Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2138 Wasteland World 20

"Once the Storm Base is captured, go to the first base in City A and capture the First Base in City A, otherwise you won't be able to deal with Ye Anran." Guan Kai said.

He thought, after he takes over the first base in City A, then the Storm Base will belong to Gao Fei and the first base in City A will belong to him. Isn't this just right?

Gao Fei had no objection to Guan Kai's proposal. After all, he had asked the people at the First Base in City A to ask for people. The attitude of the people at the First Base in City A towards him had already annoyed Gao Fei. By the time he grabbed the Storm Base, Control will naturally not let go of the first base in City A.

The two of them immediately started planning and discussing when to take action.

"It's best to start within a month. If that doesn't work, two months will do. In short, we can't delay it for too long. If we delay it for too long, my power will be reduced to pieces by Zhao Lecheng and the others. I'll have to help them by then." Without your help, in that case, you don’t know if you can take down the storm base alone." Guan Kai said.

Gao Fei nodded and said: "I also want to move faster, but I just don't know if there is a suitable opportunity. If there is no suitable opportunity, we can't take advantage of the power to act, which is not good for us; also, I didn't want to act so quickly. , Now it’s very steep to act immediately, some things are not ready yet, I still have to make some arrangements, which also takes time.”

This is also true. Guan Kai naturally would not object and agreed immediately.

Although Zhao Lecheng did not know that Gao Fei was preparing to take action, Zhao Lecheng naturally knew that he wanted to seize power. Of course, he not only knew that Gao Fei wanted to seize power, but also knew that some other larger forces wanted to seize power. This is normal. After all, no matter which base, there are some ambitious people who are just waiting for the previous leader to weaken and want to replace him. Therefore, even if Zhao Lecheng does not know that Gao Fei is going to act, he is aware of their thoughts. At the same time, he has always been Defensive.

So even though Gao Fei's actions were very secretive and even Zhao Lecheng's spy did not detect his movements, Zhao Lecheng was not without any precautions.

Maybe other forces were not prepared for Gao Fei, but Zhao Lecheng, the leader, was definitely prepared. After all, he had to prevent the people below from taking his power, so how could he not be prepared for these things.

However, Zhao Lecheng didn't notice Gao Fei's movements for a while. Although he was prepared, it was just a routine precaution. This naturally made An Ran feel that it was not enough. So when he came to the base and found Gao Fei, he placed a puppet next to Gao Fei, knowing that Gao Fei was ready to take action. Of course, Zhao Lecheng couldn't just take regular precautions to avoid being unable to cope with the situation. In his original world, Zhao Lecheng was also wary of various forces in the base seizing his power, but this kind of regular precautions was not enough. In the end, he was not killed by Gao Fei. After seizing power, An Ran naturally cannot let him just be slightly more vigilant, but should be on guard.

At that moment, An Ran was ready to remind Zhao Lecheng.

Since knowing Gao Fei's actions, An Ran has been staying at the team base, not running around or looking for the people who helped her in the original memory, because An Ran is afraid that those people are really good people, and she is now with Gao Fei. Fei had a conflict, so don't get involved with them. After all, Gao Fei couldn't deal with her for a while, but that didn't mean he couldn't deal with those people, so naturally he couldn't contact them for the time being. He planned to contact them again after he dealt with Gao Fei.

It was also lucky that she met Gao Fei as soon as she came. If she had met the people who had helped the original body, contacted them, and got close to them, and then had conflicts with Gao Fei, those people would become her If your weakness is weak, that would be bad, so it is not lucky.

An Ran was going to remind Zhao Lecheng. Naturally, he would not be stupid enough to rush to Zhao Lecheng and say, Gao Fei and Guan Kai, discuss how to deal with you. After all, if you say it like this, how can you explain how she knew about this? Also, how could she make Zhao Lecheng believe that she ran over so rashly and said that he should not think that she was a spy sent by the First Base in City A, and that she wanted to drive a wedge between him and other forces in the base? After all, although he Prevent other forces in the base from seizing his power, but at the same time, he also needs to cooperate with them to prevent other bases from attacking their base. This kind of attack includes overt attacks and small actions in private, which is like provoking them. The feelings between each other.

So An Ran chose to secretly send a letter to Zhao Lecheng in the middle of the night.

Of course, Zhao Lecheng's security measures are very strict. Not only are there people protecting him, but there are also surveillance and so on. But this is not a problem for An Ran. She used a concealment charm and then used Qinggong to sneak into Zhao Lecheng's room.

It is said that she is reluctant to use these props that need to be purchased with life points, but at the critical moment, she will not be reluctant to do so.

In order to ensure that he would definitely read it and not throw it away as waste paper, An Ran pressed the letter under Zhao Lecheng's glasses.

Well, you can see it as soon as you pick up the glasses, and you will definitely not be able to see it, and then because you don't notice it, the cleaner will throw it away as waste paper.

Fortunately, although there were surveillance cameras around Zhao Lecheng's room, there were no surveillance cameras in the room. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for her to let go of the letter. After all, if a piece of paper appeared out of thin air, others would have thought it was haunted.

An Ran's guess was correct. When Zhao Lecheng got up early the next morning, he found the letter.

This discovery made Zhao Lecheng's scalp feel numb.

Just imagine, a person can come to your bedside and put down a letter without being discovered. What a powerful person this is. It would be easy for such a powerful person to take his life. , and when thinking of this, can Zhao Lecheng not feel his scalp numb with fear?

At that moment, Zhao Lecheng asked the security guards to come in while he opened the letter and read it.

The content of the letter made Zhao Lecheng's expression become serious. Seeing the security captain coming in, he said, "Go and call Mr. Sun and Mr. Qian."

The people he mentioned, Mr. Sun and Mr. Qian, were his good brothers, his core supporters and confidants.

Soon those people came in.

Zhao Lecheng showed them the letter.

An Ran wrote in the letter how Gao Fei and Guan Kai were going to deal with them and how to deal with them. Mr. Sun, Mr. Qian and others couldn't help but frown after reading these contents.

At that moment, Mr. Sun asked: "Brother, where did this letter come from? Is the content reliable?"

Zhao Lecheng said: "Someone gave it to me last night. It was placed on my bedside table. I found it when I woke up early in the morning."

Mr. Sun couldn't help being stunned after hearing this, and said after a while: "This person broke into your room?"

Zhao Lecheng nodded.

Mr. Sun saw that he was sure, and he couldn't help but said: "Then if you let the security guard read this letter, is there any problem? That person must not put any poison on it."

Zhao Lecheng shook his head and said: "Of course this person is not hostile to me. If he was, he could kill me because he could break in and deliver the message without alerting anyone. But he didn't kill me. This is enough to show that the other party is not hostile. So don’t worry about there being any problems with this letter.”

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