Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2131 Wasteland World 13


"Ye Anran."


"Sihai Base, military medical officer."

This name was something I heard from An Ran. It was said that with Enron's technology, he could serve as a medical officer for the base military.

This identity made the registered person's face change slightly and he said, "A doctor?"

Those who can serve as military medical officers generally have good medical skills. After all, the military in each base will select the best doctors to add to the medical team.

An Ran nodded and said, "Yes."

The man glanced at her armored vehicle and said, "The doctor can also drive an armored vehicle. You are quite capable."

An Ran said: "Medical skills were learned before the war, and driving skills were learned by myself after the war."

The man was not surprised. After all, in this world, people use all kinds of strange skills in order to survive. It was not surprising at all. He immediately gave An Ran a temporary pass, and then gave her a sign, saying: "Every base has Need a doctor, maybe you could look into this.”

An Ran looked at the sign, and there was a website written on it, called Mission Hall.

You can log in by scanning the QR code.

But the key is, she doesn’t have a mobile phone in this world.

An Ran felt that it was necessary for her to stay in this base for a while and get to know the situation in the world. After all, this base looked pretty good and she could stay there.

So An Ran went to the second-hand market and bought a mobile phone from this world - they were also sold in the mall, but it cost life points, so An Ran still bought it in the second-hand market. In the second-hand market, you only need food or gold to exchange for it.

Enron exchanged the bread provided by the game system for this mobile phone.

After buying the mobile phone, An Ran scanned the code and logged into the website.

After searching, An Ran discovered that, as expected, there were countless groups recruiting doctors. Even the government had posted notices recruiting doctors all year round. In addition, there were countless people seeking medical treatment.

So staying here An Ran, if you want to make money, it is definitely very easy to make money, and you can make a lot of money casually.

Of course, An Ran would not treat people rashly without understanding the situation. When she first came to this place, she still had to inquire about the situation first.

But the next day, someone approached her.

It was the man who registered her when she entered the city before.

She wasn't surprised that the other party was able to find her residence. After all, she was a native here and must have some connections. If she checked with relevant people, she could find out where she lived. After all, the accommodation was registered under her real name.

"What's the matter?" An Ran asked.

The man was in a panic and said, "Miss Ye, can you help me save someone?"

"what happened?"

The person who called himself Xiao Zhou said: "My brother works in the military base. When he went out to perform a mission, he was attacked by someone. He is now seriously injured. I wonder if Miss Ye can help and save him."

An Ran was a little strange and said: "They should have medical officers in the military, right? You don't want to find an acquaintance, but a stranger like me? Can you trust my medical skills?"

Although he said this, considering that his brother was seriously injured, An Ran did not delay and followed him.

Xiao Zhou followed her outside and said with a wry smile: "There are many people injured this time. They are too busy."

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised when he heard what he said, and said: "How is it possible? There should be many doctors in such a big base, right? No matter how many people are injured, there should be someone to help treat them, right?"

Xiao Zhou looked at her strangely and said, "Are there many doctors in your Sihai base? Anyway, we don't have many doctors here. Where did you find so many good doctors?"

An Ran immediately realized that she had made a mistake, that is, there were not many doctors in this world, especially doctors with good medical skills. She was afraid that Xiao Zhou would find something unusual about her, so she smiled and said: "Yes. Not many, I thought you were an official base and attracted a lot of talents, so there would be a lot of doctors."

This explanation made sense. Xiao Zhou nodded and said, "There were many at first, but as many doctors were irradiated and many died or were injured, the number of doctors, especially those with good medical skills, became more and more." There are less and less people coming. Besides, the underground city is very big and they are distributed in various areas. Doctors from other areas can’t get here at the moment. I was afraid of delaying the treatment time. I heard that you were nearby, so I looked for you. "

He paid attention to where An Ran lived yesterday, just in case he needed it. After all, it was always good to know more doctors.

Unexpectedly, it actually came in handy, which made Xiao Zhou think. Sure enough, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

An Ran wanted to ask why so many doctors were irradiated, but soon figured it out - after the nuclear war, many people were probably irradiated, and these irradiated people were actually sources of secondary pollution. Doctors had to Treating these people, they have to deal with pollution sources all year round, and they are easily exposed to radiation. In the end, many doctors either died or were injured and were unable to practice medicine.

Following Xiao Zhou, we soon arrived at the nearby military treatment hall.

Sure enough, his brother has not been treated yet. The reason is that his brother is fine for the time being, so he saves the people who are in danger first. But in fact, Xiao Zhou's brother's injury is not light either - he was shot twice, although neither of them is critical. But the main artery was hit and blood flowed a lot. Xiao Zhou was really worried that his brother's shot hand and leg would be disabled if not treated for a while. How would he be able to live in the future? So he called An Ran and thought Although I don’t know how good Ye Anran’s skills are, he can be the medical officer of the Sihai Base, so his skills should be good. If my brother is delayed any longer, his hands and legs will not be saved, so he invites help first. Please help me.

An Ran looked at it and said: "Find a clean house first, and I will perform surgery on him."

Xiao Zhou, a native, could do this, so he immediately found a house. Although such an operating room was too simple, there was no room for a dedicated operating room, so this was the only option.

Fortunately, the injured part of Xiao Zhou's brother was not somewhere like his heart. As long as it was not seriously infected, it would usually be fine.

At that moment, An Ran took out a medical kit - in order to suit his identity, An Ran bought a medical kit from the mall, which contained everything needed for basic surgery - and said to Xiao Zhou: "This is not a major surgery. I don't want to do it." If you need help, you all should go out, so as not to be too crowded and dirty, and don't let him get infected."

It's easier for her to do things alone, but there are many people, so don't notice anything is wrong.

Xiao Zhou and others were a little hesitant after listening to her words. They always felt that it was a bit awkward not to have an assistant. However, after people said this, they could not object and insisted on sending an assistant to her. After all, Xiao Zhou's brother's injury could not wait any longer. There were no more people, so the group of people withdrew and gave up the space to An Ran. They watched An Ran's operation outside the window.

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