Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 211 A world with more men and fewer women 11

They died suddenly on the same night. This was so bizarre. It didn't look like a normal death, but rather like someone had killed him. So naturally everyone started talking about it. Many people thought it was probably He Anran, the new powerful figure in the village who did it. Yes, but no one saw An Ran take action, so they could only talk about it, but they didn't dare to really pin the matter on An Ran. After all, if it was true, then he would insist that it was He Anran who did it, and He Anran did it. An Ran has already killed five people. He doesn't care about killing one more person, but what if he also kills himself?

So although everyone in the village thinks so, no one dares to say that An Ran did it. Moreover, the five Ma family brothers have been running rampant in the village for a long time. I don’t know how many people have been bullied by them. They have been waiting for them to die. Now they really They died as they wished, and it's too late for everyone to be happy. Who would bother to help them find the murderer? Besides, they may not really be killed. Maybe God can't stand it and collect them. Gone.

Although most people in the village would not help the Ma family find the murderer, the Ma family would do it themselves. The fathers of the five brothers of the Ma family saw that all their five capable sons were dead. They were saddened by their sons' deaths and were naturally angry. They felt that their son did not die of natural causes, but as if he had been killed by someone. They immediately clamored to report it to the officials and ask the county to send police officers and gangsters to conduct an autopsy and find the murderer.

They also thought it might be the little girl from the He family who had done it - they had all heard about the fact that the five brothers from the Ma family were beaten by He Anran, so when they died for no reason at this time, they naturally thought of He Anran. He felt that if his sons really died unexpectedly, He Anran of the He family would be the most suspicious, so he wanted to report it to the officials and ask the county magistrate to send someone to investigate to see if it was a natural death or an unexpected death. If they died unexpectedly, they were the Three Diggers. Ruler, we must also find the murderer and make the other party die a miserable death!

——It’s normal for them to be so violent. In fact, the fact that the five brothers of the Ma family are so violent is also hereditary, because several old men in the previous generation of the Ma family were also very violent. They had more than five brothers back then, there were seven, and He was also tall and tall, and he was very domineering in the village at that time. Under the influence of this environment, his five sons were naturally affected and they became domineering since childhood.

As a result, the father and son have been running rampant for two generations. Now that all the sons have been wiped out, Daddy Ma and others are blown away - they have always been the only ones to mess with people, and there are still people who dare to mess with them. Are they impatient?

As soon as he heard that they wanted to file a lawsuit with the county, Li Zheng went to stop him and said, "What kind of lawsuit are you suing? Do you think your family has enough money to waste? Invite them to come and don't impoverish your family." ah!"

In the past, Li Zheng might not have dared to stop the Ma family from doing anything, but now that the five prime-age sons of the Ma family are dead, the remaining ones, old and young, have limited power. What does he fear? .

He doesn't want those wolf-like police officers in the county to go to the village. Once those people come, they will lure the wolf into the house. As long as they deliberately say that so and so is the murderer, the country people are afraid of these officers and will definitely try every means to escape the crime. After all the troubles of selling off the property and bribing the servants, the already poor villagers were afraid that they would be ruined by the Ma family. At that time, the villagers were afraid that he would blame him for not stopping the Ma family from suing the government and harming them. Suffering such a big loss, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold his position as the upright person. After all, his family is not the only one in the village, and there are still several rivals who can compete with him for the position of uprightness, even he himself I'm worried that those servants who won't stop scraping the ground will cause trouble for my family. After all, his family's small amount of property may be ranked high in the countryside, but it's not enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the tigers and wolves in the county, so now Only then would he stop the old men of the Ma family and tell them not to be impulsive.

How could Uncle Ma and the others not understand Li Zheng's thoughts? He also knew that Li Zheng's thoughts were right, but he couldn't swallow this breath, and he knew that if this happened, they would not react or be able to If the murderer is trampled down, their prestige in the village will plummet, and no one will take them seriously anymore.

So immediately Dad Ma sneered and said: "Then my sons died in vain? It's OK if you want us not to report to the official position. We can let that little girl from the He family marry our son and kowtow in mourning for our son. That's okay Forget it."

Isn’t the little girl from the He family amazing? Humph, wait until she gets married and see how they torture her! They are not afraid that she has any martial arts skills, so what if she has martial arts? If she dares to hit her father-in-law, that is unfilial and she will be sent to jail. No matter how powerful a little girl is, how can she go against the imperial court?

Seeing that He Anran was suspected of killing the five brothers of the Ma family, and the fathers of the Ma family dared to recruit such a number one female Rakshasa, Li Zheng couldn't help but admire their courage.

But of course he couldn't agree. After all, although the fathers of the Ma family were scary, the little girl of the He family was even more terrifying: If she hadn't done it, and he had let her do it like this and offended the legendary Lian family, wouldn't she be seeking death? ? If she really did it, he couldn't let others do it. She could kill five of the Ma family without anyone noticing. Wouldn't it be easier for him to kill a bad old man? So how could he agree to Ma's request? family requirements.

So he immediately said: "If you want to do this, go it yourself. I won't help you tell it. But I remind you that you have no evidence to prove that this little girl from the He family did it. You will not be able to produce evidence by then." , but she came to her door to make such a request. She will beat her when the time comes, but don’t ask me to mediate. I can’t mediate such an unreasonable matter."

Li Zheng left immediately, but he was afraid that the Ma family would report it to the government, so Li Zheng told the whole village what the Ma family thought, and also explained the pros and cons.

The reason why Li Zheng did this was obviously to let the villagers help prevent the Ma family from reporting to the official.

Sure enough, when he said these words, the whole village was in an uproar.

The villagers are not stupid. Who wants those gangsters in the county to go to the countryside? Their losses will be great. So as soon as they heard the news, everyone went to Ma's house and surrounded Ma's house. They were forced to promise not to go to the county to report the matter to the officials.

In the past, they might have been afraid of the Ma family, but as Li Zheng thought, now that the Ma family is old and young, they are naturally not afraid anymore and dare to come and stop them. Besides, even if everyone was afraid before, things like this will matter. They would not just sit idly by and ignore important matters that were in the interests of the whole village. They would just follow the Ma family's will.

So after Li Zheng left, the Ma family hadn't even discussed a charter, and they hadn't thought about whether to go to He's house to cause trouble, but someone else started making trouble at their own house.

Listening to the angry words of the group of people outside, Daddy Ma looked around at everyone in the house and said with a livid face: "How about it? You still say you won't report to the official. If you don't report to the official, this is what will happen. They will treat us less and less." In my eyes!”

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