Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 215 A world with more men and fewer women 15

The process of Zhang Wentian's uprising has been made up even more. According to those people, Zhang Wentian's ability only occupied five prefectures, but probably five provinces.

If the news heard outside is relatively confusing, the news obtained by lurking in the government office for a few days should be considered the fastest and most accurate news in this city.

According to what An Ran overheard from the government office, the situation was not as scary as the people said. Zhang Wentian had indeed attacked the neighboring province. However, there was a huge natural chasm between the neighboring province and this province. With the natural dangers, At present, Zhang Wentian has not crossed the river, so the province does not need to be so afraid. Of course, although the enemy has not yet crossed the river, there is no need to worry too much, but we still need to be prepared. Therefore, several high-level officials of the province, including the civil official, the prefect, Tong San and others People, military attaches, garrison guerrillas and others all planned to make strategic moves if something went wrong to save the flames of war for the court - which was actually a glorified way of saying escape.

After hearing this news, An Ran thought that she could feel relieved for the time being. At the same time, she also confirmed that the people in the restaurant were right to trust the officials of this city. These guys were indeed a waste of money. They were indeed officials who bought and sold their official posts. They don't have the skills to make money. If Zhang Wentian's department really comes to call them, don't count on them.

Although An Ran was relieved for the time being, she still planned to cross the river and go to Zhang Wentian's territory on the other side of the river to see if Zhang Wentian had restrained these rebels well. If they were well disciplined and it was a big deal, she would join. The rebels, after all, since the people in Qingshan Village were afraid of the soldiers going to the countryside, and they couldn't eat enough even though they had corn and sweet potatoes, An Ran could understand that this court was probably rotten to the root - yes, An Ran had somewhat solved the problem before. Seeing high-yielding crops like corn and sweet potatoes, the He family was puzzled that they still didn't have enough to eat, because the higher-ups imposed too many exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. No matter how much the people planted, all was taken away by the higher-ups, and they still had nothing to eat—— With such a court, it would be foolish to go to the army to earn military honors. It would be better to rebel and see if you can find a position in the new court.

If discipline is not strict and they are used to burning, killing and looting, then she will not join their forces and go back to this city to see if the enemy will come. If they come, she will meet the enemy here. If she blocks here, it will be equivalent to doing something for them. Her family kept the trouble at bay, so she didn't have to go back.

Of course, she doesn't have to cooperate with the officers and soldiers in this mansion to face the enemy here. After all, she is a stranger, and they don't have to cooperate with them. So she will act according to the opportunity and wait for the senior officials in the mansion to escape. , organized the remaining soldiers and people to resist the incoming enemy, and then slowly tried to develop after they were able to resist. Yes, through her understanding over this period of time, she did not intend to join this corrupt court and help him, but she had to If she didn't take refuge in the imperial court or Zhang Wentian, she would have no choice but to start the uprising on her own. Anyway, according to the news she had heard in the past few days, there was indeed a war in the world. There were people starting uprisings in the east, west, north, and south. There was no shortage of them. This one myself.

Just do what you say, An Ran came to Yongjiang that day.

Yongjiang is that big natural river, similar to the Yangtze River in reality. The section of the river that borders Yunyang Prefecture is wide and surging, and the mountains on both sides are dangerous. No wonder the old god of Yunyang Prefecture is not afraid anymore, that's right, there is such a thing There is a natural chasm. Unless Zhang Wentian goes ashore from the river section that borders other prefectures, he will not be able to get ashore. And if he wants to get ashore from other prefectures, he has to worry about other prefectures, Yunyang The government still doesn’t have to worry for a while.

However, although the old god was present, the prefect of Yunyang Prefecture still sent someone to patrol the river in order to guard against the rebels on the other side. There was not a single boat on the river. It was obviously impossible for An Ran to pass through here, so An Ran looked After landing, she walked upstream - she had already inquired about it, and there was a relatively narrow river a hundred miles upstream. At the same time, both sides of the bank were still in the hands of the imperial court, so it should be possible to cross the river.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, when we arrived at the place the next day, there was indeed a boat on the river. At that moment, An Ran took the boat and crossed the river.

After crossing the river, An Ran discovered that the prefecture here was completely different from Yunyang Prefecture, which was blocked by a natural chasm. There was a lot of noise here, and interrogations were extremely strict, for fear that spies would enter the city.

The city wall was also heavily guarded by soldiers, with solemn expressions, for fear that the rebels who were not far away from them would break through the neighboring prefecture and rush here.

In fact, unless there are some residents of this city, there are no outsiders coming in or out at all. They all probably know that this place is the front line, it is dangerous, and no one wants to stay here. Even the residents of this city, An Ran can see that there are more going out and less coming in. , obviously those who came out mostly fled.

So An Ran saw that the city gate was difficult to enter, so he didn't go in, and headed directly to Zhang Wentian's territory with his baggage on his back.

The closer they get to Zhang Wentian's territory, the stronger the smell of war becomes.

Not far from this Jiangbian Prefecture, we came to the front line - Dingxi Prefecture.

In Dingxi Mansion, except for the old people who couldn't walk and therefore didn't want to leave, there were almost no ordinary civilians. They were all soldiers. Outside the city wall was the position of the rebel army. Before she came, she had found out that the rebel army was attacking the city. Many people were It is understood that the rebels attacked this city in order to reach the narrower part of the river and cross the river so that they could plunder supplies on the south side of the river, which was richer than the north side.

Since there are no ordinary civilians around except the warring parties, An Ran cannot get close to her at will, lest she be caught by both sides as the other's spies. Although her martial arts skills are getting better and better over time, it is difficult for a good man to defeat her. Fist, the unstoppable courage of ten thousand men, is an exaggeration in the novel. In reality, the martial arts masters in the world of low-level martial arts can withstand the sky with one enemy, and they are surrounded by the army. Don't even think about breaking out among hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

Since he couldn't get close to the two warring parties, An Ran just watched from the nearest distance, then left and lurked in the nearby countryside.

Anyway, she didn't want to help anyone. She just wanted to see how the discipline of Zhang Wentian's army was doing. It was suitable to lurk in the nearby countryside. Seeing how Zhang Wentian's army performed in the countryside could generally tell the quality of his team. how was it.

Almost all the people in the countryside near Dingxi Prefecture have fled, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled who cannot escape or are attached to their homeland and do not want to escape.

For example, this is the case with Mrs. Zhang's house where An Ran stayed.

"I'm already over sixty years old, and I won't live much longer. Even if the thieves come, just kill them. Anyway, if I have to flee my hometown, I'm afraid I won't survive. It's better to be a soul in a foreign land than to become a soul in a foreign land. Die in my hometown." Mrs. Zhang told An Ran.

Mrs. Zhang had six sons and one daughter, as well as a large number of grandchildren. They all ran away. They wanted to take Mrs. Zhang with them before they left, but Mrs. Zhang didn't want to leave. She was afraid that she would die outside and her sons would also die. There is no choice but to forget it.

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