Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1874 The Fourth Disaster 38

Soon, the time came for An Ran not to go back.

But when it comes to the border, there is more than just the Kun tribe. Not far from Anyuan City, there is also a larger alien tribe, the San tribe. The place they live in is not a desert, but a good land, but the place is a bit remote and desolate. It's a bit cold, not as warm as the Central Plains, and a bit cold.

Because it is good land, their territory is larger and the population is larger. At the same time, they also yearn for the prosperous land of the Central Plains. They have always been eyeing the Central Plains and want to live in a better place.

No, this time, the San people took advantage of the warm spring and the blooming of flowers, and Da Qi was plowing in the spring, and launched a war without warning.

——Daqi felt that it was impossible for the enemy to launch an attack at such an important time as spring plowing. In fact, it was just the opposite. The more impossible it was, the more likely the San tribe would take action.

Soon the court was focused on this war and had no time to take care of Anron. Of course, even if it wanted to, it couldn't, because the city ahead was soon controlled by the San tribe. Anyuan City, including Anron, was Being cut off.

Of course, the land in the world is boundless. If they took a long, long detour, they could still go back to Daqi, but that would be very troublesome, so An Ran used the excuse that the road ahead was cut off and did not go back.

The battle ahead was raging, and Eunuch Wang did not dare to take risks, so An Ran said he would not go back for the time being, and Eunuch Wang did not dare to force him to go back. Now that the court was in trouble both internally and externally, Eunuch Wang was very worried that if he forced himself too much, An Ran would kill him, but he still Those who cherish their lives naturally don't want this to happen.

Therefore, there is a reason why this game system allows the third prince, An Ran, to win and dominate the world. This is because Da Qi is actually in turmoil. The evil neighbors have long seen that Da Qi's internal pockets are empty, so they want to take a bite of it. The current emperor of Qi and his sons are simply unable to defend the already shaky country. Without this game system and allowing the three princes to dominate the world, Qi will fall apart.

In the original world, this is the result.

Not long after the original person took over the game system, he was discovered by Shangguanming and imprisoned.

The Shangguan family only wants to engage in biological research and weapons research in the game. Naturally, they will not care whether Daqi will be wiped out. After all, the Shangguan family, who come from a higher-tech civilization, will not care about how this lower civilization develops.

On the contrary, after the Qi Dynasty fell apart, the Shangguan family took advantage of the chaos in the world and the increase in war injuries, diseases, plagues caused by the dead, etc., so they tried many medicines on living people, and even in the later stages, they completely lost their conscience. , he also took the initiative to poison and then tested the properties of the medicine. Now speaking, it was a biological and chemical war.

Of course, now that it is An Ran's turn in this mission world, she will naturally not let such a thing happen.

At present, Anran saw that the Sanqi War had broken out, so he did not take care of it immediately, but continued to develop his own.

Because the Sanqi War will not be a problem for a while. After all, although Daqi had fierce internal strife and heavy taxes, peasant uprisings occurred in many places, and there were still people who occupied the mountains and became kings in many places, at any rate It is still unified and has not yet been divided. Under such circumstances, invasion by foreign enemies will naturally be fine for a while.

But as time went by, military expenditures increased, and the court increased taxes more and more, resulting in the people being taxed too heavily and unable to survive. More and more people rebelled, and eventually they would be completely torn apart.

Although Daqi did not directly perish at the hands of the San people in the end, the invasion of the San people was the straw that broke the camel's back. Without the invasion of the San people, Daqi might have been able to survive for a while, but due to the invasion of the San people, military expenditures Expenditures increased, and the court continued to collect taxes to make up for military expenditures, which eventually led to the rapid demise of Da Qi.

Although it perished very quickly, that was compared to the long period of chaos. In fact, it still took several years from the invasion of the San tribe to the demise of Da Qi.

So Enron still has time to develop.

At that moment, Enron began to expand its territory to the border.

From Huangsha City, where the third prince is, to the border, there are still many open areas. In the past, these areas were buffer zones between the Kun people and Anyuan City. Now, Anron has decided to separate the Kun people and Anyuan City. The vast territory between the cities was all managed. An Ran thought that if this area was managed well, it would be quite a big territory, with a radius of almost two hundred kilometers, or tens of thousands of square kilometers.

In the past, it was difficult for Anron to develop in that direction, for fear that getting closer would alert the court.

But now, the court has too much to take care of itself, and the Sang tribe has cut off the road leading to the court, so An Ran can naturally develop in that direction without worrying about anyone jumping out to stop it.

When Eunuch Wang saw An Ran moving towards the border, he could see that her ambition was becoming more and more obvious. But now that the war was stalemate ahead and he could not go back, he naturally did not dare to jump out and stop him, lest he angered An Ran and would be killed by An Ran. Sacrifice flag.

Since there was no one to stop it, Enron was now focused on developing these tens of thousands of square kilometers.

During this period, An Ran also dealt with some troublemaking players, including his original enemy Shangguan Ming, who were all planning to do things in the game that were not allowed in reality.

At that moment, An Ran blocked the accounts of Shangguan Ming and some foreign players who were causing trouble, and put them on the blacklist, reminding them not to do things in the game that were not allowed in reality and that she had not approved.

——Some things are not allowed to be done in reality, but they can be done if she approves them, such as killing those red-named natives. In reality, they are usually handed over to the police, police and courts for trial, but in the game, as long as they are red-named natives, If you have killed someone before, you can kill them.

Enron's reasons were fair and aboveboard, and those who were punished had nothing to say. It just took a long time to build a simple laboratory, and then suddenly he was taken over by Anron, which was a bit unacceptable.

Most of the laboratories that have been seized are officially built laboratories abroad. If they are gone, they will be gone. Anyway, they are state investments, so they can still survive.

But the Shangguan family was taken over. It was built with great effort by their family. In order to build a pharmaceutical laboratory as close to modern times as possible in a backward civilization like the game, it cost them a lot of money. Now it is closed. They also blacklisted all members of their team. This loss was a bit big and the Shangguan family couldn't accept it.

But no matter how hard it is, I can't accept it, because this is not the world of the original body. Shangguanming is familiar with the original body. If you have any requests, you can directly ask the original body. In this world now, Shangguanming and Anran are not familiar with each other at all, and there is no way to bargain with Anran. , asking her to return the laboratory to them, or return their account to them, would only result in her teeth being knocked out and blood swallowed, there was no other way.

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