Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1924 The life taken away by the book wearer 30

Liu Shusheng is not young. It’s not that he had a fiancée or married a wife before, but he was young before. He thought that he would definitely pass the Jinshi exam and marry a girl from a noble family, so he didn’t marry a wife when he passed the exam. , As a result, I kept failing the exam. When I was in my twenties, I couldn't wait any longer, so I married my wife.

Not long after I married Miss Li, I decided not to take the exam anymore, but asked my in-laws to find a job. The reason why I didn't prepare to take the exam was because I was afraid that I would never pass the exam, and then my father-in-law would get older and become an official. In that case, he would not even be able to become a minor official. Rather than having two birds in the bush, it would be better to have one bird in the hand, so he might as well not take the exam. While his father-in-law is still in office, thanks to him, he can find a good job first. .

Mr. Li also didn't expect that the Liu family, who had relied on himself to get a job from the seventh rank, would dare to do this to his daughter. He must be very confident that his family would not find out about their medicine, so he dared to do this.

Mr. Li even had a deeper thought, thinking that the Liu family deliberately prevented his daughter from getting pregnant. In addition to not wanting his daughter to give birth to a child for the Liu family, he also wanted to use his daughter's inability to get pregnant to make his wife feel guilty about this son-in-law. , in this way, we will try our best to help him and help him get more benefits.

Well, maybe this is the more important reason why his daughter is not pregnant. After all, the future is obviously more important than not letting his daughter have an heir.

Not only would he get more benefits by preventing his daughter from getting pregnant, but it would also prevent such a woman with a ruined reputation from giving birth to a Liu family child. It was killing two birds with one stone. It would be strange if they didn't do it.

——Mr. Li thought well. The Liu family really had such an idea. In fact, both Mr. Li and his natal family were very polite to Liu Shusheng because they could not give birth to a daughter. They felt that they could not forgive him, so Keep giving him benefits!

After thinking about this, Mr. Li's anger towards the Liu family reached its peak, and he immediately agreed to Mrs. Li's proposal - to send people to Yingtian Mansion to accuse the Liu family of poisoning people, and asked Yingtian Mansion to go to the Liu family to arrest people immediately.

It is inconvenient for my daughter to come forward for this kind of thing, because in this world, if a wife sues her husband, it does not mean that it is not possible, but it will have many negative consequences for the daughter's reputation, so naturally they have to take action as parents.

Mr. Li is a third-grade official. When the people from Yingtian Mansion took the report from him, they naturally did not dare to neglect it. They immediately followed Mr. Li's instructions and sent people to surround the Liu family, not allowing anyone to enter or exit, and then began to search the Liu family.

The Liu family still couldn't figure out what happened. One or two of them were in panic and hurriedly chased the officers to ask what was going on.

The police officers were told by their superiors not to let the news leak before they found evidence, so neither of them answered the Liu family's inquiries and only acted according to the rules. After all, if the news leaked and affected the handling of the case, nothing would be done. If they succeed, they will be dealt with, which is naturally not what they want to see.

A lot of poisons were quickly found in Mrs. Liu's room. Mr. Li asked the intelligent robot to help identify them. Soon the intelligent robot told what the various poisons were for, one of which was, It was the infertility drug administered to Miss Li.

After receiving the evidence, Mr. Li's eyes were splitting, and he immediately asked Yingtian Mansion to send people to bring all the Liu family members for questioning.

Only then did the Liu family know what had happened. It turned out that they had poisoned Miss Li. They were exposed, and they couldn't help but panic.

Although Old Mrs. Liu thought about her old age and wanted to take on everything so as to prevent her son and grandson from getting into trouble, Liu Shusheng and others had never seen such a battle, so they naturally confessed quickly.

According to the statistics afterwards, this matter was mainly done by Old Mrs. Liu, Father Liu, Mother Liu and Liu Shusheng. Others did not know about it, which is normal. This kind of thing cannot be known to too many people, otherwise the news will leak out. manage?

Fortunately, it was not poisoning to death, but just preventing pregnancy, so the sentences were not severe. All four were only sentenced to one to three years.

Although the sentence was not severe and he would be released from prison soon, the Liu family was also defeated. Firstly, so many members of the family were imprisoned and their career was ruined. Secondly, they had to compensate the Li family for their losses. Thirdly, the officials were sent to search that day. A lot of money was taken away easily. In this way, the Liu family was not defeated.

Once the Liu family is defeated, the children of Liushu Sonar's concubines will suffer.

God knows that these concubines originally thought that if the mistress could not give birth to a child, the children they gave birth to would not only inherit the mistress's dowry, but also become high officials. She's almost like a real wife, but not very beautiful.

As a result, the Liu family's murder of Miss Li was quickly exposed, and the Liu family soon collapsed. Their children were still young, but their marriage contract was still in Liu's mother's hands. They couldn't leave even if they wanted to climb a new branch, and they had to raise their children. The other heads of the Liu family all hated the eldest family and treated them badly, which made their life in the Liu family extremely difficult. This drove them almost crazy. They really never thought about it. They thought they had found someone. I spent the rest of my life relying on a mountain, but in the end I found a pit of fire.

Soon after the Liu family was released from prison, Liu Shusheng lost his official position, and the Liu family was targeted by the Li family. Soon they could no longer live in the capital, so they had to sell their house in the capital and go to the Liu family's hometown.

Because she had no money and could no longer support her concubines, Liu's mother sold all of Liu Shusheng's concubines, leaving only one to take care of Liu Shusheng and the concubines.

Those concubines and aunts who relied on their grown-up sons in the original world to bully their childless parents and then died without anyone to help the original person, will naturally end up bad in this world, and those who killed the original person will naturally have a bad end. The fate of the concubines and concubines is naturally not good. After all, the Liu family has no money. Living a poor life in a small place is naturally not as good as in the original world. What's more, the Li family has been watching them, and the Liu family It's okay if life is not good, but if life is good, the Li family will also find trouble with them, suppress them, and make them continue to have a bad life.

Let’s not talk about the fate of the Liu family, but say that the Li family soon found another marriage for their daughter. This time they were lucky and did not meet a JP like the Liu family. This is also normal. It is impossible for everyone to be a JP. , gave birth to a child not long after getting married, and lived a peaceful life.

This is not mentioned later, but it is said that at that moment, a major event happened in the palace that was different from the original world - after a long period of investigation, because Wei Heng's cousin Wei Yu was the most outstanding, the emperor ordered him to be Prince.

Wei Yu was in good health and had not passed away, so he was established as the prince. It was as expected by An Ran. There was only a little surprise. More importantly, he was thinking about what kind of reaction Fang Sanniang would have if the plot changed. .

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