Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1867 The Fourth Disaster 31

Moreover, these people all had red names, and they had obviously killed the people of Daqi before. In this case, they would naturally not show mercy and let them go, but would kill them all in exchange for rewards.

Soon, the players and An Ran's private soldiers wiped out the thousands of Kun cavalry and began to share the spoils. Some were kept for their own use, while others were sold out to make money.

Everyone gained a lot, but since there were only a thousand enemies and tens of thousands of players, there were naturally some people who didn't get anything. These people were dissatisfied and clamored on the forum to attack the Kun Clan's base camp, hoping to get another one. Pen.

Their reason is also very reasonable - the Kun tribe attacks the third prince's territory, and the third prince should fight back.

Not to mention that the Kun cavalry over there were wiped out very quickly, nor that the players began to look forward to counterattacking the Kun tribe's base camp, but in order to successfully eliminate the third prince, when the Kun tribe attacked, several princes in the capital also bought a lot of assassins. , preparing to kill An Ran again with this wave of offensive, thinking that An Ran was worried about the Kun tribe's attack, and with fewer people around him, he might be able to succeed.

Not to mention the Kun tribe's attack, they not only did not resist the enemy, but also joined with outsiders to attack their own people. In their eyes, the Kun tribe was nothing more than scabies, and the third prince was the biggest threat to them, so they fought with the enemies who invaded their country. What happened to cooperation?

And they thought really well. In order to meet the enemy, the Third Prince's Mansion had indeed fewer players taking on the task of killing assassins.

But no matter how few there are, there are still some people, and that is the military people - they accept the order of the country and are ordered to protect the safety of the third prince. They must not let anything happen to the third prince, lest the third prince dies. This There is really no game left to play, and the country suffers a loss.

So although many players ran away, the military personnel kept staring at the third prince and did not go about the task of fighting against the Kun tribe.

Of course, not all the people from the military are here. Those who have not left are the people from the military who have reached 60 points of favorability. Those who have not reached 60 points of favorability are went on a mission to fight against the Kun tribe.

Because there are people from the military here all the time, plus the NPC guards bought by An Ran, and An Ran's own martial arts skills are not low, so those princes who wanted to take advantage of the situation naturally failed again and lost a lot of money and manpower.

And this benefits the players who defend Anron. All players, including military players, have gained a lot from killing many assassins, no less than those who fought against the Kun cavalry. After all, in the Third Prince There are fewer players in the mansion and more assassins. Proportionally speaking, it is obviously easier for the players who kill the assassins to kill the assassins and then complete the mission. This is not a huge gain.

Not to mention the increase in assassins on An Ran's side, but on the Kun tribe's side, thousands of cavalry were sent to wait for a few days to harvest rich money, supplies, women and children, etc. Especially this year, the third prince's territory is particularly rich, which will rob If they are plundered, the Kun tribe will take advantage of it. When they have money, they can buy more weapons and equipment, and I am afraid they can even defeat the Central Plains.

As a result, no movement was seen for ten days in a row. King Kun felt that something was wrong. After all, in the past, no matter how slow it was, he would come back in ten days. Why hasn't he come back now? So they immediately sent someone over to inquire about the situation.

This inquiry led to a shocking piece of news, saying that the Third Prince's men had wiped out all the thousands of cavalry sent out by the Kun tribe!

Is this news not scary? At first, the Kun people didn't believe it. After all, they knew how incompetent the Daqi people were. How could such incompetent people and even the army be able to wipe out so many of them? So this news must be false.

But as more and more news came, it was confirmed. It was also said that people in Daqi had the ability to summon the God of Thunder. It was said that the reason why they were able to eliminate the Kun cavalry before was because of the summoning of the God of Thunder.

This news made the Kun tribe people shocked. They were able to accept the fact that their thousands of cavalry were indeed wiped out by the Daqi people. They thought, it should not be that the Daqi people have become more powerful, but that the Daqi people can summon the thunder god. Because of the fact that they were able to summon the God of Thunder, their own cavalry suffered misfortune.

However, if the people in Daqi can really summon the God of Thunder, then they will have to stay away from them in the future, lest they summon the God of Thunder and kill them again.

Of course, before that, they need to conduct further investigations to confirm that people in Daqi can indeed summon the God of Thunder. If this news is false, they will naturally not stop intruding on Daqi. After all, stopping the intrusion will cause them great losses. It's very big. Unless there are special circumstances, they will not do this.

Not to mention that the Kun tribe was shocked and prepared to further investigate the truth of the matter, but they told the players that An Ran agreed to attack the Kun tribe's base camp after thinking about it for a while.

This task was released immediately.

"The Kun tribe has attacked the people of Daqi for many years, plundering the property, women and children of the people of Daqi. It is time to eliminate them, avenge the dead, and at the same time bring peace to the people in the border areas. Kill a Kun tribe with a red name, and the reward is: silver coins XX, reputation XXX.”

An Ran's mission is also very clear. It is not to kill everyone on sight. Just like how to deal with the Black Wind Sand Bandits before, it will only kill those who have killed the common people of Daqi. Players with non-red names cannot kill unless they are attacked and counterattacked.

When the players saw this mission, they all started gearing up.

They had made inquiries and found out that there were hundreds of thousands of people in the Kun tribe. Even if only one-tenth of them had red names, there would still be tens of thousands of people. If they were killed, they would get a lot of benefits.

However, there should be more than one tenth of the people with red names. After all, the Kun tribe has been plundering Daqi people for decades. Some older people may not have robbed Daqi people now, but they certainly did when they were young. Those who had plundered, and thus killed, the people of Daqi, accumulated over the past few decades, were definitely more than one-tenth.

In this way, there are so many people with red names. Isn't it enough for the players to deal with? One person can be spread out regardless of what he does. In this way, almost everyone can make a fortune in this task, which naturally makes everyone Excited.

However, attacking the Kun tribe's base camp is not that easy.

We were able to win easily before because we were caught by surprise. The enemy didn't even know they had such things as mines. And since the cavalry was outside, it was easy for them to successfully attack by surprise.

But now, in their base camp, if you blow up, they are not riding horses, so naturally they will not be so panicked that they will fall off their backs, so what's the use? Moreover, they also know that there are such things as landmines and will be on guard against them. However, there are hundreds of thousands of people and only 30,000 players. The contrast in the number of people is too huge. This makes it even more difficult to succeed.

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