Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 219 A World with More Men and Fewer Women 19

At that moment, An Ran arranged for people to dig three-dimensional defense fortifications, and at the same time obtained some black powder and buried it behind the three-dimensional defense fortifications.

"If we can't stop them from the front, we can retreat to the back and let the enemy have a taste of this. If we can't resist, we can only stand at the pass and fight with the enemy." An Ran said.

An Ran is not afraid that some of them will leak secrets and leak out things like black gunpowder. That doesn't matter. This thing has already existed in this era, but their formula may not be as good as her own. Also, how did she do it? , even if these people say it, it may not be useful to others. Otherwise, modern netizens may know some military knowledge from the Internet, but it may not be effective on the battlefield. Otherwise, everyone would be a god of war. Woolen cloth.

Zhang Tiezhu and others were stunned when they saw what An Ran had done.

Are they people who have never seen battle formations, or are they people from ancient times who don't understand this at all? As for those things that An Ran said were buried underground and were very dangerous, they have never seen them before. At this time, An Ran took them out with ease. , the eyes looking at An Ran slowly changed, thinking about this young man who was always unhurried and looked strong and confident, so capable and capable, why did he not go to the imperial court or the rebel army, but came with Are they hiding in this mountain?

Their thinking was limited, and they had not thought that Enron would also develop its foundation. After all, who would think that it would develop its foundation with a group of old, weak, sick, and disabled people? They were living in seclusion no matter how they looked at it.

An Ran didn't know what they were thinking. After immediately telling everyone to follow her plan, she went to think about making money - it would be impossible if she didn't make money. The money was about to run out. How could she develop her career without money? After all, she arranged for others to do so. You have to do things without paying her wages, otherwise everyone might be willing to work for her in vain at the beginning because of the grace of saving her life. After a long time, others will resent her, regardless of how much kindness she saved people. , as time goes by, no matter how great the kindness is, it will be worn away.

Soon An Ran's first customer came to the door.

Recently, An Ran has been practicing from afternoon to evening - it will definitely not work if he doesn't practice. How can he do it without force in troubled times? But in the morning, An Ran will go to the city to set up a stall to practice medicine.

A month later, her reputation spread as she cured several difficult and complicated diseases.

The people who came to seek treatment at first were people with little money, and then they didn’t want to die, and they were holding broken jars. When An Ran cured them, Enron’s deeds would naturally spread in their circles.

It is said that there are only six relationships between people. This is a metaphor, which means that the relationship between people is very close. These cured people may not have dignitaries in their circle. But the friends of their friends may not necessarily be richer people, and the circle of friends of friends will be even larger.

Therefore, within one month, Enron's reputation has expanded to a certain extent, and some wealthy people have heard of Enron's reputation. Some of them will have difficult and complicated diseases, and it is normal to find Enron.

The woman who came to seek medical treatment this time was the wife of a wealthy grain merchant in the city. It is said that she has been suffering from stomach discomfort recently, and many people were called in but nothing was cured. I heard that An Ran has good medical skills. Although he is a young man, The wife of the house was in unbearable pain, so she could only ask for a try.

An Ran went over to take a look - in fact, it wasn't a big problem, it was just that the grain merchant's wife always liked to overeat. Such people's gastrointestinal problems would definitely not be good. As long as they stopped eating so much, it wouldn't be a problem. But the key point is that the grain merchant Madam is used to the life of a big eater. If she is allowed to eat less, her biological clock will remind her that she is hungry and she must eat. She is a pampered person. How can she have the perseverance to control herself when she wants to eat? Eat, so if you can't control the grain merchant's wife's desire to overeat, you can't cure this disease. It's no wonder those doctors can't cure it. After all, this disease depends on the grain merchant's wife to control herself. Don't eat so much, but control yourself, then It can be done so easily.

Hearing what An Ran said, the grain merchant surnamed Qian said distressedly: "If she can control not eating, she has stopped eating a long time ago, but she just can't control it. Does Doctor He have any good ideas?"

"If Mr. Qian wants to be cruel, he will lock her up and control her food intake. She will cook lightly at first, and then I will prescribe some medicine to nourish her stomach. If her stomach is not nourished well, when the time comes, she will want to eat so much. , then it can’t be cured. After the stomach is healed, and it can be shut down for a while, the diet can return to normal, but the amount should not be large. After about ten to twenty days, you can quit. By then, the stomach should be It's getting better, of course, but I still have to take care of my stomach in the future. There is a problem with my stomach. If I don't take care of it, it will relapse in the future." An Ran said calmly.

An Ran felt no psychological pressure at all about locking up Mrs. Qian and preventing her from eating too much. On the one hand, this was indeed a good idea; on the other hand, it was also because she had some complicated emotions in her heart.

Why are there complicated emotions?

When she thinks about the poor people outside who are exploited by corrupt officials and the profiteers who drive up food prices, who can't even afford to eat, and this Mrs. Qian can actually get upset due to overeating, An Ran's mood naturally becomes less beautiful.

Why is this grain merchant named Qian still staying here after everyone else has left? Isn't it just because he saw the war on the other side and wanted to hoard food, drive up the price of grain, and make it difficult for the country to make money? As for the poor people who cannot afford to eat because of this, let him go What's up.

Yes, on the surface, it is none of his business. After all, the laws of this era are not perfect. Unlike in the real world, if anyone dares to hoard these things that are related to the most basic people's livelihood, the country will crack down on them. In serious cases, they will also Arrested and put in jail.

But even if the laws of this era are not perfect, the court still cracks down on hoarding. On the moral level of ordinary people, they are also opposed to this phenomenon. Such people will also be called profiteers.

Therefore, An Ran has no good impression of this kind of profiteer who lacks the most basic conscience. If it were not for the purpose of making money and storing supplies to help more people in the future, he would have to rely on the world that was called a miracle doctor in a previous mission, because he was looking for her for treatment. There are too many people and the threshold is set. She will not treat such morally corrupt people at all.

Of course, in this world, as more and more people come to her for treatment, she will not treat everyone in the future. After all, she is busy, and she has no head and six arms. She only has so much time in a day. Under such circumstances , she will definitely give priority to treating those with good character. It is impossible to treat the scum of society and delay the illness of good people.

After hearing An Ran's words, Mr. Qian couldn't help but sigh and said, "It seems like this is the only way."

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