Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2103 No. N cannon fodder female supporting role 35

Not to mention that Mrs. Mei Wu met a miserable end in the eyes of outsiders, and they thought it was her own fault. After all, who told her to look down on others, but she was talking about the Mei family.

Just as Umegoro thought, he is now an earl, or a young earl, and his sister is a favored imperial concubine in the palace. Even if it is a second marriage, there are many people with good conditions who are willing to marry him, so soon, Umegoro then married a wife who was as he wished. She was beautiful and had a good family background.

However, if the daughter-in-law follows Meigoro's wishes, she will not follow Mrs. Mei's wishes, because as she thought, if the daughter-in-law follows the son's wishes, the son will naturally stick to the other party and defend the other party in the dispute between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. In this way, when she saw her son marrying a wife and forgetting his mother, she was naturally unhappy, so she couldn't help but secretly start trouble with Grandma Xinmei Wu.

So it doesn’t matter that she has a good family background and is beautiful. Her life is not as good as that of Mrs. Meiwu before. Because she did not like Meiwu Lang, she had no conflict with Mrs. Mei Er, and then due to family conditions at the beginning It was better than the Mei family. Mrs. Mei felt that she still relied on her daughter-in-law's natal family, so she was very kind to her. Except for the few months when she was about to leave, her life in the Mei family had always been quite comfortable.

On the contrary, Grandma Xinmei Wu, who has a better family background than hers and is more beautiful than her, logically should marry better than her and be treated better than her by her husband's family. However, she ended up marrying the same as her. , the treatment is even worse than hers, I can only say that comparing people to others is very annoying.

Not to mention that the second Mrs. Mei secretly caused trouble for her daughter-in-law because she was unhappy with her son's kindness to her, but that the imperial concubine Mei was once again favored, the Mei family was granted a title, Mei Wulang reconciled with his wife, and married Mrs. Mei Wu. A wife with better conditions, everything seems to be on the same track as the original world - except for one thing. In the original world, Concubine Mei Huang has become the queen at this time, and the Mei family has become a marquis, and is more powerful than now. Although Concubine Mei is favored now, Empress Zhang is still there. She and her natal Mei family are not as prosperous as their original world.

In addition, in the original world, the Queen Mother suffered from excessive grief shortly after King Qi passed away. She was too old and couldn't bear it, and she passed away soon. But in this world, because King Qi did not pass away, the Queen Mother naturally died. Excessive grief and physical harm occurred. At the same time, the Queen Mother was being nursed back to health by An Ran, so she was very healthy at this time. In this way, the Emperor's care for An Ran and his wife, who were protected by the Queen Mother, was naturally better than that of the Queen Mother who died. Even if the Mei family is granted the title of earl, or even if their daughter becomes the imperial concubine, they want to laugh at the Fang family and An Ran, but they still can't.

The two families who rejected their children's marriage, the Yang family has been punished by them, and now they are hiding in the house like a shrunken turtle, not daring to come out to see them. The Fang family is still in full swing, and has not been affected at all. Not afraid to see them, this is probably the most unbearable thing for the Mei family. Seeing them still prospering makes them feel more and more like a lump in their throats, like a thorn, pierced into their hearts. Occasionally, they see it, and look at An Ran Associating with ladies from all walks of life in a glamorous way will hurt them and make them hate the Fang family and An Ran more and more. They just think about when they can get rid of them and they will be happy. Otherwise, they will be like this now. , I felt really unhappy.

Although the development of the Mei family seems to be on the same track as in the previous life, An Ran is not very worried.

As long as the eldest prince and Queen Zhang are still there, it will be difficult for Concubine Mei and her son to ascend to the throne.

But she should pay more attention to the emperor's situation now.

Ever since he suddenly changed his attitude and favored Concubine Mei Huang again, An Ran felt that something was wrong with him, so he sent a puppet to keep an eye on him to see what he wanted to do, and then discovered that he seemed to be interested in Empress Zhang and Da The prince was very hostile.

If the emperor is hostile to Queen Zhang and the eldest prince, Queen Zhang and the eldest prince will be in danger.

Fortunately, the emperor could not live for a few more years. In his original world, the emperor also died shortly after the death of the queen mother. However, before his death, he appointed the son of the heroine who was already the queen as the prince. In the end, the heroine His son became the emperor. Because he was too young, the heroine listened behind the curtain, and the Mei family became prosperous for a while.

So she has to guard against two things now. One is to prevent the emperor from attacking Empress Zhang and the eldest prince; the other is to prevent the emperor from preparing to make the son of Concubine Mei Huang the prince after he falls ill. By then, he is about to die. After becoming the prince, he died, and it was too late for everyone to react. If they wanted to depose the son of Imperial Concubine Mei, who had been established as prince, and let the eldest prince succeed to the throne, they would have to do it forcefully. Otherwise, the reputation would be lost. It doesn't sound good, so this kind of thing must be eliminated at the source.

Even if the emperor did not establish a crown prince before his death, it would be better than establishing the son of Imperial Concubine Mei as the crown prince.

Seeing the emperor's behavior towards Empress Zhang and the eldest prince, An Ran felt a little speechless, thinking that this person was too scumbag. However, they would definitely not think that he was scumbag, so he dismissed her by saying that there was no family affection in the Tian family.

For such a person, An Ran would naturally not bother to help him recuperate his body.

The Queen Mother, on the other hand, also noticed that something was wrong with the emperor recently. In private, she secretly advised the emperor. For example, the abolition of empresses and direct descendants has been the source of chaos since ancient times, and told him not to act recklessly and disrupt the court.

Besides, Mrs. Mei is not a virtuous person, so pampering her blindly is not good for his reputation.

The emperor agreed on the surface, but behind the scenes it was still the same and he had no intention of changing it.

Seeing the emperor like this, the Queen Mother couldn't help but sigh and worry about the future structure of the court. However, the harem of this dynasty was not allowed to interfere in politics. She could only give some advice like that, but she could not do anything to the previous dynasty.

The Queen Mother can't help it, but An Ran can.

At present, Enron has successively exposed several officials who have committed crimes. Needless to say, these officials all climbed up through the Mei family. There are many types of crimes, including corruption, embezzlement, bribery, and hand contamination. Bloody ones, some occupying people's fields, some taking over lawsuits, and so on.

Soon these people found out that they had climbed up through the Mei family. Suddenly, the whole world was talking about the Mei family. The reputation of the Mei family was getting worse and worse. It was probably almost the same as the reputation of those traitorous officials in history.

This is also normal. After all, there were only two cases exposed before, so everyone can still accept it. Now, well, Imperial Concubine Mei has resumed her position as imperial concubine. She has not been the imperial concubine for a long time. The Mei family does not miss the emperor's favor. So many bad things have happened. If this goes further one day, wouldn't it mean that this dynasty has no money and cannot be an official, and has to buy an official through the Mei family?

Because suddenly, one after another, too many incidents happened to the Mei family officials, which led to the impeachment of the Mei family in the imperial court, and there were also countless scandals about the Mei Emperor's noble concubine.

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