Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2125 Wasteland World 7

When An Ran came, she was very cautious. She didn't come in a hurry, but came quietly.

She was afraid that if someone was still alive, she wouldn't be discovered by then.

After quietly checking the surroundings, I found that although there were corpses everywhere, there were no survivors. Then I felt relieved and started scavenging.

——Although there is a map, as I said before, as long as she doesn't light up the place, it will not remind her whether there are any creatures.

And just as An Ran thought, there were abandoned armored vehicles at the scene. Obviously, it should be the victorious party. Maybe there were not many people and they couldn't drive so many armored vehicles, so they were left here and not taken away.

There were so many armored vehicles, and Enron certainly couldn't get rid of them all, so he started to pick them up, trying to see which ones had the best quality and the most fuel left.

However, she obviously underestimated the importance that humans in this world attached to oil, and was unable to drive away all the armored vehicles. However, the oil in each armored vehicle was stripped away, making Anron unable to start at all, and she was speechless.

It's good now. She has checked these armored vehicles. Some of them have not been damaged by cannons. If they have oil, they can run. Now they are good. They can't run without oil. At least if this happens to others. , we will be helpless.

But this didn't bother her. She had gasoline in her space, and she was ready to take some gasoline out of the space, fill it up and start running.

She looked around - although there was no one around, she still looked around out of caution - and then planned to get oil from the space.

Just then, she heard a very soft moan.


An Ran was slightly startled and quickly stopped taking the gas. At the same time, she sighed to herself that unless this person was dead, she probably wouldn't be able to take away these cars. After all, others had seen that the car was out of gas. If she It's strange that he can still drive away without being suspected.

At that moment, An Ran pretended to take out a pistol from his arms and slowly approached the place where the moan came from.

Then, next to an armored vehicle, I saw a man sitting by the wheel, holding a gun in his hand and watching the surrounding situation warily.

The man had obviously noticed that someone was coming and didn't want to make a groan. He had pretended to be dead when he was checking safely just now.

But it was probably the severe pain that made him unable to bear it, which made him make a sound just now. Otherwise, An Ran would definitely have seen him when he checked when he first arrived. Since he didn't find it, he must have been secretly pretending to be dead just now. .

And since he was able to pretend to be dead, it meant that he had discovered An Ran before she came. Otherwise, An Ran had come quietly. If he hadn't noticed anyone at that time, he would have definitely not been able to hold back his moans.

Seeing that he couldn't help but groan, the man became nervous, holding a gun and paying attention to the surrounding situation.

An Ran saw that he was very wary and didn't want to get to know him, so as to avoid the trouble of introducing each other and having to be wary of each other. It was too troublesome, and she also didn't want to bring someone back to prison to make it inconvenient for her to practice.

Fortunately, she was afraid that there was a living person just now, so when she checked, she was very cautious and wore a mask. In this way, even if the person discovered her, he would not be able to recognize her next time.

At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly curse herself for not being careful. After checking just now, she thought there was no one alive. In fact, she should check the map. Now that she has lit up the map, she can see the situation from the map. If she can check again, she can This is carelessness, thinking that the victorious side must have checked the battlefield, and it is just a formality. There must be no survivors, who knows that there are still survivors.

At that moment, An Ran quickly opened the map to check the situation to see if there were any other fish that had slipped through the net.

Fortunately, apart from this one, no others slipped through the net.

And this fish that slipped through the net, An Ran looked at his blood volume, well, he was going to die soon.

An Ran didn't plan to treat him because she didn't know what kind of person he was. If he rescued a poisonous snake, he would be in trouble.

In fact, in this world, it is easy to encounter poisonous snakes, because from the war to these three years of hard life, many people's humanity has been distorted, and the chance of encountering bad people is much higher than in peaceful times.

However, although An Ran would not save him, she would not be cruel enough to give him another shot.

Seeing that this man was dying, he ignored him and turned around and left.

An Ran originally planned to get gasoline from the space, but now that this person was nearby, she couldn't take it. So An Ran dug out as much gasoline as possible from several abandoned armored vehicles and gave as much fuel to one of them that she thought was best preserved. After adding some oil, it started this time.

An Ran saw that it could be started, so he started the armored vehicle and prepared to leave.

Of course, this little oil wouldn't go far, so she planned to fill it up with oil from space once she was out of the man's sight.

The groaning man saw that An Ran didn't talk to him, but was about to leave. Now he finally became anxious. After all, he didn't have much dry food, and something happened to his body. If the little girl who finally came here was gone, he wouldn't If you die of wound infection, you will starve to death even if you are hungry.

Before, he was afraid that the other party had malicious intentions, so he didn't dare to speak out. Now that An Ran saw it, he felt relieved when he found that the other party did not kill him.

Now that I felt relieved, I wanted to ask for help. Anyway, I was facing death, so I wanted to ask for help first and see if the other party could be kind.

So when the groaning man saw that An Ran was about to leave, he quickly looked for presence.

"Wait...wait...this...young lady, please help me, please help me, I will definitely reward you generously!"

This girl was wearing a mask, so it was hard to tell how old she was. He didn't know what to call her, so let's call her "Miss". Now the word has been polluted. It's not good to call people that, so he had to call her "Miss".

But... this girl doesn't wear protective clothing and only wears a mask. Isn't she afraid of being contaminated by radiation? Although several years have passed and the radiation here is not as severe as before, it is not good for people's health over time.

An Ran was about to start the car and leave. Hearing the faint cry for help from behind, he didn't want to care about it, but then he thought about it and went over to take a look. After all, it didn't seem good to just ignore him. If this person was really not a thing, he would never do it again in the future. Just clean it up, it's not like she can't clean it up.

So he immediately opened the door of the armored vehicle, got out of the vehicle, and walked towards the man.

I don’t know how this person escaped those people cleaning the battlefield the day before yesterday. He probably pretended to be dead.

An Ran stuck the gun in her lower back so that if something went wrong, she could reach out to the gun and attack at any time.

If that doesn't work, just use the game system skills. You don't have to worry about the other party leaking it. After all, dead people won't leak it.

When he came to the man, An Ran said: "How can I save you? I don't have bandages or anything like that. And you were shot, right? You need to take out the bullet."

However, judging from the fact that the opponent has not died for two days, it seems that the target was either a critical one, or that it took a long time and he was about to die.

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