Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2066 Innocent Woman 40

The reason why Dong Hanzhang never left was that, firstly, the court refused to let him leave, and he could not find a good excuse to leave; secondly, he placed his hope on foreigners, thinking that foreigners would definitely be able to defeat Lu Bandit, and this would also help him. Revenge, in this way, if he leaves, the credit for defeating the Lu bandits will not fall on him, and he will not be able to see the foreigners avenge him. At the same time, he will be scolded by the court, so naturally he cannot do it before the foreigners come. Walk.

After another three months, Dong Hanzhang finally received the news that the foreigners had set off and came over. He couldn't help but celebrate with his hands at the moment - if he didn't come, his few elite troops would really be used up.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to consume all his capital, so he always hid his elite troops to prevent the other party from attacking the city and An Ran to sneak attack.

The method of hiding is also very simple. Each general has his own camp. The camp is surrounded by heavy troops to prevent sneak attacks by the Lu bandits. Every general is the same, so he is naturally the same, so the most elite heavy troops are deployed there. This way, he can not only ensure his own safety, but also legitimately preserve these essences, so that other generals will not be unhappy if they see him not sending some of his elite troops to the battlefield.

Dong Hanzhang got the news, and An Ran naturally got it too, and he immediately prepared to intercept the foreigners in the inland river.

And just as An Ran was setting up, Li Xiu and others became nervous again when they heard that the foreigners were coming.

They had been nervous when Dong Hanzhang attacked the city before, but later they felt relieved when they saw that Dong Hanzhang could not do anything to An Ran.

Now that they heard that the foreigners were coming, they could no longer rest assured. After all, the foreigners were so famous that no one had ever defeated them. Now that they were coming, how could they not be worried?

"Don't worry. Since my brothers and sisters are not afraid of Dong Hanzhang, they should not be afraid of foreigners. Otherwise, if my brothers and sisters are really worried, the territory will not be so quiet." Li Jingming said.

The last time Dong Hanzhang came, he was worried. Now seeing that Dong Hanzhang could not do anything to take down An Ran, he felt that the foreigners might not be able to do anything to take down An Ran either, because Lu's power simply exceeded his imagination. He felt that he could do more. Imagine it a little bit.

Li Xiudao: "The military advisor is right. Now your sister-in-law has basically not issued any mobilization orders, so there should be no big problem."

The leader and military advisor said this, and the others felt relieved, but still said: "Even so, we must also be prepared, such as counting the quantities of various materials under our rule. Once my sister-in-law needs it, we can also Support her, we can’t help her fight, but we can support her a little bit.”

In fact, they don't support Anron that much, but they are more afraid that the enemy will break through the base. Then they will be surrounded by the enemy and starve to death like that time. They don't want to taste that again, so they want to help Anron. As for the rest, it won’t be too late to wait until the world is conquered.

After hearing this, Li Jingming said to Li Xiu: "Everyone's ideas still make sense. We really need to do something about this."

Li Xiudao: "Those materials belong to the common people and those merchants. It is useless for us to count them. We here are not in the mood to steal the things of the common people and merchants for our own use."

Li Jingming said: "Of course it's not about robbing. If there are supplies, it means they can be purchased. Therefore, it is necessary to count the supplies and be aware of them."

This is true. At that moment, everyone went to count all kinds of supplies.

While Li Xiu and others were counting the supplies, An Ran and the navy men had already arrived at the river.

An Ran said to the navy: "Our navy's tactics this time are similar to those on land. We fight if we can pass, and run if we can't. You all know the speed of the enemy ships and the speed of our ships. , run, you can definitely run away, if you can fight, fight, if you can't, then run. There are brothers on the shore to support you. Let's make some small moves for the enemy. If we can cause some damage to them, let's kill more. Enemy, if you blow up more ships, the docks on the shore will be easier."

Yes, the ships built by An Ran were specially speeded up according to the speed of ships in this era to facilitate guerrilla warfare on the water.

After hearing this, everyone naturally agreed.

Soon I saw the foreign ships...

The people in the base area had not seen many foreigners. When they saw a large group of foreigners coming by boat, they couldn't help but be curious. Unfortunately, it was too far away to see clearly, and ordinary soldiers had a lot of telescopes. Those who use telescopes can only regret it. Fortunately, Enron has guaranteed it. When peace comes and we do more business with foreigners, we will have more time to see foreigners. Everyone still believes in Enron’s guarantee, so there is no fight over the telescope. things.

They were not particularly opposed to Enron's talk of doing business with foreigners. Although many people in this era either admired foreigners or hated foreigners, people in Enron's territory, because Enron had been committed to changing people's emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business, felt that Businessmen have the idea that businessmen are useless, so they talk about doing business more thoroughly and detail the advantages and disadvantages of commercial activities. Therefore, everyone is not opposed to doing business with foreigners. After all, as long as they trade fairly and do not engage in illegal or criminal activities, Everyone thought it didn't matter, because the other party was a foreigner, hated foreigners, and didn't want to do business with foreigners - in fact, under Enron's rule, people who hated foreigners would only think about how to make more money from foreigners through business. I can relieve my hatred.

The people on Anron's side saw the foreigners, and the foreigners naturally saw the people on Anran's side.

At first they didn't think it was Anron's ship, they just thought it was the court's ship. After all, they never thought that Anron had ships, and Anran didn't let anyone show the flag, so it was very difficult for the enemy not to notice anything was wrong with these ships. normal.

So when they saw a ship passing by, they didn't take it seriously.

As a result, when they were about to approach, they heard several loud "boom" and "boom" sounds, and the ships suddenly bombarded them indiscriminately. The foreigners were beaten all of a sudden because they did not expect that the arrivals were enemies rather than friends. The enemy was caught off guard, causing numerous casualties and casualties. Now the enemy was frightened. Knowing that the person coming was an enemy, he couldn't help but became furious. He dared to cause trouble for their foreign uncle. He immediately pursued them regardless of the damage to the ship.

Seeing that the enemy was catching up, An Ran and others ran away as planned. While running, they also fired a few torpedoes behind them.

For this era, torpedoes were still a new thing, but Enron had already equipped the ships with them. The foreign ships that did not know that the enemy had such things suffered a lot. Soon several ships were destroyed and sunk. Go down.

Because these enemy ships are used to transport people, each ship carries a lot of people. Once it sinks, the number of casualties will increase rapidly.

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