Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2014 Resurrection of spiritual energy 28

Not bad, interception.

These people cannot be allowed to fall on the planet and start a war with the monks. In that case, if the city gate is on fire, it will affect the fish in the pond and the ordinary people who have no power to fight back will suffer.

Therefore, you must start fighting with the enemy before they land.

Or, leading them to a vast desert with a radius of millions of square kilometers and beating them will not cause harm to this planet and the people of this planet.

Intercept them before they land. If you can't intercept them, lead them to the desert. This is not difficult for monks above the sixth level of the foundation stage. Moreover, the cultivation sect also has its own aircraft, which can attack with defensive belts. They are no better than those from aliens. If the aircraft is bad, it can fly into the sky.

There is still no one who has cultivated beyond the Nascent Soul. Otherwise, the Nascent Soul monks can leave the body and travel in space, and they can even stop aliens in space.

After receiving the notice, the Sect Federation quickly reacted and sent a flying boat carrying monks above the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, as well as a large number of high-grade talismans, to space to intercept.

The Sect Federation had already made plans before, preparing to lead the enemy to the desert to fight.

The reason why we go to the desert to fight instead of fighting the enemy in space is because although monks in the foundation-building stage can fly and hold their breath for a long time, spiritual energy is consumed whether they are flying in space or holding their breath. , so it is naturally more advantageous to fight on the ground.

Therefore, these people did not intend to actually fight, but planned to feign defeat and escape, leading the enemy to the desert to fight.

But as a team that lures the enemy, they cannot be too incompetent. After all, there are few people. No matter how incompetent they are, they will not be able to escape. Although Feizhou has defense and attack capabilities, An Ran has always been prudent and tried to overestimate the opponent to avoid underestimating it. If you can't beat them, everyone's lives will be in vain, so you choose monks who are above the eighth level of the foundation stage. Monks at this level should not be killed instantly. As long as they can't be killed instantly, they all have teleportation talismans. , should be able to escape.

The luring of the enemy went very smoothly. I don't know if the advanced civilization didn't know the tactics or didn't take the people of this planet seriously. In short, An Ran and the others pretended to be defeated and fled, and they really caught up with them.

The enemy decoy team saw that the enemy was really following them, so they quickly led the people to the large formation they had prepared in advance in the desert.

Captain Li is also in the enemy luring team.

Captain Li has cultivated to the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage in the past few years. He is just one step away from reaching the Perfect Stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage, which is the peak of the Foundation Establishment Stage. At this level, he is naturally qualified to join this enemy-baiting team.

Seeing the enemy being easily fooled and approaching their large formation step by step, Captain Li's heart couldn't help but beat.

Success or failure depends on this.

This large formation called the Zhuxian Formation was set up by the master of the Fuyun Sect and used a lot of good materials. When the enemy enters, it will be like entering the phantom formation. They will feel like they are being chased by many monsters and they will keep beating the monsters. , in fact, it means killing each other. If the enemy cannot break the formation, they will eventually kill each other until they die. They don’t have to risk fighting aliens. That’s why Captain Li said that success or failure depends on this, because, once successful, , they will not be in danger; if they fail, depending on the opponent's level equivalent to the peak level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, coupled with alien technology, it might be a bloody battle. Their three to four thousand Sixth Floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage Many of the monks mentioned above might die.

——Actually, this formation was arranged by An Ran. An Ran has experienced many cultivation worlds, and once even went to a high cultivation civilization. She naturally knows what powerful killing formations there are, and she immediately follows the level that can be achieved in the golden elixir stage. I bought some materials from the Creator System and used the incarnation of the leader of the Fuyun Sect to do it.

Since this killing formation was created by the Golden Core Stage monks, generally speaking, it can deal with monks below the middle level of the Golden Core Stage. Those above the middle level may be able to break through the illusion and rush out.

An Ran didn't know if this killing array would be useful against aliens. After all, she didn't know what the other party's high technology and powers were, and whether they could break this illusory array. But no matter what, she would give it a try. If it succeeds, we can save everyone the risk of fighting aliens. Even if it is somewhat useful, it can at least kill some of the opponent's people. If it is really useless, it is not too late to fight hard.

Facts have proved that this phantom array is effective, but it is not completely effective.

At that time, the enemy followed the formation wildly. At first, the enemy was indeed trapped by the phantom formation. He saw many monsters and started fighting with them.

Then I discovered that these monsters are quite powerful, and it is difficult to defeat one or two of them - in fact, it is their own people, who are all about the same strength, so naturally it is difficult to defeat them.

After fighting, there were countless casualties. No matter it was the alien's supernatural attack, or the alien's battleship or mecha attack, they could not break the phantom array. Of course, the main reason was because the opponent did not notice the phantom array layout at all. Where, the "monster" was beaten, but the phantom formation eyes were not shot. Since the phantom formation eyes were not shot, it is normal that the phantom formations were not broken.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer of them, some people behave differently.

Some people began to self-destruct, some pulled the mechas together and self-destructed, and still others activated the battleships to self-destruct.

I self-destructed, only hurting the "monster" and killing the "monster"; I pulled the mecha and self-destructed, not only injured the monster, but also began to have some impact on the formation, but it only affected the corners, not the center of the formation. , since it did not affect the formation eye, the effect of the phantom formation is naturally still there; in the end, someone started the battleship to self-destruct. This self-destruction may be a bit powerful, and it soon affected the formation eye. Although Anran, for the safety of the formation, stayed close to the formation eye. There are protective measures in place, but the self-destruction of the battleship is no small matter. Those protective measures still cannot be prevented, and the defense is breached.

With this breach of defense, the formation's eyes were destroyed, and the formation was naturally destroyed.

However, the self-destruction of the battleship is too terrifying. Most of the aliens in the formation were killed by the self-destruction of the battleship, and few survived.

Because the United Nations and the Sect Federation had already said at that time that they were not planning to leave any survivors alive, lest the aliens behave strangely, and don’t cause trouble by leaving them alive, so now that the enemy was almost dead, everyone stepped forward. Eliminate these guys completely.

Seeing that no one was killed or injured, thousands of enemies were eliminated, and a lot of good things from aliens were picked up. This time the harvest was great, and everyone couldn't help but feel very good.

The leader of the Fuyun Sect was also at the scene to protect the formation. At this time, he looked at the situation of the formation and said: "It seems that as long as the battleship does not self-destruct, this formation is still useful, but after using it once, I don't know if it will be useful next time." ”

After all, after being fooled once, the enemy can be fooled twice and continue to follow them into the battle in confusion?

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