Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1892 The Fourth Disaster 56

So the Shangguan Group, once a huge enterprise, disappeared overnight and disappeared completely.

Due to bankruptcy and liquidation, the stocks that the Shangguan family had been reluctant to sell and hold on to in order to give the new boss a show of strength were immediately turned into waste paper, and they did not get much money from the bankruptcy liquidation.

But this is not enough, because a lean camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how the Shangguan family declines, Shangguanming still has money. Although Shangguanming did not get much money from the stocks in his hands, he still has real estate in his name. When things are worth a lot of money and you need money, you can sell one or two and you can live a good life for a while. Even if there are fewer things and you can't be as extravagant as before, you can still live happily. They want to live a tasteful rich second-generation life, and this is obviously not what the original person wants to see, so he has to find a way to get rid of all the money in Shangguanming's hands and let him live a miserable life as a pauper.

It's a pity that Shangguanming hasn't taken over the Shangguan Group in recent years and hasn't had time to do anything illegal or criminal. Otherwise, it would be better to let him in directly through legal means.

An Ran felt that Shangguanming was still living a pleasant second-generation rich life, but Shangguanming didn't think so.

Ever since the Shangguan Group changed hands, Shangguan Ming's life has become more and more difficult. After all, he only has so little money in total. If he has to live his life as before, he will lose everything in a short time. And if he doesn't live his life like before, he Naturally you will feel sad.

Especially when he soon ran out of money and had to sell his house to survive, he felt that this life was really sad.

When life was difficult, Shangguanming couldn't help but resort to drinking to drown his sorrows and anesthetize himself. Everything was just a dream.

Sometimes, just to relax, I also go to the casino to play.

Before he inherited the Shangguan Group, he would occasionally go to the casino to play. But at that time, he was rich and confident. When he played, he treated this kind of gambling as fun and would not indulge in it. He only used it to relax occasionally. It’s just a place.

However, now that he has no money and is in a bad mood, he can't help but indulge in gambling, hoping to make a fortune through gambling and gambling.

Once this person is addicted to gambling, he will usually not end well. What's more, after An Ran found out about this, he deliberately disguised himself and followed him, specifically to gamble with Guan Ming.

For those traditional gambling and gambling games, An Ran has internal skills and can distinguish positions by listening to sounds. Shangguanming can't play with her, but she can't play them. As for electronic games, Anron has strong IT skills. If he sneaks into the background and modifies the parameters casually, Shangguanming will not be able to play them. He might win, but he soon lost a lot.

An Ran would usually stop playing when he was done playing, change his disguise again, change his vest, and continue playing with him.

Shangguanming was like all gamblers, the more he lost, the more he wanted to get back his money, and he soon lost almost all his property.

When he sold the real estate in his name again and again, but in the end he failed to get his money back, he suddenly discovered that he had no real estate in his name.

With no money and no house, Shangguanming became addicted to gambling and couldn't control himself. He repeatedly sold watches, luxury cars and other items at low prices, and continued to hang out in gambling halls.

Because those things were not worth much, An Ran stopped staring at them.

Soon, Shangguanming sold all the valuable things on his body and had no more money to gamble.

But like any gambler who gets drunk, he started taking out loan sharks.

One day soon, Shangguan Ming had one of his hands chopped off because he could not repay the loan shark.

At this point, he finally couldn't gamble anymore.

His hands were gone, his money was gone, and he was unwilling to do ordinary things to support himself because he was afraid of being laughed at. Soon Shangguanming began to look for relatives to support him.

But his relatives also had a hard time - because An Ran was also dealing with them.

After all, in the original world, Shangguanming was not the one who harmed the original body. The rest of the Shangguan family were all murderers, so how could An Ran let them go? Naturally, An Ran also found various ways to deal with those people one by one. The methods were the same as those of the original person. Shangguan Ming is much the same.

So at this time, Shangguanming asked his relatives to help him. Because his life was difficult, his relatives naturally would not help him, so Shangguanming finally had to find something to make a living on his own - he was afraid of people laughing and didn't want to do anything, but no How can he eat when he is working? If there is no food, should he be allowed to beg? Then he couldn't bear it even more, so he still went to work.

In fact, if Shangguanming had studied something seriously before, or had a smart mind, he would not have starved himself to death by stock trading, but he was not even good at this, and he had only speculated in stocks a few times. The result was that the last point was lost. All his money was lost, so he didn't dare to speculate anymore, so he could only do something honestly.

An Ran looked at his miserable appearance and thought, at this level, the original person should be satisfied.

After cleaning up Shangguan's house, An Ran's mission was basically completed. From now on, she could relax and do what she wanted to do.

However, there is one thing that needs to be solved - as the age increases, the original parents begin to urge marriage.

An Ran didn't want to get married, but in order to appease her parents, An Ran bought sperm in the system mall and gave birth to a child. At this moment, both in-game and real-life tasks were completed, and she had the energy to fully She had to focus on taking care of the child, otherwise she would not dare to have a child if she still had tasks to do, for fear that she would be busy doing tasks and not be able to take care of the children fully.

When her original parents saw that she had a child, they stopped urging her to get married.

After all, the daughter is very capable and has made a lot of money over the years. She can support herself and her children. So, it is okay for the daughter not to get married, so as not to have to serve her parents-in-law and husband. After all, she is their beloved child, and they are reluctant to let her get married. People have to wait on others and deal with family conflicts. They also know what kind of personality their daughter is like. She has social phobia. They were really afraid that her personality would not lead a good family life if she got married. Now that my daughter is not married, she doesn't have to deal with that, which is good.

Seeing that Ji's father and mother no longer urged her to get married, An Ran felt relieved and continued to live a leisurely life.

Soon it was time for the child to go to kindergarten. There happened to be a kindergarten nearby the villa that Anran bought (now that he was rich, Anran bought a villa so that he could live more spaciously), so he sent the child to kindergarten.

Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance—his college classmate.

Although An Ran didn't stay in school for long, she still left a deep impression on many classmates because she managed to get into a good school, but ended up dropping out. Someone asked about her situation, but no one had seen her - An Ran maintained her original social appearance, didn't go out much, didn't interact with people much, and never got together with her old classmates, so no one had seen her. ——So I don’t know her situation.

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