Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2034 Innocent Woman 8

Many people appeared in front of the bastion, and they were completely unlike the people from other towns who had come to seek refuge with them. They seemed to be refugees. The guards on the bastion saw this and immediately reported it to An Ran.

The people in the fort couldn't help but feel nervous when they heard that a large number of refugees were coming outside.

Fortunately, An Ran immediately comforted them and said, "Don't worry, everyone. The old god already knew that someone would come to rob our food, so he asked me to start making arrows a few days ago. Now we have enough arrows and the bastion is strong, so don't worry." The enemy can break in."

As for the people who use arrows, there is no need to worry. An Ran has already taught archery to the early thousand patrol members. Now these one thousand people are responsible for attack, and the additional 500 people are responsible for defense, which is just right.

Sure enough, after An Ran comforted them like this, everyone felt relieved. They compared An Ran's instructions to them to make bows and arrows a few days ago, and thought, it turns out that the old god really found out. Since the old god found out, what do they have to worry about? The old god asked them to make bows and arrows, which means that the bows and arrows can definitely deal with the enemy; since the old god asked them to build a bastion, it means that the bastion can be defended.

After retreating ten thousand steps, they couldn't hold on, could the old god still refuse to save him?

With this thought, everyone is no longer afraid.

At that moment, everyone followed An Ran's instructions. Some people took bows and arrows to guard the city wall, and some began to patrol the city to see where the thieves planned to attack the city, so that everyone could repel the enemies there.

Because they were afraid that the bastion would be breached and they would suffer losses, not only the patrols but also ordinary people who could move spontaneously went up to the city wall to help keep an eye on them. Some young men and women who were not part of the patrol team also picked up phoenixes from various places. There are a lot of stones, ready to help defend the city. It would be good if these stones can kill and injure one or two enemies.

Although everyone is very poor and has nothing at all, no one wants to give it to others even if it is scrap metal. Moreover, if the refugees rush in, in addition to scrap metal, they will also rob women and men. No one wants to give it to others. Encountered such a thing, so I naturally helped to actively defend the city.

When people are desperate, they will start a rebellion with the refugees, but once they have food, they don't want to leave with the refugees.

Otherwise, if everyone had nothing to eat before, they probably wouldn’t be afraid when the refugees came, and they would just follow them. Now that Anron has provided food, everyone has something to eat, and they don’t want to wander anymore.

It can be seen that ordinary people, as long as they have something to eat, do not want to be refugees.

The scary thing about the bastion is that even the regular army and troops may not be able to conquer it, not to mention this group of refugees who have not been trained and have never seen the bastion. It is basically impossible to capture it.

They found that no matter which side they climbed the wall, they would be attacked by enemies from several directions; the power gathered at the fort gate was even more terrifying. Once someone tried to break into the door, they would definitely not survive.

What's more important is that the enemy not only attacked them with stones, but also used a large number of bows and arrows. The arrows were not ordinary bamboo arrows, but iron arrows. I don't know where so many iron arrows came from in the countryside! If they had so many bows and arrows, they would have defeated the imperial court long ago.

Moreover, the enemies are cunning. Whenever a small leader comes forward to command them, they will always take special care of them. As a result, those who climb the wall on the front line are always leaderless. This way there is no one to command, which is not good for siege.

Focusing on taking care of the leader was naturally what An Ran ordered. To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Song Mazi soon discovered that this Wubao could not be captured by himself. After losing many people, he suddenly wanted to retreat.

"Damn it, do you think you are a prosperous Shangjing city! The building is so solid! What's the point of building such a shabby place?! There's something wrong with your brain!" Song Mazi was so angry that he scolded his mother.

Because he really couldn't defeat it, after losing nearly a thousand people, Song Mazi decided to suspend the offensive first, study this strange-shaped castle, and wait until he had a solution in his mind.

After that, Song Mazi and his leaders analyzed the bastion for a long time and attacked it again. After finding that it was unsuccessful, they gathered together again to discuss the attack method. In the end, there was no way. Seeing that they attacked twice but still failed. An Ran has been here for two days. If they don't go back, the little food they brought will be eaten up. In addition, if time goes by, they will be discovered by Li Xiu. They are afraid of causing misunderstandings and attracting attacks from Li Xiu's subordinates. Their power can be Not as big as Li Xiu, he was afraid that he would not be able to defeat him, so he had to withdraw.

Seeing that the enemy had withdrawn, the people of Pingyuan Town couldn't help but cheer.

Although they had absolute confidence in the old immortal and thought that with such an arrangement, the old immortal would definitely be able to defeat Song Mazi. However, before they really won, they were still a little worried. Now it turned out that it was just as they had guessed. Song Mazi I really can't do anything to myself, so I can't help but be happy.

An Ran was equally happy to see that he had succeeded in repelling Song Mazi's covetousness. He immediately stepped up the training of the patrol team and went out from time to time to inquire about the location of Song Mazi's food.

Although these refugees generally rarely stay in the same place, a large team like Song Mazi's men will sometimes stay in a certain county or city for a short time, waiting for them to find no food in this county or city, or perhaps When they heard that officers and soldiers from the imperial court were coming, these refugee groups would move to the next county or prefecture to find food, or to avoid encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers.

After all, large groups of people, unlike small groups of refugees, can be moved at any time. It is not that convenient to move a large group of people, so it is normal for them to stay in a certain place for a short time.

People like Li Xiu even have a fixed territory.

As for Song Mazi, although he does not have a fixed territory, he has been operating in neighboring houses for the time being, so he still has territory.

Since there is territory, there is naturally a place to store food, and An Ran was exploring such a place.

Soon An Ran found the location of Song Mazi's food.

Of course, as important supplies and food, the surrounding area is naturally heavily guarded.

But this is not a big problem. As long as she defeats the enemy, even if the enemy can move some of the food, they will not have time to move all the food away, and it will fall into her hands by then.

However, Song Mazi claims to have an army of 50,000 people, but in fact, according to Anron's observation, there are only a few thousand people. They are just gathered together, seemingly boundless, making people who meet him for the first time think that there are just a lot of people. The number of these people that can be found is at most a few thousand, not fifty thousand at all.

It seems normal in this era for a few thousand people to pretend to be an army of 50,000. Many people who only have tens of thousands of people say they have an army of hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands. In fact, there are not that many real people at all. Many of them are The purpose of the false report is to intimidate the opponent, making the opponent think that they have more people, and then flee without fighting. After all, although these people are desperadoes and are not afraid of death, it is naturally the best if they can avoid fighting and not dying.

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