Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1890 The Fourth Disaster 54

An Ran heard Empress Dowager Lu's question and made an excuse at random, saying: "It was caused by poison from southern Xinjiang, so the child born will naturally be my child."

Anyway, Empress Dowager Lu was born in a former palace and had always lived in the palace. She didn't know much, so she wouldn't be suspicious of lying to her like this, because she didn't know that the outside world was not like this.

Sure enough, Empress Dowager Lu had no doubts. On the contrary, she heard that there was such a good thing and that the child she gave birth to was really her daughter's child. She couldn't help but be overjoyed. She couldn't help but become closer to the child. You know, at first, she thought it was someone else's child, so Although she acted like a grandmother on the surface for her daughter, she naturally had no emotions in her heart. When she heard that they were her daughter's biological children and they were related by blood, she naturally fell in love with these two babies very quickly, and became more and more fond of them. I like it more and more, and give those two children whatever good things I have.

After settling the heir issue, An Ran turned his attention to the court.

At this moment, through the players and the private soldiers she has trained, the world has been basically peaceful.

Enron is satisfied with this. As for how to govern the world next, Enron, who has had many experiences in governing countries around the world, can be said to be familiar with it, so there is no need to worry.

After the civil strife was settled, An Ran turned his attention to the San tribe. In the name of pacifying the world and avenging the country's destruction a few years ago, An Ran began to recruit a large army and headed towards the San tribe's base camp.

In the past few years, the San tribe was only honest in the first year after they were driven back. They were afraid of being troubled by An Ran and did not disturb them as much as before. Later, they discovered that An Ran had turned their attention to the country and pacified the country. They thought that An Ran could not take action. They came to cause trouble for them, so they relapsed into their old ways and began to rob the border property, women and children just like they did in previous years.

Obviously, only by driving away the San people can we truly allow the people in the border areas to live a stable life. Otherwise, they will always be watching like hyenas. When something happens in the Central Plains, they will plunder the people in the frontiers at the least, and invade the border at worst. If we don’t fight such a group, who will we fight?

The San people were not afraid at all when An Ran sent out a large army to attack them. After all, this was not the Central Plains, this was a desert. Here, it would not matter if their base camp was breached by them. They moved their horses back and forth like the wind, and the enemy did not know them at all. Where! How can we beat them if we can't find any trace of them?

On the contrary, they can also take advantage of their familiarity with the terrain to fight guerrilla warfare with the Central Plains army, causing the opponent to lose troops and generals.

Over the years, after doing this, the general Central Plains army no longer troubles them, because it is boring and the rewards are not proportional to the efforts.

After being bored, the Central Plains troops began to hold on to the city. As long as they did not enter the customs, they were satisfied.

They thought that this time there would be no difference from previous battles.

As a result, what surprised them this time was that this army was particularly powerful. No matter where they were hiding, they could always be found by the opponent and then destroyed by the opponent - that is, the players have maps, no matter how good you hide. , a red dot is displayed on the map, but you will still be found by the players. No matter how familiar you are with the map, what's the use of coming and going like the wind? On the map, everything is clearly arranged.

The San tribe saw that not only did they not fight guerrilla warfare as usual, they beat the enemy to shame and left voluntarily, but they also lost a lot of main battle troops. They finally got scared and knew that this time the Central Plains troops would be difficult to deal with. Get together quickly to discuss what to do.

"It's better to escape like the Kun tribe. Daqi Xinjun's men are too powerful. We can't survive here. Our people can't continue to suffer casualties like this."

"We are not like the Kun tribe. We have so many tribesmen. Where can we escape to? Where can there be a place that can accommodate so many of us and is willing to accept us?"

"If you don't tolerate it, fight. Apart from the evil new king of Daqi, have we ever been afraid of anyone before? We are not the Kun tribe. We have few people and insufficient combat power. Although we have fought with Daqi in recent years and lost some people, Qing Qing Strong or many, are you afraid of those people?"

This was indeed true, and finally the San tribe prepared to migrate.

But they didn't want to leave after all, so they kept walking around to see where An Ran and the others were going to drive them. We couldn't keep driving them away, right? So they didn't keep running. After all, if An Ran only chased them for a short distance and then stopped. If they didn't keep chasing them, they were stupid and ran far away. Wouldn't they suffer a loss? After all, people still want to stay in a place they are familiar with, and do not want to go to a place they are not familiar with.

Of course, Anron couldn't keep chasing them. No, there was a big lake in the desert to the north. Anran drove them across the big lake and established a border on the east bank of the lake to prevent them from coming, so he stopped paying attention to them. After all, this big lake It's like an inland sea, it's very big, and Anron doesn't want to expand its territory to the other side of the lake.

If future generations are interested in continuing to expand the territory, that is their business, but for her, expanding the territory to the side of this big lake is enough - unless someone is not discerning and comes from the other side of the lake to attack Daqi, Then she wouldn't mind expanding her territory a little more.

Just like what the San people said, apart from An Ran's men, they really didn't fear anyone. There were so many people, and one or two of them were brave riders. So after crossing the lake and finding a place with lush water and grass to settle down, then It's okay if the natives nearby don't cause trouble for them. If they do, they'll fight them back.

There is also an advantage of fighting Daqi for these years. I have learned a lot of new things from following them, which is more than enough to deal with the natives who cause trouble for them.

Not to mention that the San people have settled down in the new territory, the major events in the game have basically come to an end here in Anron. The next step is just to follow the players freely in this vast land.

Those who want to become officials can take the imperial examination - but most people don't want to do that, except for some top academics who want to test their ability in the ancient imperial examination.

Those who want to fight continue to serve as soldiers and guard the borders. If no one disturbs the border, that's it. If someone disturbs the border, Anron will let them deal with it. This leads to the fact that although Enron did not want to continue to expand its territory, due to counterattacking the enemy's intrusion, the territory was lost. Still getting bigger.

An Ran, who likes farming, continues to publish construction tasks. After all, the construction tasks in the game will never be completed.

For those who like sailing, An Ran asked people to form a navy and let them go out on the sea.

As the civil strife was suppressed and the whole territory was unified, An Ran released hundreds of thousands of accounts.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of accounts, there are hundreds of millions of people in Daquan territory - more than 100 million before, but only 100 million after the war. Fortunately, Enron was pacified quickly, so not so many people died - so these dozens Thousands of players have not had much impact on the natives.

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