Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2005 Spiritual Energy Recovery 19

Sure enough, as soon as this regulation came out, the people of Jin Kingdom naturally welcomed it, and at the same time, it indeed led more foreign monks to immigrate to Jin Kingdom.

Naturally, other countries had expected this after the Jin Kingdom stipulated it. This was also the reason for their protest. Not only was it a protest against the Jin Kingdom for not selling the houses in good places to monks from their countries, it was also a protest against the fact that they would The country's monks will be overthrown by the Kingdom of Jin again.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you can’t buy a house. There will definitely be Jin Kingdom monks who will rent out the house. If foreign monks don’t plan to join the Jin Kingdom, they can rent a house to practice. There are no regulations in the Jin Kingdom that prohibit foreign monks from renting houses there. Cultivation, so the Jin Kingdom was too lazy to respond to the protests from other countries.

Those foreign monks also thought that they could rent a house to practice. It didn't mean that they couldn't practice. In this case, the loss of profits was not big, so they didn't make much noise. After all, they didn't have to buy a house. On the contrary, if a person was not willing to So they ran to protest. What if the sect thought they were causing trouble and would abolish their cultivation and drive them away? After all, there are still hundreds of thousands of people abroad waiting to practice. They are not practicing honestly, but there are many people who are willing to practice.

Seeing more and more monks going to the Kingdom of Jin, many countries are trying to find ways to talk to those sects and want those sects to put pressure on the Kingdom of Jin.

The reason why they think this way is because they feel that since the major sects have nothing to do with the secular government, then as long as they communicate with them, they may not necessarily agree with the official approach of the Jin Kingdom? As long as they put pressure on Jin Guo, Jin Guo will not dare to make such regulations.

Even if you can't convince all the sects, as long as you can convince some of them, that's fine.

But they were obviously out of their minds. They tried every means - money, beauties, toys, and tried every means to invest in those sect administrators, just in the hope that they would listen to their lobbying, but it was all useless. Those sect administrators Like a saint, sugar-coated bullets are completely useless. He always said lightly that as long as the Kingdom of Jin did not interfere with their sect affairs, they would not interfere with the secular government, and then sent them back.

This is also normal, because so far, the stewards of various sects are basically NPC monks hired by An Ran. There are not many ordinary people who have become stewards. Even if they do, they are still unable to speak for the time being, so these Foreigners want to communicate with these NPC monks and ask them to put pressure on the Kingdom of Jin. Naturally, it is impossible to succeed, because those are NPC monks and are controlled by An Ran. Naturally, no matter what An Ran says, how could they be bribed by your sugar-coated bullets? And An Ran couldn't possibly agree to their proposal. After all, An Ran was stupid and brought trouble to the country she stayed in. If the country she stayed in was in constant trouble and the environment was unstable, wouldn't it be detrimental to her training of global masters?

These countries had no choice but to give up in frustration.

In fact, they are more reliable. An Ran doesn't mind getting a spiritual vein in a foreign country, but aren't they completely unreliable? In a country that can't even control the epidemic well, can she trust the other party's ability to control monks and spiritual veins? When the time comes to put a spiritual vein in their country, don't let it cause turmoil and chaos. She spent a lot of faith points to activate the spiritual vein, which is not to make the world turbulent and chaotic. A stable environment is conducive to the development of her plan, and If a country is unreliable, it is not conducive to the advancement of its plans.

Because no country has been found to be more reliable than the Kingdom of Jin, An Ran has not gone to other countries to place spiritual veins. Rather than keep shouting, they might as well think about how to create a stable environment to attract her there.

But they soon ran out of time to talk about anything, because someone in the Kingdom of Jin was building a foundation.

It's not the old men of the sect who have built the foundation, but the newly recruited ordinary people like them, some of them have built the foundation.

This is also normal. There are still some people with level four talents. These people practice extremely fast and can build a foundation in almost two years.

Of course, with this talent, it usually takes two years to build a foundation, but being able to build a foundation is not the same concept as successfully building a foundation. Successful foundation building depends not only on talent, but also on luck. Some people have good talent but poor luck. Well, it often takes many times to pass the level, but some people are lucky and successfully build the foundation when the time comes.

For example, Enron is like this.

The original person was extremely talented. She established the foundation in less than a year, and she established the foundation very smoothly. She did not fail many times before succeeding.

Of course, she built the foundation secretly, but now this person built the foundation publicly. With her consent, she also put the video of the successful foundation building on the Internet, which caused a sensation.

After all, the foundation-building period is completely different from the Qi-refining period. The Qi-refining period cannot increase lifespan. In the end, you are still a mortal, but the foundation-building period is different. The foundation-building period is reborn and can extend your lifespan. This is different from ordinary people. , is moving from ordinary people to a higher level.

In addition, after building the foundation, you can fly with a sword. In the past, monks had to rely on flying talismans to fly. There were limits on time, speed, and distance. Now you can fly with a sword by yourself, as long as you still have the spirit. If you have enough power, you can keep flying. How great is that.

You can also refine elixirs, weapons, etc., which you couldn't do in the previous Qi refining period because your spiritual energy was not enough.

Being able to do these things also means that these people will be richer in the future. After all, things are more valuable when they are rare. The fewer people who can make elixirs and weapons, and the fewer things they make, the more expensive they can be sold.

After the foundation is established, the force value is also different.

People in the Qi-refining stage are not afraid of ordinary bullets at most, but in the foundation-building stage, they are probably not even afraid of rocket launchers, and their attack power is about the same as rocket launchers, with huge lethality.

When I think about the fact that in the next time, many people in the Jin Kingdom will succeed in building foundations, and when the Jin Kingdom fights, they will not have to consume weapons. These monks alone will be enough for them to drink a pot - the previous monks may not They will help the Jin Kingdom fight the war, but these newly recruited monks have been educated by the Jin Kingdom since they were young. They are afraid that they will become monks. Once the Jin Kingdom calls for it, they will join the military and help the military fight. If you think about it, let these people Worried.

Because they were worried, other countries were in no mood to argue, and instead promoted the theory of the Jin Kingdom threat.

Because their own country has not developed powerful weapons, and the monks are not very powerful, they can only talk about Jin Guo a few times, but they can't really do anything to Jin Guo, so Jin Guo is not afraid, so time goes by. Countries were wrangling among each other, and then the sect slowly expanded its recruitment to include hundreds of thousands of foreign monks, and things passed quickly.

Soon, An Ran relied on her super talent, diligent practice, and rich cultivation experience to finally break through the golden elixir stage and possess the golden elixir stage cultivation level.

With the cultivation of the Golden Core stage, An Ran decided to let a few ancestors of the sect who appeared to be in seclusion, but in fact were not strong enough to reach the Golden Core stage before, so they did not dare to come out to do anything, to come out and hang out in order to dissuade some people. Suspect.

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