Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2056 Innocent Woman 30

So originally, if they marched in a hurry, they should be able to reach Maple Leaf Castle in the morning, but due to the delay due to the sneak attack by An Ran along the way, coupled with the low morale of the soldiers and the lack of people, it was not until the evening that Maple Leaf Castle was finally seen.

On this day, they were harassed by An Ran and others, causing more than 2,000 casualties.

Before attacking the enemy, it had already caused nearly 4,000 casualties and wasted countless ammunition.

This is not over yet. When we arrived at the place, everyone set up camp. When they went to bed at night, An Ran and others would not be idle. They continued to harass them and deliberately threw grenades. Everyone could not sleep well at all.

Dong Jiajun thought he could have a good sleep when he arrived, but he didn't sleep well all night again. Needless to say, the soldiers, Dong Hanzhang himself didn't sleep well either. He couldn't help but slap the table and said: "How can this bitch do this?" So insidious?"

This situation was something he had never encountered before.

How can one not be angry when he chases but dares not chase, and instead of chasing the enemy, he arrogantly keeps harassing him? ——Dong Hanzhang didn’t know that An Ran was harassed by the enemy.

The angry Dong Hanzhang immediately ordered an attack on the city.

He also knew that everyone had not slept well, and it was not good to attack the city at this time, but at least the enemies of Maple Leaf Castle could still watch. The enemies outside were always erratic and could not find anyone, so the people in Maple Leaf Castle always had to be careful. Playing a little bit, as long as we can achieve some results, it can also make everyone feel more confident and boost their morale.

As for the bastion, after Dong Hanzhang arrived, he also used a telescope to observe it carefully. He had a lot of military command experience and soon discovered that building it like this was disadvantageous to siege. No wonder those who attacked the city before suffered heavy losses. .

Since the traditional siege method was not effective, Dong Hanzhang did not intend to take human lives. Instead, he mounted the artillery and prepared to let the artillery blast for a while. After the castle was destroyed, everyone would fight face to face. He did not believe in fighting face to face. Dong Jiajun, an elite soldier in hundreds of battles, He will not be able to defeat this group of country bumpkins who have not received formal training.

So the defenders on Maple Leaf Fort saw that the enemy had pushed the cannon out.

Although everyone had long heard that the imperial army was coming, but now they saw that they were well-equipped with muskets and cannons, and now they were about to use cannons to hit them, they still couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, they had encountered them before. The opponent is not that powerful.

They don't know that the bastion is actually the best building to deal with the current level of artillery attack, because it is equivalent to a fortress.

Of course, the defender must also have sufficient firepower to form a three-dimensional defense.

And there is no need to worry about this, Enron has been manufacturing firearms for a long time.

Naturally, no one would be surprised at all that she can make firearms, because what can the old god not do?

So seeing the enemy pushing out the cannon, Anron naturally couldn't just watch. Otherwise, even if the bastion was a three-dimensional defense with many layers of defense, it would be broken sooner or later if it didn't fight back. So, naturally, the bastion also had to Counterattack.

At that moment, An Ran ordered the gunners to fire the artillery attack when the enemy was within range.

When designing Maple Leaf Fort, Anron made full use of the terrain of Maple Leaf Fort. Since it is surrounded by water on three sides, the enemy can only come from one side. Anron made full use of this feature, so there is a long road in front of the bastion gate, which is only narrow. It was ten meters narrow and wide, and the rest was dug out by her.

Ten meters does not seem narrow, but for the attacking enemy, it is too narrow. If you just squeeze in some people and put some gun mounts, they will be crowded into a ball. Such a density will make it difficult for the enemy to attack Maple Leaf Fort. It is very convenient. Just shoot a shell into the middle and it will basically blow up the enemy to death and injure them.

So, when Dong Hanzhang's people fired cannons on the fortress, the people on Anran's side also fired cannons below.

After all, An Ran's people still had fortifications for defense, but Dong Hanzhang's people had no defense. So after the two sides fired guns at each other, the effect came out - An Ran's people fired before the enemy could fire, and the enemy was blown up. There was a lot of fire, and both cannons were hit, leaving the enemy with no time to fire.

After being hit by An Ran's men, no matter how powerful the elite soldier is, when he sees that the people around him are dead or injured, he will panic and run back instinctively. Even if the officer stops him, it will be of no avail. There is no way, since he is an elite soldier. , it can be seen naturally - since the enemy has artillery, staying in such a narrow place is a complete suicide. We are all athletes. Even if we die, we must die well. How can we stand so cowardly and be used by the enemy? Bombing?

If you think about it this way, how can you not run away?

Dong Hanzhang also didn't expect that such a small fortress would have cannons.

He knew that the Lu family had some firearms, and when they were attacked on the road, they often heard the rumbling sound of "cannonballs". However, after inspection, they found that they were not cannonballs, but something similar to smashing cannons, but it was not like smashing cannons for children. Children play with it, it has no lethality, this thing is just lethal.

So he always thought that the Lu family did not have artillery. After all, foreign cannons were very expensive. One gun, plus cannonballs, could buy many ordinary guns and ammunition. He thought that rural gangsters like Lu family should not have the money to buy foreign cannons, so Only then did he dare to let his men raise cannons to attack the city.

Who knew that such a small fort would have foreign cannons! And the firing range was not lower than theirs. No, it seemed to be a little further than theirs. Otherwise, Lu's men would have fired before their cannon reached the designated position and hit them.

Thinking that this Maple Leaf Fort had foreign cannons with a longer range than his own, and that it was surrounded by water on three sides and had only a ten-meter-wide road to attack, Dong Hanzhang knew that he was in trouble.

If this was an ordinary moat, and he sent people to fill in the soil, as long as he was not in a hurry, it would be filled in some time. However, this is a big lake, and he just sent people to fill in the soil. It doesn't mean that it won't be filled up for a long time, but it has to be filled up. when? Will it be filled up after one year? But if he waits for a year, given the speed of Lu's development, he still doesn't know how far it will develop. It is impossible for him to spend a year fighting with Lu in this Xiaowubao. Of course, the court will not allow it. He had been fighting with a Wubao for a year, not besieging any big city.

But if they don't fight to the death and retreat now, let alone morale, they continue on their way to the next Wubao. The Lu family is afraid that they will harass them along the way again. The thought of being passively beaten again makes Dong Hanzhang feel dizzy.

Of course, it is estimated that his soldiers did not want to continue on their way, and were chased and beaten by people sent by the Lu family. Although the Lu family camped here and harassed them, it was a big military camp after all, and the people in the middle could always sleep better. Unlike marching, in a long team, there is no so-called middle man. There is a danger of being attacked at any section. It is so terrible. In this way, the soldiers naturally don't want to rush.

If they leave, the soldiers don't want to leave; if they don't leave, Maple Leaf Fort cannot be defeated. Dong Hanzhang is in a dilemma as expected by An Ran.

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day!

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