Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2090 The Nth Cannon Fodder Female Supporting Partner 22

If the person An Ran chooses is the person chosen by Concubine Mei's biological father, the emperor may give him a lighter sentence because he is Concubine Mei's biological father. That is not what An Ran wants to see, but now it seems that Concubine Mei's uncle had done good things, so the emperor had no psychological burden, so he was given a lighter punishment. On the grounds that Mr. Mei had accepted bribes, he was relieved of his official position and did not go to prison, for the sake of Concubine Mei.

An Ran is happy to see this kind of development. She can imagine that Mr. Mei is trying to gain power for Concubine Mei. Although he actually wants to make money, he is doing it in the name of running power for Concubine Mei. After reaching such an end, he will definitely use this point all day long in the future to blackmail the second room to give him benefits to make up for it. If the second room does not make up for it, he is afraid that he will end up with his own fate and provoke the third room and others not to help.

It was precisely because of the possibility of these conflicts and entanglements in the Mei family in the future that An Ran chose Mr. Mei as his target.

Concubine Mei had no objection to this kind of treatment. After all, she originally hated her uncle and uncle's family, and now it was good to deal with them through the emperor's hands. So not only did she not plead for mercy, but she also took advantage of Mr. Mei's He worked hard to earn the emperor's favor, and immediately said to the emperor in an upright manner: "Your Majesty does not need to be lenient for the sake of your concubines. You must deal with them severely and let them learn a lesson. They will not dare to do this again in the future." thing!"

The emperor saw that Mei Guifei was so righteous in killing her relatives. He didn't know that Mei Guifei was not happy with Master Mei and Master Mei's family, so he was really moved. He secretly said that others said that Mei Guifei was not good, so he said it was really good. Look, she didn't even plead for mercy from her family, she just let herself be dealt with harshly. How could such people, those slanderers, say anything bad about her?

So he immediately said: "If he loses his official position, the punishment will no longer be light. The rest of your family will be frightened and restrained in the future. Nothing that worries you will happen again."

Concubine Mei saw that the emperor was interested in her face and did not intend to give her a harsh punishment. She also did not want to ask again and again, so as not to make the emperor feel strange, so she thanked her with some regret. However, it was quite good that she could hold off Mr. Mei's official position. Okay, secretly thought, let your family be successful back then, how about it, now you don’t even have an official position, you have to rely on your own family to live, let’s see how you can still be successful, when I think of how Mrs. Mei is fawning over her own family now. Face, and then think about how she looked embarrassed in front of her home before, comparing the two, even though Concubine Mei didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine it in her heart, and when she thought of this scene, Concubine Mei felt very happy.

Concubine Mei never thought that this was arranged by someone and deliberately released, especially Mr. Mei, she only thought it was a normal situation.

But he never thought that An Ran deliberately released Mr. Mei.

And the subsequent development did develop as An Ran thought. There was no situation at all that Concubine Mei thought that Dafang had no official position and Mrs. Mei wanted to curry favor with Mrs. Mei. On the contrary, Dafang still regarded herself as a benefactor. Repay a favor.

But he said that Mr. Mei saw that something happened to the person he picked, and his official position was lost. As expected, he sent Mrs. Mei to run to Mrs. Mei to cry and complain, saying that he was recruiting people to help for the sake of the empress's power. But it turned out that she was fine now. Something happened. They are gone, their official positions are gone, and Mrs. Mei is allowed to stay in the same room with them. It is for the sake of the empress's dedication and dedication, so she must give them a hand.

When Mrs. Mei Er thought of what happened back then and how Mrs. Mei had ended up like this, she felt happy, thinking that you deserve it!

Although she was happy in her heart, she could not say such happy words on her face, because once she said it, Mrs. Mei would say what she said everywhere, and then who would help her family in the future? Everyone would feel that her family People are mean and ungrateful. After all, if someone does something for you like that, if something goes wrong, you should quickly distance yourself from the problem and say that the person is to blame. Then who will help you in the future?

If there is no empress, no little prince, and no need to think about the bright future in the future, then she can laugh at her happily at this time, but when she thinks that more people are needed to help the little prince rise to the throne, Mrs. Mei can only do it at this time I feel happy in my heart, but I still want to be obedient on the surface.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of your family. Don't worry."

After hearing Mrs. Mei's assurance, Mrs. Mei wiped away her tears and said, "I feel relieved when my younger siblings guarantee this."

In fact, she is not afraid at all. After all, this happened for the sake of the imperial concubine. If she dares to laugh at their first wife or give them a bad look in the future, she will soon go around saying that the second wife is wrong, as An Ran expected, and Instigate the third room to stop contributing to the second room, so as not to end up with the same fate as yourself.

Thinking that she had such a good handle, she had to use it, so Mrs. Mei immediately said: "This time our house has suffered a big loss, and our official position has been lost. How can I have any dignity when I go out in the future? In this way, second-in-command, what are you doing?" Give us some money and let's buy a false title so that we can maintain our face when we go out in the future."

Of course, if you want compensation, it’s not clear whether you want to buy a false title or not. Maybe it’s better to use it to buy land. Anyway, with Concubine Mei as my niece in the court, maybe one day Concubine Mei becomes prosperous and the emperor will give her an official position again. , In fact, if Concubine Mei's children become emperors, they will have a better future, and there will be no need to waste money on false titles. It doesn't matter that they are white now. For Concubine Mei's sake, others will not neglect their family. of.

Humph, if the second bedroom didn't give it, she would go to the third brother and other people who were helping, saying that the second bedroom was mean and ungrateful, and asked them to stop helping the second bedroom. Anyway, the concubine and the emperor gave the second bedroom so many things, and the second bedroom had a lot of money. , what’s the matter with asking for some money to compensate for the loss of the big house?

Mrs. Mei Er also thought of this and knew that it would not work if she didn't give it, but if she did, what would happen if this person kept asking for money from the second housemate? So he looked a little ugly and said, "I can't make the decision on my own for such a large amount of money. I have to discuss it with the master."

In fact, it is just a matter of discussing how to cope with the possibility that the big house will keep asking for money in the future.

Mrs. Mei didn't force Mrs. Mei to agree immediately. After all, Mrs. Mei couldn't make the decision on such a big matter by herself, so she nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

So after Mr. Mei Er came back from the office, he heard Mrs. Mei tell her about this, and he couldn't help but became furious - he was even more humiliated than Mrs. Mei when the third bedroom deceived him into not having a son, so At this time, seeing that his family had become prosperous because of his daughter, and the eldest brother dared not to take them seriously, and dared to suck their blood like this, he was naturally unhappy, and immediately said firmly: "Ignore her!"

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