Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2068 Chapter 2090-2093 Innocent Woman 42 (End)

By relying on these countries to fight back and forth, Enron made a lot of money to supplement their own people's livelihood, and the new country of Jin recovered very quickly.

The new country brings new changes. People have land and can grow crops without paying taxes. There are also factories where they can work and make money after farming. Their incomes have increased significantly. Generally speaking, as long as they are not lazy and are healthy, They can all have a good time.

There are also pension insurance and medical insurance, and education is now compulsory and free of charge.

Various welfare policies have brought about earth-shaking changes from the previous life. Such good life and welfare have made people's enthusiasm for work explode. After all, under the rule of Wu Dynasty, not to mention the good days, people could live every year. It would be good if he could fill his stomach without starving to death, but he still had to pay heavy taxes and perform corvee labor, and his life was miserable.

Now that life is so good, everyone has the motivation to strive, so it is normal for the enthusiasm for work to increase explosively.

Because their enthusiasm for work exploded, material production also increased rapidly. In the first year of unifying the country, the people produced more food than they could eat. Although some people kept food for two years out of caution, There were more people who only kept those for a year and sold the rest, which instantly made a lot more food on the market.

Enron happened to have a need for a strategic grain reserve, so he naturally bought it and stored it. This could also prevent excess grain from devaluing the grain and hurting farmers.

In addition, some were exported to countries at war. They were fighting all day long and could not produce food. It happened that the Jin Kingdom had excess, so they exported it. Anyway, in those countries at war, the price of food soared, and they made a lot of money from selling it.

Through this battle, the Kingdom of Jin achieved peace, and no country dared to attack the Kingdom of Jin again.

Without the invasion of foreign enemies, the development of the Kingdom of Jin will become faster and faster, various welfares will get better and better, and the lives of the people will get better and better. Basically, what the original body wants to see is achieved, and the people at the bottom will not live a good life. Okay, it’s not like I can’t survive.

As for the cruel criminal laws that the original body feared, they have long since disappeared.

An Ran felt that as long as she ensured that no one would invade the Kingdom of Jin again during her lifetime, and of course, not to destroy it, causing the disappearance of these good systems, she should have completed the tasks assigned by her original body.

Fortunately, when she was in charge, she had almost completed all aspects. The industrial system was established, the talent reserve was completed, and science and technology was developing rapidly. As long as science and technology development is ahead of other countries, weapons development and the like will not fall behind. , you don’t have to worry about anyone daring to invade or invade.

When it was almost done, Enron handed over the power, which allowed the Jin Kingdom to ensure the vitality of its governance to a certain extent.

Li Xiu and others were still cultivating their own power at the beginning, but then they basically stopped doing it and concentrated on governing the local area. They finally figured out that Enron was too powerful and they could not pry it away by cultivating their power.

Later, An Ran unified the country and did not proclaim himself emperor, but became a consul.

Since Enron has handed over its power, they can grab it if they want, as long as they have the ability.

Regarding this, An Ran did not stop it.

It's a pity that they don't have that ability, because there are not many capable people under Enron. After Enron retired, new capable people were elected to lead the country to continue to move forward.

And throughout An Ran's life, this country has been developing better and stronger, and has never been invaded or destroyed.

An Ran secretly thought that her mission should be completed.

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