Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2058 Innocent Woman 32

It is estimated that Dong Hanzhang must have felt that his troops were coming continuously, a hundred thousand troops, a large number of people, and she would be scared when she saw them. Even if she dared to attack, people nearby would come to support them immediately, so she would not dare to attack.

But... nothing can be absolute. Others may not dare to attack an army of tens of thousands, but she is not afraid.

Just when Dong Hanzhang surrounded Maple Leaf Fort, the people in Jiming Fort at the rear couldn't help but become nervous. The last time Changyang was besieged was still a nightmare for them. They often dreamed that those who were besieged had nothing to eat and were about to starve to death. The taste is particularly unpleasant.

So at this time, seeing Dong Hanzhang preparing to send a large army to besiege Maple Leaf Castle, everyone who had experienced it naturally became a little nervous reflexively, and they couldn't help but discuss the situation ahead.

"Dong Hanzhang is about as powerful as Fang Guozheng. I don't know if my siblings have the ability to repel him. If they fail to repel him, the popularity and the developed economy in the rear will be destroyed again." Even Li Jingming couldn't help but feel worried.

Li Xiu was silent for a while and said, "It's a pity that we can't help them."

He was also worried about the war ahead. Like everyone else, he had nightmares about the last siege and often woke up in the middle of the night.

Li Jingming couldn't help but fell silent after hearing Li Xiu's words.

Yes, even if they were worried, they had nothing and really couldn't help her.

The others were actually worried too, but seeing that both leaders were worried at this time, the others comforted them: "Sister-in-law is very capable, she should be fine."

Li Xiu glanced into the distance worriedly and said, "I hope so."

There are his parents, wife and children here. He doesn't want Enron to fail and his family to perish.

Just when Li Xiu and others were worried, An Ran was counterattacking.

An Ran is not anxious at all. She is not worried about Dong Hanzhang besieging Maple Leaf Castle. As she said, Maple Leaf Castle cannot be besieged for a while, and as long as it cannot be besieged for a while, Dong Hanzhang will be the one who is anxious.

So she didn't have to fight Dong Hanzhang head-on. She just had to send people to harass the Dong family army as before.

And because Dong Hanzhang has a clear goal, which is to besiege Maple Leaf Castle and does not plan to leave, this is exactly what An Ran wants. She is really afraid that he will run around. She wants to divide her troops into several groups and disperse her forces. Now that the opponent does not plan to leave, An Ran will Most of the members of the special forces were sent out to harass. In addition, ordinary people who were fast runners were selected from the army to engage in this game of chasing each other. In addition, instructors were also sent out to select more talented seedlings to practice light training. When you are almost done practicing body skills, you can join in such beneficial activities together.

Although Dong Hanzhang knew that she would definitely harass him, it was still annoying to see her harassing her so frequently. The only good thing was that his subordinates were trained. If they were harassed at the beginning, the number of casualties would always be huge. Now, , everyone has experience, often watching all directions and listening in all directions. In this way, because it is a plain, the enemy will be easily discovered as soon as he approaches. It is useless to hide in the woods or under the ridges on the roadside, because they will be The spies found out, so even though they still couldn't catch up with the scud-like enemy, at least when the enemy came, because everyone discovered it in time, the casualties were reduced.

This made Dong Hanzhang couldn't help but feel happy, secretly thinking Lu, Lu, if you fire a bullet at a time, at most one person will be killed or injured. This is obviously not cost-effective. It depends on how much money you have to buy bullets!

He felt that once Lu ran out of ammunition, there would be nothing he could do against him.

What he didn't know was that An Ran made the bullets himself, not bought them. There were many bullets, and a shuttle of bullets exchanged for one person. An Ran still thought it was a good deal. After all, it was better than killing many people in a forceful attack.

Dong Hanzhang not only besieged Maple Leaf Castle, but also recruited strong men from areas that Anron had not yet ruled to carry earth to fill the lake.

The lake may not be filled well in a short period of time, but it would be better to narrow the area that can be filled, so that their circle can be smaller and their troops can be more concentrated.

An Ran couldn't do anything to the poor people who were captured, so he just let them fill the lake with soil. Anyway, even if the lake was filled up, nothing would happen to Maple Leaf Castle, because the lake couldn't be filled in quickly, and time For a long time, An Ran didn't believe that the court would not urge Dong Hanzhang to attack. After all, he had been surrounding him for so long. The court saw that Dong Hanzhang had been surrounding a small fortress for so long and wasting manpower and material resources. How could the court tolerate it?

Time is on her side, so she doesn't have to worry.

People on both sides feel that things are moving in a direction that is beneficial to them, and they are very happy.

The only thing that made Dong Hanzhang a little unhappy was that at night, they suffered the greatest casualties.

Because at night, Lu's people would continue to make sneak attacks from time to time as before, and they would also use something similar to smashing cannons, which would easily injure many of their own soldiers, and the loud "bang" would also prevent the soldiers from sleeping. Good sleep.

He really couldn't deal with this. He sent spies to clean up the surroundings. Because the formation was too long to besiege Maple Leaf Castle, it was okay during the day. He kept sending people to patrol the surroundings, which still had some effect. At night, the formation was too long and it was not possible at all. There was no way to guarantee it, so they had no choice but to endure it.

At the end of the day, there will always be hundreds of casualties.

Although it doesn't seem like much, as time goes by, something will happen to them.

Although there was a steady stream of troops coming over, he now had an army of 50,000, and he had also mobilized surrounding troops to help, preparing to surround this place with an army of 100,000.

Once this place is broken, use the same method to break other bastions, one after another.

He didn't believe it. Such a small place couldn't be broken by a hundred thousand troops, but one person could crush the city with just one foot.

However, due to the large number of casualties every day, he was afraid that something might happen if time went by, so he felt that a quick victory was needed.

He decided that when he had one hundred thousand, he would find a way to attack Maple Leaf Castle again.

In fact, not only he felt this way, but also the new generals felt this way.

"Sir, are we just going to stand around and not be beaten, but we will be beaten by them every day?" Someone asked this.

Dong Hanzhang did not say that he could not think of any way to deal with guerrilla warfare - in fact, Dong Hanzhang also thought of using the three-light policy to deal with guerrilla warfare, so that the opponent could not stay due to lack of supplies, but the opponent should get supplies from nearby bastions, as long as the nearby bastions There is no solution, this method doesn't work at all - just listen to this person asking, and said: "I don't know what General Wang's opinion is."

No matter what this person says is right or wrong, he will remain noncommittal. If the other party insists on asking for a fight, he will attack with him - it is a friendly force anyway, not his direct line. If he wins, he will get the credit, and if he loses, he will die. He has nothing to lose. He can also test Lu Bandit. How good it is.

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