Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2010 Spiritual Energy Recovery 24

But he said that this advanced civilization, with its technological civilization and superpower civilization, was very similar to the interstellar world that An Ran had been to before. It had mechas, and only those with superpowers could operate the mechas.

That is, the energy system of these people does not seem to be mental power, nor is it the superpower system that An Ran has seen before. I am not sure what system it is. Anyway, I have studied the original world, the people of this planet, and the original body. In the end, It was discovered that due to the different life systems of intelligent beings, people on this planet cannot practice the superpowers of that advanced civilization.

It is precisely because the energy systems of the two sides are completely different, and the original one practices magic. An Ran has never practiced magic and cannot compare it with the cultivation system, so she does not know where the opponent's strength is in the cultivation system when comparing the two. .

However, judging from her previous experience in the interstellar world, there are ten levels of civilization.

A planet without intelligent life is a barbaric world.

Civilizations that are so primitive that they have not developed near-Earth vehicles are classified as Level 1 civilizations; civilizations that have developed near-Earth vehicles but are unable to navigate interstellar space are classified as Level 2 civilizations; civilizations that are capable of short-term interstellar navigation but cannot escape from their own galaxy, as well as those that initially possess Civilizations that cultivate spiritual power are third-level civilizations. These three categories are lower civilizations - Enron's real world should be in the transition from second-level civilization to third-level civilization.

A civilization with an average spiritual power level of five or similar is a fourth-level civilization, a civilization with an average spiritual power level of ten is a fifth-level civilization, and a civilization with an average mental strength of fifteen is a sixth-level civilization. These three categories are medium civilizations.

A civilization with an average mental strength of twenty or other similar levels is a seventh-level civilization, an average mental strength of twenty-five is an eighth-level civilization, and an average mental strength of thirty is a ninth-level civilization. These three categories are advanced civilizations.

There are also civilizations with an average level of thirty-five or above, which are considered the highest civilization.

If this invading civilization is said to be an advanced civilization, if it is similar to the interstellar civilization she has been with before, then if it is a seventh-level civilization with an average mental power of level 20, it will be almost the level of the average peak-level foundation-building period. If you want to fight, it is still possible; if you want to go higher, if you want to fight at the eighth level civilization or the ninth level civilization, it will be difficult.

What needs to be said is that it is said to be an invasion by a higher civilization, but judging from the original memory, the invasion was an outpost of that higher civilization, and the higher civilization did not invade the planet as a whole.

This is also normal. Generally, when a planet comes into contact with other planets, the first ones that come are outposts.

It's just that even if it's just an outpost, the people on this planet can't defeat it.

But things are different now. If the outpost is easy to fight and is destroyed by An Ran, An Ran cannot guarantee that the opponent's home planet will not continue to send forces over.

But interstellar navigation should take time, and it cannot happen all at once. At that time, we may be able to buy some time for our planet to increase its power, making it impossible for that advanced civilization to defeat it.

Of course, these are all An Ran's guesses based on the original person's memory. What exactly is going on? She will also investigate when they come.

As the time for that advanced civilization to invade was getting closer and closer, Anron sent people to guard the first foothold of that advanced civilization. In this way, once the other party appeared, they could protect the local people.

However, the first foothold of advanced civilization is in a special location. There are not many ordinary people around it, but they still want to go. After all, there are not many ordinary people there, but when they leave that place, they will not meet the local people.

This special location is the highest mountain on this planet, located in the Kingdom of Jin.

Knowing that aliens would settle here, Enron deliberately opened a training ground here not long ago - in fact, it was a holographic training copy.

The reason why this trial ground is opened is, on the one hand, to wait for the aliens here, and on the other hand, it is also to train the combat effectiveness of those monks. After all, in the future, they will always have to fight aliens. If there is no combat effectiveness, they will only know that Cultivation, that’s not good.

In case the low-level monks are here, if aliens come, they have no ability to deal with it and will be killed by the enemy on the spot. Wouldn't it be a waste of sacrifices? That is not what An Ran wants to see, so they can come here to participate in the trial. , are all high-level monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, basically people above the seventh level of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

In this way, if the average strength of the enemy is at the peak level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, then after they form a formation, and the team leader is basically a monk at the Peak Stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, even if they cannot defeat them, they will still be able to escape.

Of course, the monks at the peak of the Foundation Establishment stage usually lead the team, but in order to deal with aliens, An Ran arranged for a golden elixir stage monk to lead the team to practice once a month. According to the time, the aliens came That time, the team will be led by a golden elixir monk. In this way, if the enemy is too powerful, the golden elixir monk bought by An Ran can give everyone a chance to escape on the flying boat.

In order to prevent people from suspecting that she knew aliens were coming, An Ran made various arrangements that would only make people think it was a coincidence when they think about it later, not that anyone knew that aliens were coming.

Yes, for the first contact with the enemy, An Ran did not plan to go there in person, but planned to let the NPC monk he bought go. After all, he controlled the Creator System. Once he was outmatched and killed, the planet would be finished, and as long as he Still there, but it really didn't work out. She used all her faith to buy a Nascent Soul Stage monk. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with this group of advanced civilization visitors.

If the opponent's civilization level is too high and cannot even deal with her own Nascent Soul Stage monks, then she will have no choice but to fail the mission.

Soon the day came for the aliens to arrive. This day was exactly what An Ran had arranged, and it was the day that the ancestor of the Fuyun Sect's Jindan period would lead the team.

I was afraid that the enemy would be too powerful and that the foundation-building monks I had finally trained would not be able to withstand it, so at the beginning, when I arranged for the ancestor of the Fuyun Sect, I bought him a cultivation level of the sixth level of the golden elixir. If it were replaced by a mental level, At around level 26, if the enemy is on average at a level equivalent to around level 20 in spiritual power, he will basically be killed instantly by him, which can ensure that the monks on this planet are safe and sound.

Soon, everyone, led by the ancestor of the Fuyun Sect, came to this trial ground to "play a dungeon" - because it was similar to the dungeon in the game on this planet, everyone jokingly called this place a dungeon.

Because it is a holographic environment, many ordinary people want to play it, but unfortunately they cannot, because only those who are above the seventh level of the foundation stage can open the door of this copy, so ordinary people can only feel helpless.

Fortunately, live broadcasts are available in the dungeon, so some foundation-building monks have started live broadcasts to let other people who can't come to play have a look. At the same time, they can also provide materials and experience to colleagues who can come to play soon, and can also provide themselves with It brings a lot of income, why not do it.

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