Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2019 Resurrection of spiritual energy 33

In fact, An Ran deliberately arranged this. She was afraid that the advanced civilization was too powerful and something would happen to these people, so she planned to follow them there and take a look. If those people couldn't be defeated, she could take action herself. It just so happened that the Interstellar Reconnaissance Team wanted to send a powerful person. Someone led the team, An Ran thought of a way to let the United Nations choose him.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Jin did not want to go An Ran, for fear that if something happened, their country would lose a Nascent Soul stage boss, but other countries were very happy and all agreed. In addition, An Ran himself also agreed, so the official of the Kingdom of Jin also He had no choice but to agree to her going, but he repeatedly told her that the situation was not good and that she should not fight. The most important thing was to keep her and come back quickly.

An Ran naturally agreed, and of course she wouldn't go all out, but she felt that with her current cultivation, she didn't need to go all out, and she should be able to come back with all her hair and tail.

Although there is no spiritual energy in the stars, monks cannot practice to increase their cultivation. They can use the spiritual energy already in their bodies and meditate to restore spiritual energy.

Of course, an interstellar voyage takes a lot of time, and monks cannot be kept unable to practice. Therefore, the sect association has placed spiritual plants in the starship, and has also given various monks a lot of spiritual stones to help them survive in the interstellar space without spiritual energy. Practice.

The starship soon left the galaxy and sailed into distant space.

From this moment on, everyone couldn't help but feel nervous.

Although technology has developed over the years, everyone has still been wandering around the local galaxy. This so-called galaxy still refers to the smallest galaxy where the planet is located, and does not refer to the larger galaxies at the upper level, nor does it refer to galaxy clusters, etc.

Although the unmanned spacecraft has gone to farther places, the manned starships have been circling around the star galaxy to which this planet belongs, and have not even been to the larger galaxy above.

According to research, that advanced civilization is not too far away from us. It is still in the same large galaxy and has not yet visited other large galaxies or even other super galaxy clusters.

Although the distance in the universe does not seem to be too far away, for people who have never been outside the small galaxy where the star is located, it is still a vast universe, so it is normal to be nervous. After all, in addition to reaching the Yuan An Ran in the infant stage, even if the others are monks, that is, their physical bodies are more powerful, they cannot separate the spiritual body (referring to the separation of the Nascent Soul). In this way, once something happens in the starry sky, they can There will be no return, no matter how high the level or how powerful it is, it will be useless.

Thinking of this, can these people not feel nervous?

It is said that he is a monk, or a monk who is above the eighth level of the foundation stage. He is very powerful. It sounds very majestic, but in fact, most people used to live in a peaceful society. Many people are even otakus and otakus. They really have no experience. After going through such a big battle, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it can't change the fact that everyone was just ordinary people before.

Even though aliens attacked our own planet three times, the aliens were quickly wiped out all three times. Everyone has not yet felt the cruelty of the war, and their mood has not changed much, so now it is still the reaction of ordinary people, If he has been through many battles, he will probably be very calm.

This starship is built based on alien technology. Of course, in order to increase defense and attack, cultivation sects have also made improvements in cultivation. Generally speaking, this starship is already stronger than the enemy's attack and defense. Good, but countries cannot guarantee that they have fully understood the alien technology, because some things have never been seen before and the language is not clear. How to fully understand them is still being explored.

Fortunately, through the phantom array, I have carefully observed the attack status of the enemy's weapons, and have a certain understanding of the attack methods and attack power. Then, I can reverse engineer these things that are either complete or broken due to self-destruction bit by bit. Engineering, I still have things figured out.

Although things are almost figured out, and such a starship has made short-distance voyages in the star system where the original planet is located, this is the first time for such a long-distance voyage. Facing the vast space, if something happens, it will be wiped out, so everyone is still a little nervous .

Under such circumstances, only a few people, such as An Ran, could calm down and continue practicing. Most people looked at the vast space and didn't know what they were thinking.

Not to mention the nervousness of the passengers, even the military personnel operating the starship were very nervous.

In the starship command room, the captain and others have been keeping in touch with the home star. After all, it is impossible for the home star to not pay attention to them all the time during deep space voyages. There are also people providing psychological counseling to them.

"You don't have to worry too much. Unmanned aerial vehicles have been on this road before. These places are safe, just ahead. Our previous unmanned aerial vehicles have been exploring the road. If there is anything wrong, we will notify you to avoid it, or even Turn around and come back.”

Although saying this, in fact not only the captain was nervous, but also the ground personnel on the home planet were nervous. After all, this was the first manned deep space voyage.

Since this was a manned experiment, and I wanted to inquire about the advanced civilization, I only brought a thousand people with me. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a fleet to have only a thousand people.

Although they have never been to that advanced civilization planet, various countries now basically know where that planet is - they found electronic starry sky maps in the enemy's starships and mechas. After studying them, they naturally let various countries Know where the enemy is.

So now everyone is following the starry sky map route.

There is no need to worry that this electronic starry sky map was given intentionally by the enemy and is a fake. If everyone follows this, something will happen, because the last one may not be believed, but when the enemy came for the first time, he was unprepared. Those machines and equipment The starry sky map on the map is always real, so everyone uses the starry sky map captured when the enemy first came.

Of course, according to the comparison between that starry sky chart and the two subsequent starry sky charts, they are still almost the same, indicating that the latter two starry sky charts are also true.

Although the starship sails in space jump mode - this mode is somewhat similar to cultivation teleportation - due to the long distance, it still takes several months.

In the past few months, most people were nervous and therefore did not practice. Only a few people like An Ran continued to practice.

Although he was very nervous, he soon arrived near the enemy's planet.

Because the enemy planet is located in a galaxy where several planets and stars form a triangle-like pattern, everyone calls the enemy planet a triangular star.

Countries have already had countermeasures on how to conduct reconnaissance when they arrive at the Triangular Star.

After discussion, they decided that they needed to use supplies from the world of cultivation for this matter, because countries in the scientific and technological world were afraid that aliens would be more powerful and would notice. After all, their things were copied from aliens, and they were afraid of copycat versions. Come across the original and it won’t be long before someone discovers it.

But things in the world of cultivation are different. The enemy doesn't understand cultivation, and of course he doesn't know how to cultivate. In this way, things in the world of cultivation are not easy to discover.

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