Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2148 The woman who has accomplished nothing 2

However, the office owner has decorated the office very well. After all, there are sometimes clients coming in. If it were not decorated properly, it would look unsightly.

But like the place where Yuan Shen and others live, the owner bought it exactly as it was. There was no decoration for these second-hand houses, so the washbasin in the bathroom turned yellow because the original owner probably used it for a long time.

Although food and accommodation are provided, the capital is very expensive and it is impossible for one person to live in a room. In fact, four people lived in the original room.

As soon as she entered the door, there were two simple steel bunk beds facing each other on the left and right. An Ran lived in the lower bunk on the left. There was a simple bedside table at the head of the bed, which belonged to her. There was also a bedside table at the end of the bed, where the ladder was. , that’s Sun Hui’s cabinet on the upper bunk.

It was time to get off work. Sun Hui was reading a romance novel. Seeing her come out of the bathroom with a haggard look, she asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

An Ran smiled lightly and said, "It's okay."

But Sun Hui didn't believe that she was okay. After all, her boyfriend of a year cheated on her just because he said he was cheating on her. Who could bear it?

She immediately comforted her and said, "It's okay. There are many men with two legs. Just look for them later. Fang Jing is stupid. Does she think it's a good thing to steal other people's boyfriends? If Liu Dong can be snatched by her today, he will be able to be snatched by her in the future." If it is taken away by others, it is actually trash, but she still treats it as a treasure."

Sun Hui lived up to her name. She was indeed quite smart and what she said was right. At that moment, An Ran said: "You are right."

An Ran then went to bed.

Of course, in the eyes of others, she was sleeping, but in fact, she was practicing.

Early the next morning, An Ran and a few girls in the same dormitory had some breakfast and got ready to go to work.

That's the good thing about working in the same building. You don't have to commute. You have to get up early in the morning and take a long time to go to work. When it's windy or rainy, your happiness plummets. In the original company, the original person can sleep. At half past seven, I eat some ready-made meals prepared by the chef invited by the boss. After finishing the meal, I can go to work without washing the dishes. Therefore, having worked in this company for many years, An Ran can think of it. She understands that food and accommodation are provided, and she doesn’t need to be exposed to the elements and doesn’t need to travel around for work. Moreover, the boss of this company is very nice and treats her very well. It’s normal that she doesn’t want to leave.

Before going to work, An Ran changed out of her pajamas, found a set of clothes from her original clothes that looked more energetic, and put them on. She also used those inferior cosmetics from her original body and put on light makeup. Just from being delicate, she looks a lot more beautiful.

The original body is not good at makeup, let alone matching clothes, so even though the original body length is not bad, the figure is even more excellent - really a devil's figure, but because he can't wear or put on makeup, he looks much ordinary.

She looked much more beautiful when she was dressed like this, and the other little girls in the dormitory next to her couldn't help but be startled.

Sun Hui's eyes lit up when she saw An Ran's transformation in just a few moments, and she praised: "Of course, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful!"

An Ran smiled and said, "Let's go."

Today is a new day, a new day, let’s start with the new changes. If you want to find a good husband, you should at least clean yourself up. After all, most people, regardless of gender, are visual animals.

Also, becoming more energetic can also eliminate some bad guys in the company, and Fang Jing and Liu Dong are laughing at it. After all, in the world of the original body, the original body has failed to recover, but there are many people talking about it, which makes Fang Jing very proud.

Now that she is here, naturally she cannot let such a thing happen, otherwise would the original body feel happy just watching it?

If the original person is unhappy, it will be difficult to give a five-star rating.

Of course, the main thing is that as she introduces Qi into her body, her skin will definitely become smooth and supple. In order not to make people weird, she has to wear makeup to work every day from now on, lest her skin suddenly become fair and supple. , which makes people feel strange.

But if she wears makeup and looks fair all the time, it shouldn't be weird.

At this moment, Liu Dong and Fang Jing have not been transferred by their boss, but Liu Dong is a salesperson and has been running away. The only person who will meet An Ran is Fang Jing.

Fang Jing is currently working on customer service because of her sweet talk.

My original company does not do much business, so the customer service is not busy, and I don't answer many calls every day, but the salary is not low, so it is a good job.

On the other hand, editing is very hard. If nothing else, I get dazzled just reading the manuscript every day.

There are two houses on the fourth floor belonging to Tianke Cultural Development Co., Ltd., one of which houses the photo layout center, editorial department and boss's office; the other is divided into operations department, sales department, after-sales department, etc.

The original body is naturally in the house in the editorial department, while Fang Jing is in the house in the operations department. Although they are still in the same company, they are not in the same house, and the sleeping place is not in the same house, so this is better.

Although we don't sleep in the same house, nor do we work in the same house, because we always go to the fourth floor for work, we still inevitably bump into each other when taking the elevator.

Fang Jing was not embarrassed at all and could even smile at An Ran.

However, Sun Hui couldn't see her arrogant look, so she couldn't help but snorted coldly, grabbed An Ran's arm, and stood aside.

Fang Jing looked at them as if she was some kind of filthy air and kept away from her, so she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, as if they were speechless.

Yes, from Fang Jing's point of view, she didn't do anything wrong. After all, Su Anran hadn't married Liu Dong yet. Why couldn't she talk to Liu Dong? It all depends on their own abilities, right?

But... Su Anran looked much prettier than her today. This made Fang Jing feel a sense of crisis. She remembered that her boss had talked to her and said that she was going to transfer her and Liu Dong to open a branch. Originally, she She was still not happy, and wanted to stay in the head office for a few more days, so that she could show off in front of Su Anran. Now that Su Anran was so beautiful, maybe she should agree, lest that bastard Liu Dong would be swayed and want to eat again. It's too late to look back.

Fang Jing's worries were indeed true. No, before Liu Dong went out today, he saw An Ran at the door of the fourth floor. Seeing that An Ran had become so beautiful today, he couldn't help but be stunned, and his heart suddenly moved, thinking about this Su Anran. Although she is not as open-minded as Fang Jing and is very conservative. They have been dating for a year and have not allowed herself to touch her. However, she looks prettier than Fang Jing. If I don't want her anymore, will I be at a disadvantage?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Fang Jing coming over, pinching him, and waking up Liu Dong. She couldn't help but laugh, and secretly thought that she was really stupid. What's the point of suffering? Do you still want to continue to be a monk? No matter how beautiful Su Anran is, what's the use of not letting you touch her? So he chatted and laughed with Fang Jing and left immediately.

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