Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 207 A World with More Men and Fewer Women 7

Because he could hunt game in the mountains to replenish his body, An Ran's physical fitness, like that of the Ma family brothers, embarked on a virtuous cycle. Soon, due to his martial arts practice and adequate nutrition, his body grew better and better. More and more radiant.

Regarding An Ran's changes, the He family only thought that she had practiced martial arts and did not suspect that she had eaten something outside. Otherwise, it would be nothing more than others. Ms. Cui would definitely scold others.

As for the brothers of the He family who have also started to practice martial arts, why are the changes not as big as An Ran's, but they still have no doubts? ——An Ran is better than them in training. They think that their talent is not as good as An Ran, and their training is not as good as An Ran, so there is not much change for a while.

And because the body has grown well, the face is no longer sallow and thin, and gradually becomes plump, and the hair is no longer dry, and the person looks particularly good-looking.

In fact, the original body is not ugly, it is just long-term malnutrition that makes the person look ugly with a yellow face and thin muscles. Once the nutrition catches up, the person will naturally become beautiful.

As people become more beautiful, more people come to propose marriage.

Uncle He and Mrs. Cui saw that there were many people with good conditions coming to propose marriage. As expected, they didn't reveal anything about An Ran's martial arts practice as they had discussed before, and just smiled from ear to ear as they picked the people.

"There are hundreds of families looking for girls. Now that An Ran has grown up, we will definitely be able to find a good one. You have to keep your eyes open and choose the one with the best family background for An Ran!" Mrs. Cui issued the selection criteria.

Because there were many people coming to propose marriage, and the He family brothers had practiced martial arts, Ms. Cui probably thought that the He family brothers would become powerful in the future and it would be easy to find a wife, so she didn't do what she remembered. He had already booked An Ran to the Ma family, but was prepared to make a good selection and choose the one with the best conditions - of course not for An Ran, but for the He family. After all, Cui said he would choose the one with the best family background, but he did not say Picking the one with the best character, and the so-called picking the one with the best family background, in essence, means picking the one with the highest betrothal gift, so in the final analysis, he still plans to sell Enron, and he is also ready to sell Enron for the best price just like he did to the original person. Good price, so where is the better for Enron?

However, Uncle He and others didn't know what was going on. They thought Cui was doing it for An Ran's good, so they nodded repeatedly and said, "That's for sure."

They were blindly filial and listened to Mrs. Cui in everything, but since they had the same opinions as Ms. Cui, they naturally wanted to be good to their daughter and did not want to harm her.

Uncle He and others want to cheat on the marriage, but An Ran has no such plan. Besides, the original person wants to marry one person. If they really let them choose, then they will marry many people. Wouldn't it mean that they have failed to complete the task assigned by the original person? , is her trip going to be in vain? So An Ran planned to reveal the news about her martial arts skills before they arranged their marriage. It is estimated that some people will know that she is so powerful and are afraid that she will be domineering at home with her martial arts skills. They should consider this.

As for the next step after the news is exposed, An Ran still needs to think carefully. The initial plan is to practice martial arts. After all, if the martial arts is too low, he will not be able to do anything he wants, and he will have to die trapped in this village.

When the inner strength is stronger, I will prepare to leave the village and go outside to see if there is a chance to marry the person I want to marry. If I can't find it, I will prepare to dress up as a man, go to the battlefield to see, fight and perform meritorious services. , when you have upgraded, you will be qualified to contact people of higher level, and see if you have a chance to find a third-grade or above military general to marry - as long as you are qualified to marry only one person, whether it is a civil servant or a military attache, anyway The original person did not particularly emphasize that she had to marry a civil servant or a rich man who could afford the fine, and she was unwilling to marry a military attache.

With the plan in mind, An Ran worked harder and harder to practice martial arts, but time was always tight - it was impossible for Cui not to let her fight pigweed or farm just because she wanted to practice martial arts, or because the He family had nothing. Fields (if there were a lot of fields, you wouldn't be so poor), a few grown men can do it well without her help.

Some people may ask, since the family is poor and has no land, why not go to work, or earn some wages by farming for those who have land, so as to make the family richer.

In fact, it’s not that Father He and Brother He don’t want to work. The key is that there are not so many things for them to do. In an agricultural society, how much work can they do? They can farm for people who have land, but they have to go elsewhere. , the fields in their village basically belong to the villagers, and everyone can take care of them. At most, families with a lot of fields can just hire a few day laborers during busy farming periods. The vast fields of the big landowners are mostly surrounded by nothing. There are endless fields and good land as far as the eye can see. In a place like Qingshan Village with many mountains and forests and no fields, especially good fields, no big landowner is willing to buy the fields in such a place. This also leads to the He family wanting to earn some money by farming land for others. In order to earn money, they have to leave home and go to other places to plant crops. If this was not the case, they would not be willing to leave. After all, people in this era do not have the modern idea of ​​​​leaving home thousands of miles to work. They all want to stay at home, even if When working, you have to be close to home - there is no way you can do business or be an official if you are not at home.

So maybe butchers and hunters are more popular than other professions in this time and space because they can find delicious food and earn a good income. Others like the He family's father and brothers learned carpentry, bricklaying, etc. Although it can be regarded as a craft, no one has much money these days, so there are very few times when they can afford to hire them to do work. In this way, how much money can be earned on a regular basis? In fact, the majority of the He family's income , or the three pigs raised at home, they can get thousands of cash every year if they are killed and sold. Just like An Ran brought back a big wild boar last time, it is equivalent to raising an extra pig for the He family, which will make the He family's life better this year. Much better.

She had to go to great lengths to find pigweed for three pigs every day, which wasted a lot of time and slowed down the progress of her martial arts practice, but it was impossible for Cui to agree to her not getting pigweed - even if she had won the agreement not to get pigweed. Power will also arrange for her to do other things. It is impossible for the family to support idle people, so An Ran does not expect to be able to stop killing pigs.

Since she had to kill pigweed but couldn't delay her martial arts training, An Ran had no choice but to find another way to save time. Otherwise, if this continued, it would take her years and months to develop powerful kung fu and leave the village to explore the world.

Finally, An Ran came up with an idea: when An Ran catches game, he goes to another village on the top of the mountain and trades pigweed with the people there. Of course, it is impossible to exchange a basket of pigweed for a pheasant or hare, usually a wild pigeon. For birds like this, one pigweed can be exchanged for one day, but for slightly larger game such as pheasants and hares, one can be exchanged for three days. Ordinary people cannot catch these things at all, so those people are Willing to change.

Thank you Qinan for the gift~~Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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