Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 20 Cannon fodder substitute 6

"Are you sure it's not the author's hype? You relied on rewards to get on the newcomer reward list, which increased your exposure. You also relied on scolding the author to attract everyone to argue and attract popularity. Now this novel has reached the top of the newcomer popularity list, and its exposure rate is good. Gao, I see the author’s reward for clicks, collections and recommendations has skyrocketed, the author is so calculating.”

"Yeah, I doubt it too. Who would spend 1,000 yuan on an author just to scold her? Do you believe it? You think everyone else is a fool."

"Tsk tsk, no wonder outside websites say that our newcomer popularity list is all created with money. It's true."

Although Enron required fans to speak, these people were still willing to spend money to attack Enron. Everyone liked Enron's novels, and with their fans, they came to say unpleasant things.

Wei Mian saw that not only did no one agree with his point of view, but some people actually thought that he was the shameless Shen Anran who was sexually assaulting him behind his back. The flame that had been extinguished suddenly burst out again, and he immediately jumped out and replied: "Eyes Are you blind? Blind BB, I am the author, do you have any evidence? Just open your upper and lower lips."

Even if he doesn't find a sense of identity, it doesn't matter if he is scolded, but if he is said to be Shen Anran, that is what he doesn't want to see, so he naturally jumps out to refute.

In fact, not everyone is criticizing An Ran. There are also people who object to those comments, saying that the novel is well written and it is normal for the number of clicks to be collected and recommended. However, Wei Mian will naturally ignore these people who are trying to help An Ran. After all, he is here to criticize An Ran. Yes, I will definitely not agree with what these people say.

It stands to reason that he came to trample on Enron, and those people also trampled on Enron. He and they had a common language. However, who told those people to say that he was the author himself who made him angry? So even if the goals are the same, there is no Prevent him from spraying those people.

He has never fought with anyone online, so he doesn't know. He is a bit crazy. If you ignore the other person, the other person will turn several pages while talking to himself. What's more, if he ignores the other person, those people will become even more enthusiastic and squirt. His head was full.

"How do you prove that you are not the author?"

"It seems the author is here."

"The author is so arrogant. He scolds people even though he is cheating on the rankings."

Then someone else made the final decision: "You are said to be a big influencer but you still don't admit it. You are just boosting your popularity and rankings!"

Who makes the claim and who provides evidence? These people claim that they are the authors, but they do not provide evidence, and they still have to prove that they are not the authors? Isn't this unreasonable?

Wei Mian was not a fool. Seeing how unreasonable these people were, he naturally stopped wasting words on them. However, he didn't want to be criticized in vain, so he directly counterattacked with action - and then he swiped An Ran 5 times in a row. Each reward is 100,000 points. While I was giving rewards, I was thinking bitterly in my heart: Didn’t you mean that I was gaining popularity and rankings? I just brushed it off, what can you do to me?

Wei Mian didn't understand the rankings on this website, but he was not stupid. He knew that since people would criticize him like this, it must be because his reward behavior blocked the way of some people, so he complained like this. Since people are so angry, Then he should make the other party even more angry - aren't you happy to see me giving Shen Anran a reward? I will just give a few more rewards.

Wei Mian's actions really made some people vomit blood and started scolding him like mad dogs in the comment area. Then some people said that they had reported it to the website and let the website handle the matter of brushing up the rankings.

Although those people made threats and said they were reporting to swipe the rankings, everyone understood that they just thought that newcomers did not understand the situation of the website and wanted to scare them. In fact, the website would not handle such reports. After all, Wei Mian gave Rewards on the website are real money. The website does not charge money, but prohibits readers from spending money to deal with the authors who are rewarded. The website management is not out of their minds.

As expected, the website didn't handle it, but because Wei Mian rewarded 600,000 points, An Ran's novel was included in the weekly reward list. This weekly reward list includes all novels on the website, and the newcomer reward list only counts newcomers. It was different. The location was better and more eye-catching, which drove Enron's traffic to rise sharply. Not only did those people not scare Enron, but it actually made Enron's performance even better. In addition to saying a few sarcastic words, There was nothing I could do to her.

An Ran didn't know when these things happened, because she coded the novels and put them in the manuscript box every day. As for the comment area, she didn't keep an eye on it all the time. She usually read it once a day, and sometimes she didn't have time. , will wait until things are busy before reading. For example, she was working in the company a few days ago and didn't have time, so she didn't read the comment section much. Now that she is free, she takes time to read it every day.

Although she reads it every day, she doesn't read it at any time, but once a day. When she read it yesterday, Wei Mian hadn't posted a comment yet, so she didn't know what was going on in the comment section.

After having breakfast, I sorted out today's portions and put them in the manuscript box. When I was about to take a rest, An Ran took a box of yogurt and drank it while opening the comment area.

...Then I saw the particularly lively comment section, and many people threatened to report her.

If this was a newcomer who had never written a novel before, he might really be intimidated. However, An Ran has been writing novels for many years in the real world. He is very familiar with the situation in the online literary world, so naturally he will not be intimidated. Those people were intimidated because she knew that no matter how many rewards she gave, the website would not care if she made it to the weekly reward list, even if she made it to the monthly list and annual list, her exposure rate would greatly increase. After all, the reward list , it’s all about spending money to buy a position. Whoever spends money will benefit from the website. They are stupid and will not care.

So she didn't care about those people who criticized her. Anyway, she was not afraid of the shadow. No matter how envious, jealous and hateful those people were, they couldn't do anything about her.

Ignoring those trolls, An Ran took a closer look at the troll named Ye Weiyang who gave her a reward of 6,000 yuan. She thought that this person was really interesting. He disliked her books and still gave her so many rewards. , is this the legendary integrity of the body and the mouth? But since I couldn't see any good results, I finally had to forget it. Anyway, she only wanted to write novels, and she didn't care about those who attacked and abused her. They could scold them if they liked. After all, it wasn't her who was wasting time.

Wei Mian failed to spray An Ran over there, and felt something was wrong, so he wanted to find An Ran to ask about the situation and make some excuses. So early the next morning, Wei Mian called An Ran and said that it was the weekend and he would take her out. Play.

An Ran thought that it had been a while since she had gone out, so it might as well go out for fun. Anyway, she had saved some manuscripts during this period, so she didn't have to worry about running out of food, so she agreed.

As soon as An Ran got in the car, Wei Mian couldn't help but look at An Ran sideways when he thought of the novel.

An Ran didn't know that Wei Mian already knew the name of her novel, and she didn't even know that he was Ye Weiyang. Looking at him and then at herself, An Ran couldn't help but smile: "Look at what I'm doing? Are you okay?"

I was very touched after reading your messages. Thank you all for your support!

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