Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2050 Innocent Woman 24

Li Jingming said: "We have just handed over and all the people have been replaced. The entire fort will not be able to operate anymore, so we can only change it slowly."

Obviously, he also agreed with the replacement. After all, the previous people, although they were not named Lu Anran, were recruited from ordinary people in this fort, not people like Lu Anran who came out of school. However, after all, they were the former Lu Anran. The people recruited by An Ran, even if they are grateful to the fort for providing them with jobs, they will only be grateful to Lu Anran and not to them. This is not conducive to their establishment of their own power group, so the people naturally have to be replaced. People who have a crush on them.

Hearing what Li Jingming said made everyone feel better.

There is nothing I can do. Not long after I came here, I was complained by the people. It was so embarrassing. Can I feel better?

However, this place is not like the old yamen. They can't exercise official authority. Even if they are embarrassed, there is nothing they can do.

Some people saw that the common people dared to make such a noise, and wanted to show off their power by dragging the common people down and beating them like officials did in the past. But... there were a lot of propaganda posters painted on the wall outside the office, and it was written clearly that if If an official dares to do this, he can immediately report it to the higher-level department, and the person who beats the person will definitely be imprisoned.

Don't worry that ordinary people don't recognize those propaganda posters. The paintings are very clear. Even if you don't know the words on them, you can still understand what they are talking about. Besides, An Ran has been here for five months, and they have been here for such a long time. , the children have been going to school for almost half a year. Many children who had some basic knowledge can now basically understand the simple words on these paintings. What's more, there are other people who can read. After the propaganda posters were painted, they told the people around them what they meant. If officials really beat people up in Jimingbao, everyone would definitely know how to do it. It’s no good to bet that the people don’t understand this. of.

It is said that there have been incidents in other forts where officials showed off their official power and were dismissed from their official positions, and then were transferred to the judiciary for beating people and breaking the law. Therefore, no matter how angry people were, they did not dare to test the law, lest they be taken to jail, which would be even more embarrassing. .

Fortunately, Li Xiu and Li Jingming would not let their subordinates play official roles, especially Li Xiu. He was born in a poor family and knew how pitiful the common people were. When he was a common man, he hated officials bullying the common people the most. Now he has become a rooster. The Lord of the Fort naturally cannot be the person he once hated, so he also strictly ordered his subordinates not to show official authority to the people. Therefore, although everyone was angry, no one dared to do anything to the people.

In fact, they should be lucky to have the city administrator back. Otherwise, if they really insist on canceling it, because it will be inconvenient to go to the market or do business, the business in the market will not be so prosperous. If the business is not prosperous, the tax revenue will be will decline, which will in turn affect fiscal revenue.

If the financial revenue is affected, Jimingbao will have difficulty in spending money. If there is no money, then nothing can be done. If nothing can be done, it will lead to falling behind in the evaluation. This is a vicious circle.

They still don’t know the role of commercial activities in Benbao. After all, the previous society was focused on agriculture and suppressed business, so they naturally don’t understand the importance of commercial activities, so this time they found the people and escaped. Otherwise, they will cause more trouble if they insist on canceling it.

Because such an incident happened, they later saw that there were many policies that they did not understand, and they did not dare to cancel them, for fear of causing trouble again.

However, everyone still has many questions.

It's like everyone has doubts about one thing.

"This pension insurance... this is a big pit! Brother, military adviser, look at it, not many ordinary people pay it, but people over fifty years old. I heard that as long as one of their children pays it, they will start from this year They can receive free money every month. One or two people are very active and come to receive it. And if only one of their children pays, they will pay the lowest payment, which is only one hundred cents a year, and they can receive it in one month. When it reaches 100 yuan, it will be paid back immediately. From now on, it will be purely our expenses. This is a big expense every month. In addition, to do this work, several people have to be specially assigned to send and receive money. , this is also an expense, what a waste! I don’t understand why my sister-in-law has taken so many complicated and messy measures. She has given them so much land and is she still worried that they will have nothing to eat? It is a waste of money and a delay. The work is all nonsense! This department can be cut off, which saves both money and time."

"This is the first year. Many people are waiting and watching and have not paid. But by next year, according to the regulations, people who have reached 50 years old and have not paid this year will not receive it next year. They will definitely make up for it. After all, as long as they make up If you pay one hundred cents, you can receive one hundred cents every month, and if you pay more, you will get even more, who wouldn't want to pay."

Li Jingming is not worried about the people not paying money for the time being, nor is he worried about not having enough money.

Although the income and expenditure are temporarily unbalanced, in the long run, if everyone is willing to pay for fifteen years, the income and expenditure will be enough, because there are many young people in every family, and the elderly can live to be fifty years old. The above are only a few - the average life expectancy of people in this era is short - so over time, you can definitely manage what you gain.

However, Li Jingming never thought that the average life expectancy would soon increase, because once people are full, their life span will be extended a lot.

In particular, Enron is still promoting the construction of the medical system. As soon as the mortality rate drops, the average life expectancy will increase.

"Besides, we are all from the country and don't know about the situation in the countryside. These country people are old, but unlike those high-ranking officials and old feudal lords, there are still people to take care of them when they are old. The old people in the country can't do anything anymore. , it will be very miserable, and it will displease the son and daughter-in-law, wishing they would die early. Now the brothers and sisters have got this pension insurance, the old man can receive one hundred cents a month, and if he pays more, he will receive even more. This is good for them. The good thing is that there is an income every month. In this way, even if some people’s sons are unfilial and do not support them, they can rely on this to buy some rice to eat (generally when they get old, the fields belong to the children, and if they meet those who are unfilial) , will not give rice to the elderly), and if we plant some vegetables, we will not starve to death. Although it is a bit troublesome for us, for the people, it is indeed a kind of virtuous government that has never been seen in ancient times."

In fact, he found that many of Lu's policies were virtuous policies that had never been seen in ancient times, such as not collecting agricultural taxes, such as this pension insurance, and banning land sales to prevent the concentration of land. The more he understood here, the more he felt that if the imperial court really came to fight Well, it's impossible to beat the people on An Ran's side.

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