Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2044 Innocent Woman 18

There is no harm without comparison. I never felt that the Wu clan’s rule was that bad before, but compared with Enron’s governance, life under the Wu clan is simply unbearable. In this case, after experiencing good times, who can Still want to live a hard life?

It can be said that if the Wu clan really wants to encircle and suppress them, their resistance may be more powerful than when Li Xiu and the others were looking for food. After all, as long as they are looking for food, it doesn't matter, but they can Not for a bite to eat, but to live such a good life forever. In this way, unless the Wu clan implements the same good policies as An Ran, they will no longer live with them.

And will the Wu clan implement the same good policies as Enron? Impossible, just because the Ichijou Wu Clan has a higher status than the Xuan Clan, they will not be allowed to accept it, because under the rule of An Ran, everyone is equal and enjoys equality. Who would want to wait for others?

"If he didn't massacre and kill the Xuan people, where would he get the military merit and flatter the Wu people and get promoted? You must know that it has always been difficult for the Xuan people to be promoted to high-ranking officials. He was only a few officials before, but he has been promoted to high-ranking officials just by fighting in the past few years. The positions of Governor of the Central Plains and Marquis of Jingguo are full of power, high position, and unlimited glory. With such glory, killing a few Xuan people is nothing."

"As for the essays he wrote, wasn't he a literati? Don't you know those literati? They are all old Yin Yang people. They are used to cutting off the beginning and the end when writing articles. They only choose what is beneficial to him and do not write the whole story. In the end, people who didn’t know the truth saw it and hated us restless people. Who would have thought that if we were peaceful, we would have died long ago.”

"Forget it, stop talking. The more you talk about it, the sadder it becomes. ... But these people, should we just watch them die? They are all pitiful people like us."

"Otherwise, I don't want to see them die, but Fang Guozheng's army is very powerful. We can't defeat Fang Guozheng's army and save all these people."

"Then do nothing?" said the person who had previously sympathized with these people.

An Ran had been listening to their discussion without interrupting. At this time, Fang said: "Of course not. I have already ordered the propaganda team to go to various places to promote it. I hope that these propaganda will reach Fang Guozheng's ears and he will be wary."

"How did you publicize it?" the person who had previously sympathized with these people asked, and then added: "Can propaganda alone prevent Fang Guozheng from massacring and killing these people?"

An Ran said: "I asked someone to tell the truth and make it clear that these were a group of people who were revolting because they were about to starve to death and were revolting for their lives. Fang Guozheng had killed many Xuan people who were revolting for their lives before. Now Fang Guozheng is surrounding them. The people of Changyang, after the city is broken, may still help the Wu people to massacre and kill these poor Xuan people who started revolting just to survive. If Fang Guozheng does this again, he will be a heinous Xuan traitor, and all Xuan people should be punished We must punish him. We cannot allow such a Xuan traitor to help the Wu people and massacre my fellow Xuan people again and again. Although Fang Guozheng has been killing people, he is saving face and seeking a good reputation. Otherwise, he would have attacked these traitors before. Ordinary people would not write such a whitewashing statement for themselves. Now that he has seen such propaganda, he is self-indulgent in that he is doing good things for the people of the world. Now he will be called a traitor, which is probably unacceptable. Maybe there will be some fear, and we don’t know if we won’t massacre the city this time.”

The other team members couldn't help but be surprised when they heard what An Ran said. They had never thought that An Ran would make such an arrangement. She was really ahead of them in everything and had considered every aspect. However, it was precisely because of this that they obeyed her. At that moment, someone said happily: "This way, once it reaches Fang Guozheng's ears, he should not dare to continue doing this, unless he is determined to commit evil."

An Ran nodded and said: "I hope it can play this role. We can't save these people on the frontal battlefield, so we can only try to save them like this."

In fact, after such propaganda, there are further benefits: if Fang Guozheng is not afraid of these propaganda, he will kill these people, and the label of xuantsai will definitely be firmly placed on his head; if he is afraid of these propaganda, he will not kill, The label of Xuan traitor will no longer exist, but the court in Beijing may blame him for not killing these Xuan clan members who dared to shake the rule of the Wu clan. Fang Guozheng will not be easy-going by then, so no matter whether he kills or not, it is important for him to It won't do him any good.

Not to mention, An Ran's move really caused trouble to Fang Guozheng. He would have massacred the city as usual once it was breached, but now, after hearing these rumors from outside, he was still furious. Yu couldn't help but become cautious.

He said before that Li Xiu and others started an uprising, which resulted in the entire Central Plains being empty. Speaking of which, it stirred up a lot of public opinion, because the poor could not understand the propaganda, and only the rich could understand it. During a severe drought, those rich people would not be unable to survive. On the contrary, Li Xiu rebelled, causing them to leave their hometowns. Many people suffered heavy losses, so they naturally disliked Li Xiu. In this way, Fang Guozheng's slogan, It happened to reach their hearts, so they naturally felt that Fang Guozheng's message was right. They supported Fang Guozheng and the public opinion was favorable to Fang Guozheng.

However, Enron's propaganda was different from Fang Guozheng's upper-class route. She sent people to publicize among the common people. According to word of mouth, ordinary people, who were more numerous than the rich, had a negative attitude toward Anron because they had experienced the previous famine. I feel the same way. Most people also feel that if you are hungry and can't live anymore, you should start a fight to find someone who is stuttering. But shouting and killing people who can't live is undoubtedly not a good thing, let alone , An Ran pointed out that Fang Guozheng was a member of the Xuan tribe, but he helped the Wu tribe massacre and kill the Xuan tribe, which would easily arouse public anger. Therefore, as soon as An Ran spread these propagandas, he quickly gained many more common people than the rich. With his approval, Fang Guozheng instantly became a traitor and a butcher, and his reputation could not be worse.

If Fang Guozheng massacres and kills the people in Changyang City again this time, the people will definitely identify him as a traitor.

When Fang Guozheng heard that the people reacted like this, he hated the person who spread these rumors to his core. However, the other party focused the conflict on the fact that he helped the Wu clan massacre and killed the Xuan clan, and he was a traitor to Xuan. He could not find out. A better reason to retort is that unless he doesn't kill those people in Changyang, otherwise once he kills them, he will be labeled as a traitor. When he thinks of this, can he not hate the people who spread rumors to death?

It's a pity that he can't find the person who spread the rumors, otherwise he will cut him into pieces.

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