Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1886 The Fourth Disaster 50

Although they have only occupied the capital for a short time, everyone likes the prosperity and convenience here, and no one wants to leave.

And when they thought about the third prince fighting and possibly winning, and then they would not be able to enjoy anything anymore, they couldn't accept it. After all, it was difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After enjoying it, and then losing it, it was really unbearable.

At present, the San clan gathered together to discuss.

"We'll fight him first. If we can't defeat him, we'll negotiate with Emperor Yongfeng. If he wants to save his father, he will retreat to the south of the Yangtze River. From now on, we will rule across the river. Otherwise, we won't give him his father."

After hearing this suggestion, someone couldn't help but sneer and said: "He may wish his father died, let alone his father going back. After all, if he goes back, he will have to fight for power. This is not what he wants to see. So this The plan is probably useless."

"Whether it works or not, let's give it a try first. He really doesn't want Emperor Yongfeng to go back, but if he does this, he won't be able to explain to the people, so no matter how reluctant he is, he still has to save his father on the surface. If he If they are not willing to fight across the river with us, at the very least, they must let us leave safely."

"That's true. If you can't beat it, let's try it then."

"What if... I mean what if, what if the third prince of Da Qi doesn't care about his father at all and is not afraid of what the world's public opinion says about him and continues to attack?"

Everyone in the Sang clan couldn't help but suffocate when they heard someone mention it like this.

After a long while, King Sang said: "Be ready to retreat at any time."

Someone whispered: "Then we have to think of a foolproof strategy, because the people under the third prince are like madmen. Once the city is broken, we don't know whether we can successfully break through."

"It's okay. They haven't taken care of the first few gates, but there are only nine city gates. What's more, there are thirteen gates in the capital. Their troops are only 50,000. They are scattered among the thirteen gates. The troops in front of each gate Not enough, if we disperse and escape then, there is still hope of escaping."

Everyone nodded silently after hearing this, thinking that this was the only way to gamble their lives.

They never thought that in just two or three months, they would run away in panic like bereaved dogs. You must know that at that time, they had successfully conquered Daqi, and they felt proud that they would definitely be able to secure this country and enjoy the colorful world in the pass. Well, as a result, before my butt is warmed up, I have to leave the colorful world of Beijing, and I can’t bear to think about it.

Thinking of this, many people who were no longer optimistic about their own side began to move quietly. Taking advantage of Anran's side that had not yet besieged the city, they began to send loyal servants to secretly return to the San clan's hometown with their beloved wives, concubines, children, and stolen property. .

Seeing that their beloved children were safely sent away, many people couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Now it's better, even if you can't defeat them, if you stay here, your children will still be alive, and there is still hope of killing them back in the future.

An Ran spent three days renovating in the capital camp and then began to attack the city.

The walls of the capital are naturally taller and thicker, and the giant trebuchets inside are naturally more powerful.

However, attacking the capital is not any more difficult than attacking other cities.

This is not because An Ran has explosives on hand, but because military players are becoming more and more experienced in this kind of siege warfare. Secondly, when the San tribe attacked the capital a few months ago, they destroyed the city wall. , after they took over, although they repaired the city wall, they were not completely repaired. The main reason was that it had been raining recently, and they couldn't repair it even if they wanted to. After all, when it rains, the clay used to build the wall cannot be dried. It cannot be repaired. Even if this wall is repaired, it will fall down if someone pushes it, so it is not repaired.

If it is not repaired, it will be much easier for An Ran to attack the city.

The San tribe looked up and down at how quickly An Ran's men came in through the gaps, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that it was really a good reincarnation. A few months ago, they were so happy that they finally broke through the city and invaded. Now there are so many people. I regret why I destroyed the city wall so thoroughly that it is now difficult to defend the city, allowing them to come in quickly.

The prosperity and scenery of the past, as An Ran's army entered the city, it seemed that all the good life was about to leave them, and it seemed that they had to use life-saving weapons.

So, just as the players poured into the city, someone discovered that Emperor Yongfeng and several princes appeared on the city.

Obviously, the San tribe didn't want to engage in close combat with those crazy players, so when they saw that they were attacking, they used this weapon to avoid further losses.

The reason why they didn't push Emperor Yongfeng out immediately and let Anran not attack them was because they originally held on to a glimmer of hope, thinking that Anran couldn't capture the capital. In that case, they wouldn't need to exchange Emperor Yongfeng for it, but now , since we can't beat them, we naturally have to exchange them.

At this time, Emperor Yongfeng was forced by the Sang people, so he had no choice but to say: "Lao San, tell your people to retreat quickly, otherwise the Sang people will kill me, and your brothers and sisters."

Although he felt embarrassed to have him say such things, at this point, he had no choice but to do what the San said.

At the same time, I still blame An Ran in my heart, thinking that since An Ran is so capable, why didn't she come earlier? If she had come earlier, the capital would not be broken, and in that case, he would not be caught by the Sang people and lose his face.

He was blaming An Ran now, but he had long forgotten that he was afraid that An Ran would be more powerful if he had soldiers, so he didn't let An Ran rescue him before the Sang tribe reached the capital. He just complained like this.

When I was thinking like this, I was already thinking in my heart that after I was rescued and An Ran drove away the Sang people again, and his family and life were safe, I would have to find an excuse to kill An Ran. Of course, today After seeing this ugly prince, he wanted to kill him, so as not to leave a bad reputation in the history books in the future. As long as everyone at the scene is gone, he can whitewash it and don't have to worry about his reputation being damaged.

Hearing what Emperor Yongfeng said, the whole audience couldn't help but fall silent.

Both the natives and the players were watching An Ran's statement, and the ongoing war stopped as if pressing the pause button.

The players couldn't help but secretly worry, fearing that An Ran would compromise. In that case, their attack on the city would be in vain.

result! An Ran lived up to their expectations. At that moment, An Ran didn't even look at the wall. He just said to the players: "Aren't you still attacking the city? Why did you stop? Fight quickly. Let's eat early after the battle."

As soon as the players heard this, they couldn't help but feel relieved. The pause button was revoked, and the shouts and screams continued to sound.

Emperor Yongfeng couldn't help but feel green and red on his face when he saw An Ran's actions. He was still thinking in his heart that he would kill An Ran when he was no longer needed. As a result, he was not taken seriously at all. , didn't even pay attention to him, how could he not be embarrassed? He felt that he was really thinking too far, and no one had even thought of saving him. He was still thinking so far, wondering what would happen to him after they saved him. Killing the other party would be too shameful.

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