but one horse can't Same.

They are all cavalry, and the horses are much better than the previous Black Wind Sand Bandits. Faced with such an opponent, the players are not afraid of how to fight. They have already discussed it on the forum.

"Intercept them on the way and don't let them enter our territory. Otherwise, even if we fight with them, they won't have time to plunder, but entering our territory will destroy our things and cause us losses. So they have to be kept out of the territory.”

"Yes! We continue to use the infantry phalanx. We have more people now, and they are placed together. No matter how many cavalry they have, they can't break through our defense line."

"Fortunately, this is a desert, so it's convenient to set up an infantry phalanx."

"The same goes for them. Fortunately it's a desert, otherwise their cavalry wouldn't be able to do its job if it were a mountainous area."

Everyone agreed and estimated the time. Under the leadership of each commander, everyone formed an infantry square formation and rushed forward, preparing to meet the enemy.

Naturally, Enron's private soldiers cannot use the player's method to meet the enemy. After all, the natives cannot be resurrected like the player. They are going to die, but they are really dead, so the player's method is naturally not suitable for them.

So they used cavalry tactics.

——An Ran provided horses and armor for his private soldiers. Therefore, An Ran’s private soldiers had a cavalry team. The number was not large, only about 200 people. There was no other way. An Ran had no money, so he had to raise 200 cavalrymen. It's very expensive, almost equivalent to the cost of raising two thousand infantry.

Relying on infantry that cannot be resurrected to defeat the Kun cavalry is a complete loss of life. Naturally, Anron will not let the indigenous soldiers die on such a trivial matter, so he is preparing to dispatch the cavalry from his own private army for an actual battle this time.

But this cavalry tactic is completely different from the cavalry tactics of this era. After all, as a nomadic people, the Kun people have extremely strong wandering ability, but An Ran's men do not have such strong wandering ability. Attacking the enemy's strength is not something An Ran would do. Therefore, during training, An Ran's cavalry always uses the wall charge, which is a classic in later generations. The wall charge has a great advantage against the classical cavalry.

Although it has great advantages, it is not completely without damage. Anron does not intend to let the cavalry that he has trained so hard be used up in this place, so he just tells them to let them go and practice. The most important thing this time is to do something. Actual combat experience, so saving your life is the most important, just fight almost enough, no need to fight desperately.

In fact, Enron's private soldiers often fight against sand pirates. It's not that they have no combat experience. It's just that when the private soldiers are well-armed, fighting against sand pirates is a complete battle between adults and children. They win every time, which is boring. But this time It's different. The opponent is a regular army. Let them practice and gain some knowledge.

The Kun tribe doesn't know about Anran's battle preparations, but even if they know, they don't take it seriously. They are very confident in their cavalry, and there is a popular saying that "if the cavalry is less than ten thousand, it will be invincible if there are ten thousand". explain.

But they don’t know that for the indigenous soldiers in this time and space, what they said may be right, but unfortunately, they are facing a dimensionality reduction attack, whether it is the infantry square formation that defeats the cavalry, or the wall type that defeats the classical cavalry. Charges are separated from their tactics by an era. An era is completely about dimensionality reduction strikes.

Some of the players even produced a lot of black powder. They didn't intend to blow up the enemy. They just wanted to make the enemy's horses run away in fear, and their own people would trample on their own people, thereby losing some combat effectiveness.

In fact, some players are already working on more powerful modern explosives instead of black powder. If that thing appears, it will be even more invincible.

The Kun tribe knew nothing about the enemy's strength. They only thought that the people on Anron's side were no different from other Daqi people. They could win before, and they could still win today and return home with great achievements.

And the facts obviously won't develop as they imagined.

Halfway there, they encountered a minefield.

They galloped in the desert, and Qianqi brought up bursts of yellow sand. Soon their field of vision was dim. Fortunately, they were used to the dim color caused by the yellow sand, and they could still see clearly in the distance.

No, after a while, the leader reined up his horse with a "huh" sound, pointed at a patch of green ahead with his whip, and said happily to the tribe: "We're almost there."

The entire desert is desolate and the grass is yellow in winter. Only under the rule of An Ran can there be green. The trees created by afforestation are also green in winter, bringing a green color to the desert.

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