Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 221 A world with more men and fewer women 21

"Do you get money by doing those things?" Mrs. Zhang asked doubtfully.

Don't blame her for being suspicious. This young man recruits people all day long, arranges for everyone, builds houses, and makes weapons. Even the guard team is obviously to protect his own people and pays wages. He spends money every day. Can you make money?

An Ran saw that the old lady didn't believe it, so she smiled and said, "The old lady doesn't believe it, right? In this way, I will make a lot of money and come back in a few days."

An Ran thought, these people have been training for two months, and it's time to take them out to practice. Of course, it's not to fight the officers and soldiers or cross the river to fight Zhang Wentian, but to draw them to fight the nearby bandits.

A small group of bandits consisting of a few or even a dozen people is a good target for military training, and the elimination of the bandits will also help them escort food back.

In fact, Enron had ways to make more money, such as making glass and soap.

Now that she knew that she was going to enter a world of quests one after another, so some were widely circulated and could make a fortune and the production process was not something that could not be achieved with ancient technology. She indeed memorized a few and prepared to do some ancient quests if necessary. Use it when needed.

But now, her base is still small, and the manpower and material resources required to do these things, as well as confidentiality measures, etc., cannot be in place. Therefore, she will develop these as a source of income after the territory is expanded in the future. It is not yet available. Will figure it out.

There are so few people now, so the way to make a fortune is of course to do evil and eat evil. In the process of doing evil and eating evil, they can continue to exercise and grow. How great.

Mrs. Zhang didn't know yet how An Ran planned to make money, but because she had always believed in An Ran's abilities, she believed what An Ran said and went back to tell everyone, which stabilized everyone's confidence.

A few days later, An Ran proposed a plan to suppress the bandits, but she did not force everyone in the escort team to go along. She only said that those who were willing to see it could go, and those who were unwilling did not have to go.

At the same time, it explained the justice of the dispatch: first, for the safety of collecting supplies in the future to avoid being robbed by bandits; second, to eliminate these bandits, which is also beneficial to the travel safety of nearby people.

Explain the justice of the army. This is her experience in leading the army for many years. If you do not clearly explain the justice of the battle to the people below, they will not know why they are fighting. Sometimes they may feel that what they are doing is unjust and become negative. sabotage.

And when soldiers know that what they are doing is just, it is easy to gain fighting spirit and morale.

Sure enough, after An Ran said this, many people agreed with this action.

Because many people think An Ran's words make sense, and since these are troubled times, they should go out and experience things. Hiding here may be safe for the time being, but if a large army comes over one day, they may not be able to defend it, so they might as well After some experience, they became stronger and more confident in guarding this place in the future. And because An Ran showed strong force when training them, they trusted her force, so when An Ran said that they should go out and see something, 80% of them ’s people have signed up.

Eighty people, attacking a bandit den of more than ten people that An Ran had already selected, was obviously overkill.

But considering that they had never seen blood, even if there were a lot of people, they still took the big guys with them. Anyway, even if it wasn't everyone's turn to play by then, it was still good to see it.

This bandit den with nearly twenty people is about twenty miles away from Lijia Village.

An Ran chose this target for action because of several considerations. First, the number of people on the other side was not too many, but not too few either. Needless to say, there were too many people. She definitely couldn’t take everyone there, lest she frighten the people who hadn’t yet arrived. If there are too few members of the escort team who have seen blood, such as just a few people, sending out 80 people to eliminate them would be too fussy; secondly, a bandit den with too few people usually doesn't have much, and this one has 20 people. Because of the large number of people in a bandit's den, the amount of things saved is quite considerable. This was discovered by An Ran by sneaking in. There is oil and water to dig, which is why An Ran chose it; thirdly, generally this type of bandit The den is the most harmful to ordinary people. After all, it is a small bandit den with only a few people. If you go out and find a few more people to go with you, as long as you are not alone, usually nothing will happen. The harm to society is less, and these have close Even if we find a few more people to go with the bandit den of twenty people, they will still dare to attack. However, ordinary people are not caravans, and it is impossible for hundreds of people to go together, so they are not the most harmful existence to ordinary people. They are among the most harmful. Of course, the existence that should be eliminated, those bandit villages with hundreds or thousands of people, would be even more harmful, but since An Ran was unable to move at this time, he did not consider it.

Arriving at the door of the bandit den, An Ran made one last mobilization and said: "I can tell you honestly, I have been in this bandit den several times before, and there are about seventeen or eight people in it. To be honest, I am the only one." , can sweep through this bandit den, there is no need to bring you with me. The reason why I brought you with me is to practice with you, so I will not take action until you are not in danger. I will only watch your actions from the side. How are you training? As long as you train seriously, there will be no problem in dealing with these thieves. After all, if four against one is not enough, then you are too incompetent. You don’t want to lose this person, right?"

"I don't want to." Everyone said hurriedly.

You know, when An Ran was training them, the few tricks he showed really shocked them, so they trained seriously every day, thinking that one day, they could be as powerful as An Ran.

By then it will be as powerful as Enron. In this troubled world, who do we need to be afraid of? Are we still afraid of having no place to stay?

"Now that everyone has confidence, I feel relieved." An Ran smiled.

Immediately, he led everyone into the bandits' den.

The eighteen Arhats didn't know what was going on. They saw a group of uniformed people rushing in with steel knives. They didn't know what the rebels were wearing. They just saw that they didn't look like officers and soldiers, but they were in uniform. Dressed with steel knives, they thought the rebels had fought across the river. They were so frightened that they did not dare to resist. Except for a few people who resisted a few times and were suppressed by the escort members, the others were shouting loudly as the escort members rushed in. Amidst the shouts of "Raise your hands, squat down to avoid death", one or two people squatted down in a panic while raising their hands, for fear that this group of legendary murderous thieves would kill them with one knife.

Speaking of which, these bandits surrendered so quickly because the guards were uniformly dressed and had steel knives in their hands. They did not believe that ordinary people would dress up like this. They thought they were bandits. Thinking of the terrible rumors about the bandits, they surrendered so quickly. , so I was frightened and quickly surrendered.

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