Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1877 The Fourth Disaster 41

An Ran has long disliked them, but she was just an exiled prince before and had no right to deal with them. Now that there is a war in Sanqi and she has cut off contact with the court, she can use this matter of selling supplies to the San tribe. Banning these people from entering the country, although it is not possible to deal with them for the time being, it would be nice to be able to keep them out of sight.

She doesn't care that the departure of these merchants will have a major impact on the territory's economy and supplies, because she has accumulated a lot of money now. If there is a problem with the territory's supplies due to the departure of these people, she can buy them from the mall. Then sell it to the natives or players who are short of supplies through the mission NPC, so there is no need to worry about the shortage of supplies.

Not to mention, after those merchants left, they really thought angrily in their hearts, thinking, Okay, Third Prince, you drive us away, okay, let’s go. We’ll see if you are short of supplies in this desolate place after we leave. But what to do!

It's a pity that they never thought that without Butcher Zhang, An Ran could still eat pigs with hair on them. The world would not revolve around one person, and it would not work without him.

Therefore, the departure of these people did not have any impact on Enron's territory. On the contrary, it had a great impact on those businessmen. Some even affected these people to regret that they should not be so stubborn and did not abide by Enron's regulations.

As mentioned before, there are desert thieves plundering everywhere in the desert, that is, the five cities under Anron's rule. Oh no, there are already seven cities. Anran developed two more cities in the desert on the other side of Anyuan City. That is to say, the Seven Cities under An Ran's rule are particularly safe. Because of their safety, they have attracted a large number of merchants to transit here.

Now, these people who sell things to the San people have been declared by Anron as unwelcome people and their entry is restricted. They can only go to the San people by detouring from other places. Naturally, other places are not as safe as under Enron's rule, and even more so. The important thing is that Enron's territory is now very large. They have to completely bypass Enron's territory. The detour distance is quite long and they are all unfamiliar roads that have not been traveled before. Naturally, the risk has also increased. From time to time, Sanwu would encounter sand pirates. Sometimes, not only would he not make any money, but he would also suffer a lot of losses. Overall, it was better to comply with Enron's regulations and supply Daqi, although the profit was not as much as selling it. It's a lot for the Sang people, but at least it's safe. Now that it's better, let alone making money, they don't even care about safety. In this way, these people will start to regret not listening to Enron's arrangements.

The profit was not as much as selling it to Daqi, which naturally made some people unhappy, so some people began to cross the border secretly, walking from the border under Anron's rule, thinking that such a place should not be discovered by Enron, and at the same time, it would be safe. .

But it's a pity that they wanted to take advantage of An Ran, but they didn't want to abide by her rules. They also planned to continue selling things to hostile countries, but they failed, because there were a group of survivors of the former dynasty under An Ran wandering on the border, and they had special eyes. Sharp, they would often be discovered as soon as they came over. Once discovered, their goods would be confiscated as instructed by the third prince.

They didn't know why those people had such sharp eyes, but after this happened several times, they didn't dare to come over.

Little did they know that An Ran had already assigned players the task of patrolling the border. Once they found a trader coming, they would go forward to investigate and ask the other party to give a trader's pass. Since some people were expelled, in order to easily distinguish who cannot come in, An Ran issued passes to merchants. This kind of pass is not permanent. Once it is found that a person holding a merchant pass is selling things to the San people, the pass will be canceled. This is a good way to prevent people from borrowing their passes. A situation for people who can't come in unless they don't want to do it anymore.

And players don’t have to worry that the Hongshang Pass is fake, because the system is omnipotent. The system can spot fake passes created by Hongshang himself at a glance. At the same time, the system also has the appearance of the pass holder. If the holder is the same as Players can spot people in the system who look different, so players who want to lend their passes to others or forge passes can immediately find out.

Every time they find out, the players will taunt them fiercely, often slapping the person in the face with shame. Players are the first to look down on people who sell supplies to the enemy and act in a conducive manner to the enemy.

"Don't you look down on His Highness the Third Prince? Why are you here?"

"That's right, if you can, just take your Yangguan Road. Don't worry about the single-plank bridge on the Third Highness's side. When you left, weren't you quite cool? You even said that the Third Highness was too strict in his work. Harsh, drive all the merchants away. From now on, we will have no supplies here and will drink from the northwest wind. Just leave. Do you want to see our show? Since you want to see our show, it must be because you feel that you do not abide by the three Your Highness will follow the rules and live a good life. In that case, why are you sneaking across the border?! Isn't this a slap in the face?"

"Remember, if you are a man, you have to spit and nail him. Don't slap yourself in the face! Remember, don't come here again!"

"Hey! Are you here to send warmth? You know that His Highness the Third Prince has issued an order to cross the border secretly. Once you get it, the goods will be confiscated, but you still insist on coming to the door, good people!"


When hearing these words, all the merchants had ugly expressions on their faces.

It’s no wonder that their faces look ugly. Even if their things are confiscated, they are ridiculed and slapped in the face like this. No one can stand it.

Although I saw that the goods were confiscated by Anron and suffered huge losses, I felt uncomfortable and hated Anron more and more, but I was also frightened, thinking about why these survivors of the previous dynasty, who looked like crazy people in the past, were so alert, and they all sent people to inquire about the situation. They ran in after making sure that no one was passing by at the moment. Why did these guys arrive not long after running in, and then found themselves and others? Isn't this too fast? It was so fast that they all wondered if their information was wrong.

In fact, their intelligence was really wrong. How did they know that players all have maps? Players can see where someone comes in. And if the trader registers with An Ran, they can also see which trader comes in. , naturally one will be caught as soon as possible.

As for their spies not finding the players, but the players can suddenly appear, it is naturally because of the map. They know that these merchants will send people to inquire about their whereabouts, so the players deliberately avoid these spies. Players have maps and avoid these spies. It's not a trivial matter. In fact, the player is nearby, but the spies can't see it, causing the intelligence to be wrong. Then when the big fish takes the bait, the player jumps out and catches the person. This way, the player can catch the person accurately, which makes the player gain a lot. rich.

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