Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2142 Wasteland World 24

Although the task of saving this world is difficult to complete, An Ran has been thinking about this matter since he entered this world, so he also thought of some ways to come up with it.

——Didn’t Anron use unscientific means when repaying the kindness of the original person? This has already laid the groundwork. Anron decided to use this reason to help people on this planet eliminate negative states in the future.

It is best to forge the identity of a god and then pretend to be a god to save people. This way you can act openly and let the people know the situation and cooperate without exposing yourself. This is the best thing.

The only regret is that in this world, she cannot cultivate, otherwise she can use magic to make people think she is a god, without even having to pretend.

Since we can't cultivate now, if we want to pretend, we have to make some preparations in the early stage.

But this time there is no need to use fantasy props to create a fairy dream for everyone - of course, it is difficult for her to create such a large-scale fairy dream. After all, she is not cultivating now. If she wants to, she can You can only buy props in the mall, and this kind of props that can weave dreams for everyone is not something that can be achieved by fantasy props. Fantasy props can only be used for one person, and props that can weave dreams for everyone are so expensive. , An Ran didn't want to spend so much health points just to buy such an impractical prop, so he naturally had to find another way to do this.

Fortunately, she had already spun dreams on several people before, so she pretended to be one of them and posted the news online.

"LZ helped several people, but that day an old god came to me in my dream and said that I could still help people in such troubled times and had merit. He wanted to reward me. Not only did he give me some gold, but he also helped me clean up my body. After the radiation contamination was cleared, I felt much better. I even went to the hospital for a check-up. Indeed, no radiation was found on my body. God bless me. I will do more good deeds in the future. After all, the old god said , Those who have done good deeds will help remove radiation in the future."

After he said this, many people expressed disbelief. Even those who believed in it were confused and said, "Why do you still do good deeds? Didn't the old god help you remove the radiation?"

An Ran pretended to be a person who had received help and said: "I have removed the radiation now. After a long time, I am afraid that I will be contaminated with radiation again. After all, the old god did not say that after the removal, I will not be contaminated again, and I will have to let others know when the time comes." The old immortal helped to clear it up, so naturally I have to continue doing good deeds.”

"I have done a lot of good deeds, but is this true? - Coming from a person who is getting more and more radiation contamination on his body and is really afraid that he will develop pathological changes, I really hope this is true."

"At least it's true for me. The old god said that he will help people who do good deeds to clear their negative states. You can try it. Anyway, do some good deeds within your ability and make the world a better place. Isn't it good?"

At this time, someone else (naturally also pretending to be An Ran) jumped out and said: "It's true, I also got help from the old god."

Although many people were skeptical, but since they were afraid of getting sick, naturally one or two people decided to try to do more good deeds.

This is Enron's method. It not only saves people, but also allows more people to do good deeds and fills the world with love. In this way, more and more people do good deeds, which will definitely save more people. Let people who would have died get help from others and not die in the end.

This is also one of Enron's ways to save the world.

Her manpower is limited, and it is not easy to save more people with just one hand. But if many people are mobilized to do good things, it will be easier.

As for how to clear so many people's negative states, she doesn't have to worry.

At that moment, she created a website to allow people who had done good deeds to register on it and send their names, videos or photos to let the old gods know, and the old gods would reward them at the right time and clear away the negative status.

An Ran's computer skills are very powerful, so when she builds a website, she doesn't have to worry about being discovered to have been built by her.

Those people have posted their names, photos or videos, and after the game system collects them, they can enter the other person into the system, making the other person appear on the list of people they know as a stranger they have never known before.

After appearing on the list of acquaintances, as long as she forms a team with the opponent, An Ran can use skills on all team members from the game system.

After confirming that the team would not be noticed by the other party, An Ran found a way to help people clear their negative status without seeing people in person.

It is precisely because of this method that An Ran came up with the previous one. Otherwise, if she didn't have this function, she would do it like that, with a bunch of people doing good deeds. She couldn't clear the negative status of so many people from a long distance, and she couldn't. Use it.

The team is easy to form, just click the Select All button and it's all set, there's no need to pull people into the team one by one.

There is a limit to the number of people in a team, which increases with the level. The higher the level, the more people can be formed at one time; the lower the level, the fewer people can be formed at one time.

But it doesn’t matter, there are too many people, and I can’t group them all at once. It’s just a matter of clicking a few more times to select them all. If I click to select them all and I can’t install them, Enron will let the game system pick the people with the most radiation to start first. Clear negative status.

As for whether these people have done good deeds, or have done illegal and criminal things before, in order to clear the negative status of the old god, they had to do some good deeds. Let the game system investigate. After all, it is a system. Is this a small thing difficult? After all, it can even do fantasy things like clearing people of negative status and letting her use skills. It makes no sense that it can't do more realistic things.

Although the game system thinks that it is a game system, why does it do this? However, Enron said that general game systems have justice values, shouldn't it also develop one? Whether these people have done good things or not, that is the value of justice.

The game system thought what she said was right, so it created a system to count the character values ​​of these people.

Those who have never done anything bad are naturally of good character.

You have done bad things before, but now you are doing good things in order to clear the negative state. You need to measure it to see if the good things you have done are enough to outweigh the bad things you have done. If so, it can be regarded as a positive character value, and you can enter a state that can clear the negative state. Team.

If you have done too many bad things in the past and cannot offset them enough, you will not be able to join the team that clears the negative status for the time being.

As for those who have killed people, unless they kill people who must be sentenced to death in a legal sense, then for the game system, it is punishment for evil and does not count as a fault. Otherwise, if they kill ordinary people, or even good people, then what to do? No matter how many good things you do, you can't enter the team that clears the negative status.

After the system helps differentiate, it will be very convenient for Enron to save people, and there is no need to worry about clearing the negative status for the bad guys.

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