Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2198 The woman who has accomplished nothing 52

Fang Tianhua was startled when he heard that what Song Qiaoqiao wanted to tell him was actually this.

Can you not be stunned? Should he tell Song Qiaoqiao that everything in your family is not going well for no reason at all, but it was actually me?

But naturally he couldn't tell the truth, so he said: "As long as the money is available, you can go over and have a look."

It was just in time to see if there was any evidence of foul play in their house.

Song Qiaoqiao was overjoyed when she heard that Fang Tianhua unexpectedly agreed, and immediately said: "There is no problem with the money."

Although the Song family's business has not been very good recently, they don't even have the money to hire a master.

But she never thought that Fang Tianhua could help her for the sake of money. After all, Fang Tianhua was very rich. She originally thought that he would not help her just for a little money.

"I wonder when Master Fang will be free?"

It was best to do it as soon as possible, because she was really afraid that if time dragged on, the Song family would fall again.

Fortunately, Fang Tianhua seemed to know what she was thinking and said, "I'm free at any time."

Song Qiaoqiao couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately said: "Then...is it okay to go today?"

Fang Tianhua said: "Okay. I'll go back and have a meal before leaving."

Song Qiaoqiao hurriedly said: "I'll treat the real person to dinner."

Even if the Song family's situation is bad, they won't be unable to afford food. If nothing else, she has a lot of property to her name.

Fang Tianhua shook his head and said, "No, of course the meal is ready. If I don't eat it, she will be unhappy."

Song Qiaoqiao couldn't help but feel a little jealous after hearing this. Although she didn't dare to think about Fang Tianhua, she thought that Su Anran could find a sponsor with such conditions (she firmly refused to admit that Fang Tianhua was Su Anran's boyfriend, only that she Fang Tianhua was Su Anran's financial sponsor), which still made Song Qiaoqiao feel very unhappy.

If Master Cao hadn't been caught, or if she still knew some capable people, she would have done something to Su Anran to make Su Anran's life difficult.

Although he knew that An Ran had a puppet following Song Qiaoqiao and An Ran knew what was going on here without having to tell him, Fang Tianhua still told An Ran about the situation when he went back.

Fang Tianhua was talking to Song Qiaoqiao. Of course, An Ran would not use puppets to monitor the content of the two people's conversations, so naturally he didn't know what the two people said at this time. Although he didn't know what the two people said, because he knew Song Qiaoqiao before, Qiao Qiao came to Fang Tianhua for the purpose, so she could guess what Song Qiaoqiao said to Fang Tianhua. So when she heard what Fang Tianhua said to her, she was not surprised. She nodded and said: "Okay, you Let’s go and have a look. But…”

An Ran frowned and said, "Do you really want to help her? I suspect that her family's recent troubles were caused by the efforts of the companies I invested in."

An Ran didn't know that Fang Tianhua gave the order to the Fang family, so he just thought it was him.

Of course, this is not wrong, because everything that goes wrong in the Song family is not only caused by Fang Tianhua, but also caused by An Ran.

Fang Tianhua heard An Ran's worries and said, "How could I help her? I was going to go over and see if there were any clues about any illegal crimes in their family."

After hearing this, An Ran felt relieved and said: "Given the current situation of her family, if this continues, the capital chain will probably be broken. By then, the Song family will be forced to pay back the money by the bank, and they will probably collapse. When their family collapses, It probably doesn’t matter whether there are any clues about illegal crimes. After all, for people like them who are used to having money and status, they suddenly have nothing, and then no one will support them anymore, and it’s not much better than going to jail.”

Nowadays, many large groups have large loans from banks, and some of the loans are even more than the group's assets, which is the legendary insolvency.

However, now is the period of economic development, and housing prices are rising rapidly. As long as the economy is running well, even if the debt is insolvent, the real estate industry can rely on the rapid development of housing prices to make a lot of money without having to worry about insolvency. .

Therefore, some real estate companies have noticed that the industry is developing rapidly. Not only are they not afraid of insolvency, but they are still borrowing money, so they want to acquire more land and build more buildings before the market is saturated. Earn more money.

Banks are also willing to lend money to them for real estate development, because in the past few years, the economy has been deflation, and now it has finally come out of deflation. Taking advantage of the rapid development of housing prices, the economy is developing. In this case, when real estate developers come to borrow money, they Naturally willing.

However, money borrowed must always be repaid.

When everything goes well and you still can't pay it off for a while, talk to the bank and maybe you can postpone the payment for a while.

However, when things don't go well and the banks are hard to talk to, these insolvent companies will have their capital chains cut off, and then the companies will go bankrupt.

The Song family is currently experiencing such a crisis.

In fact, An Ran prefers to see such an ending.

Didn't Song Qiaoqiao rob the original person's luck? Okay, so what if she robbed her, the Song family would still fall, and she would still have nothing. When the time comes, let her find out that her rebirth will be the same as the last one, and this woman might be able to Collapse, in that case, I think the original body would feel very happy.

After hearing An Ran's words, Fang Tianhua smiled and said, "Yes, having no power and power is probably more uncomfortable for them than killing them."

However, Fang Tianhua, who works in relevant government departments, still wants to bring the Song family to justice.

After having these conversations with An Ran, Fang Tianhua went to find Song Qiaoqiao and went to the Song family with her.

In fact, Song Qiaoqiao wanted Fang Tianhua to go to the company, but Fang Tianhua said that he should also check at home, because many people have bad feng shui, which often affects their luck.

When Song Qiaoqiao heard that Fang Tianhua was going to her house, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. You must know that Master Cao was kidnapped back then, so she hadn't gotten the attack talismans and the like she bought. However, she had , there were still some other messy things, and she was worried that Fang Tianhua would discover them.

After thinking about it, I decided that it wouldn't be possible. He kept the things in his room and hid them in a safe. As a grown man, Fang Tian wouldn't be able to enter a girl's room, let alone go through her safe. s things.

Thinking of this, Song Qiaoqiao felt at ease again and nodded immediately, saying: "Okay."

So the two came to the Song family.

Song's mother had received a notice from Song Qiaoqiao that Fang Tianhua would be coming, so she had already made preparations - putting away some messy things that she felt were not suitable for Fang Tianhua to see.

But it was useless for them to do so.

No, Fang Tianhua came to the Song family and took a look around.

Upon taking a look, he found that Song's mother and Song Qiaoqiao's houses were locked, so he expressed that he wanted to see these two places as well.

"There are no problems in other places. These two places are locked. I'm afraid there is a problem. After all, the Song family's troubles are real. There are no problems in other places. It is possible that the problem lies in these two rooms. "Fang Tianhua expressed this.

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