Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1937 The life taken away by the book wearer 43

Fang Erniang, whose brain was weak, didn't understand what Wei Heng meant at first. It took her a long time to understand, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

After all, only men have always given money to women. She had never heard of a woman giving money to a man, so could she not be surprised?

Wei Heng saw the dumb look on her face and couldn't help but frown and said, "If it's okay, just tell me. If it's not okay, forget it."

He didn't have to reconcile with her, after all, those words that disapproved of him really didn't sit well with him.

Fang Erniang finally came to her senses and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I am willing."

If she could buy Wei Heng back with some money, she would be willing to do so. After all, only by reconciling would she have the chance to get pregnant and give birth to her own child, and then have a future, so how could she not want to—— She didn't know at all that she wouldn't be pregnant, but even if she knew, she would probably be willing. After all, if the relationship with Wei Heng broke down, her life in the palace would be difficult. If she could spend money to eliminate the disaster, she would Of course I am willing.

Seeing that she was willing, Wei Heng nodded immediately and said, "Okay, remember to give it to me when you get back."

Fang Erniang still had some money left in the box, so when she went back, she gave Wei Heng a thousand taels of silver notes.

One thousand taels is not a small amount, it is enough for Wei Heng to live and drink for a while, so Wei Heng reconciled with Fang Erniang and no longer cared about what she said before.

An Ran also saw this, and couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that this Wei Heng was really a good match for Fang Erniang, and those operations were quite fascinating.

However, An Ran quite likes to see this operation. After all, Fang Erniang will have no children and all her money will be spent, and life will be even more difficult. Isn't it great?

What happened to Fang Erniang this time also opened a new door for Wei Heng. He suddenly had a way to make money. It was not something he asked for, but what the women in the backyard gave him.

But she said that Fang Erniang was ignored by Wei Heng. Others were laughing at her, saying that her cousin was a princess. It was useless for her to be able to behave like this with such a big backer.

In the end, Wei Heng reconciled with her again. Everyone was very curious about this matter, but Fang Erniang naturally would not tell others how she reconciled with Wei Heng.

But just because she doesn't say it, doesn't mean her brother doesn't say it.

Her brother usually wouldn't say anything, but he couldn't help but swallow a few taels of yellow soup and his tongue was so big. When this person was drunk, he would say anything.

The person who asked him was the family of one of Wei Heng's concubines. Wei Heng found out that this concubine was not a kind-hearted person like what Wei Heng liked, so Wei Heng became indifferent.

This woman happened to not have a child yet. Seeing that she didn't have a child yet, she fell out of favor. The other party was naturally anxious and tried to please Wei Heng and restore the relationship with Wei Heng, but it was of no use at all. In addition to cursing the person who framed her, she deliberately let She was a woman who exposed her true face in front of Wei Heng, and there was no other way.

And just when she was at her wits' end, she discovered that Fang Erniang, who had the same fate as her, had restored her relationship with Wei Heng, so she was naturally curious.

After asking Fang Erniang, but Fang Erniang ignored her, she had no choice but to come up with this idea and ask her family to see if her family knew about the situation.

It turned out to be really useful. Her family really knew the situation, and after a few glasses of wine, they told the truth.

I heard that Fang Erniang gave Wei Heng a thousand taels of silver, and he reconciled with her. Although the concubine thought it was incredible, she still had the idea of ​​​​being a living doctor. He contacted Wei Heng and asked Wei Heng if he could reconcile with him if he was willing to pay a tribute of one thousand taels of silver.

She also thought the same as Fang Erniang. She felt that as long as they reconciled and had children in the future, the money would be well spent.

Wei Heng didn't expect that there was someone else who wanted to do the same thing as Fang Erniang. He thought that this woman was different from what she appeared to be. She was not like Fang Erniang, who said bad things about him. He could even give Fang Erniang money to forgive her. Well, if this woman is willing to give money, he will naturally be more willing to forgive her.

So I also took money to forgive.

Because the second person did this, as long as he gave money, he would not fall out of favor. Gradually, the news spread. After all, the three of them were not secretive. What's more, there were more than three people who knew about it now. The news would spread. , which is normal.

Therefore, if some women inadvertently annoyed Wei Heng and made Wei Heng not want to see them anymore, they would spend money to eliminate the trouble. Of course, most women would do this if they had no children. After all, if they had children, even if Wei Heng did not No matter how you treat them, they are no longer afraid.

Not only women who have fallen out of favor do this, but there are also people who want to enter the palace and have a relationship with Prince An's palace. They also plan to use a silver bullet to clear the way. After sending the female family members to seduce Wei Heng and failing, they politely ask if they can give money. Can't enter.

Wei Heng did not expect that he was just soft-hearted at the time and gave Fang Erniang a chance, which would lead to such development. At this time, seeing someone willing to spend money to let his girl into the house, Wei Heng thought that the other girl's girl looked the same. Not bad, but there were too many people competing before. He didn't know which ones to choose to enter the house, so he was wavering and couldn't decide for a while. Now that someone is willing to spend money, if he likes it equally, it is natural. Those who spend money have an advantage.

As soon as Wei Heng agreed, a series of butterfly effects began to occur regarding the number of places to enter the mansion - these people knew that the number of places was limited and began to increase the price, just to get into the mansion.

Of course, the main reason is that Wei Heng is still young and can give birth, and his own girl will give birth to a child when she enters the palace. As long as she gives birth to a child, she can be made a baron at best in the future, and she can also get along with the palace, and she can take her with her. After all, most of the girls who send girls to the palace to be concubines are the daughters of merchants or wealthy men. They don’t have much status, and they are just waiting to have such a grandson to help their family’s status. As long as there is this opportunity, it will naturally be Those who are willing to spend money to enter the mansion, after all, other mansions don’t even have this opportunity.

An Ran couldn't help but be stunned while watching the rapidly developing plot. She also didn't expect that just because Wei Heng agreed with Fang Erniang to spend money to buy Ping An, it would bring about such a series of unimaginable changes. The plot was already set in stone. Have you flown to outer space? Even bidding for concubines was done.

An Ran was dumbfounded, and Wei Heng was overjoyed to see this development.

Someone gave him money, and the money was far more than one thousand taels, so he was naturally happy.

So he agreed to these people's requests.

Of course, no matter how much he agrees, the woman must be good-looking and the one he likes. It is impossible to spend money on the woman he doesn't like. He will also agree to enter the house if he doesn't like the woman.

Wei Heng quickly agreed to allow many women to enter the house, and the quota quickly exceeded twenty-four.

And this quickly alarmed Princess An.

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