Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 225 A world with more men and fewer women 25

It’s no wonder that they don’t have confidence in the mansion along the river and the mansion next to Yunyang Mansion. You must know that at the beginning of Dingxi Mansion, the court summoned famous generals and many supplies to defend it, but they were all defeated by Zhang Wentian. The next two The Dingxi Mansion was not as fully prepared as the Dingxi Mansion had been. Dingxi Mansion had been breached, not to mention these two manor houses. It was no wonder that Yunyang Mansion felt the pressure.

According to An Ran's speculations from the two civil and military officials of Yunyang Prefecture, they all felt that after the New Year, Zhang Wentian would kill Yunyang Prefecture in less than three months, and then they would have to Make plans to escape.

Although the skills of these two people are average and the analysis results may not be accurate, judging from the information An Ran has obtained, it seems that it is a certainty that Zhang Wentian will cross the river next year. This makes An Ran feel a sense of urgency. No matter what, it is best to expand the number of troops to 1,000 before Zhang Wentian calls. If the Yunyang Mansion is in trouble and the official runs away, he will be able to defend Li Li more easily with so many troops. Home village.

She had already thought about it. If Zhang Wentian didn't cause trouble for her, then she would live her life guarding her one-third of an acre and slowly accumulate strength in order to achieve greater development; if Zhang Wentian dared to stretch out his hand, , then don’t blame her for being rude.

An Ran developed step by step, and Zhang Wentian's troops on the other side did as An Ran thought. After the year, they quickly broke through the prefectures and counties at the narrowest point of the river, and then crossed the river from the narrowest point to the south bank of the river. .

When they heard that Zhang Wentian had crossed the river, several prefectures and counties along the river were frightened to death. The civil and military officials were afraid that their lives would be in danger here, so they all fled. Those who did not escape also followed the wind and surrendered, encountering very little resistance.

The same is true for Yunyang Mansion. When they heard that Zhang Wentian was coming, the prefect and guards of Yunyang Mansion, as they usually discussed, took their civil and military officials with them and fled without a trace as soon as they heard the news. trace.

The residents in the city who got the news were frightened and fled quickly.

At this time, An Ran, as she wished, had brought the escort team, which had grown to 1,000 people, to the city wall and began to take over the city defense.

Lijiacun is her base camp, so there is no room for failure, but before that, it would be best if Zhang Wentian's tribe could be kept out of Yunyang Mansion.

If he can stop Zhang Wentian this time, An Ran will be ready to take over Yunyang Mansion as his first territory.

Seeing the residents in the city fleeing in panic, An Ran did not stop him. He only asked his subordinates to post notices to let people know that Lijiacun had sent out guards to protect Yunyang Mansion. Those who believed in Lijiacun's ability could stay temporarily to help defend the city. If she didn't believe it, she wouldn't force them to stay and let everyone escape.

After more than a year of development, there is a very powerful den of bandits nearby - although the people in Lijia Village never think of themselves as bandits, people outside do not know it and think that there is a den of bandits - Yunyang Mansion The residents had heard about it, otherwise more and more people would not have defected to Lijiacun.

At this moment, I saw the Lijiacun Guards wearing uniforms, with solemn expressions and uniformly marching over. Their formation was as sharp as a knife, and their solemn spirit was much more powerful than the real officers and soldiers. , which made the residents of Yunyang Mansion whisper and couldn't help but feel a little more confident. Some people who had seen Zhang Wentian's department told the people around them that at least from the appearance, the Lijia Village Guards were better than Zhang Wentian. Wentian's troops looked much more impressive, and Zhang Wentian's troops looked like a large bandit group.

Some people who have heard about Lijiacun's achievements said that the people of Lijiacun have never been defeated, and Zhang Wentian's department, which captured Xifu last year, suffered many defeats, and it took a long time to win, so these two families are fighting against each other. On, he also said that it is not necessarily who loses and who wins.

However, some people said that there were too few people in Lijia Village and they were afraid that they would not be able to deal with so many enemies.

But those who know military knowledge know that defending a city requires far fewer people than attacking it. Therefore, if there are 1,000 people in such a small city, and some people are recruited from the city to serve as auxiliaries, as long as they are properly matched, it can be defended, so it is still possible. I really can’t say whether Zhang Wen Tianbu can really win.

For this real first battle, An Ran had already rehearsed it countless times and told the escort how to fight, so when the time came, he naturally made arrangements in an orderly manner.

First, the newly established transportation team in Lijiacun moved the city defense materials that Enron had prepared long ago to the places that were detected by Enron and the intelligence department and were suitable for placing the materials.

In order to win the first battle perfectly, An Ran had actually started to prepare these supplies since he brought people to Lijiacun last year, so it was very sufficient, including bows, arrows, grenades, broadswords, and other supplies.

While the transport team was transporting supplies, Anron began to deploy city defenses.

Since they had already discussed countermeasures with the escort team based on the map, the escort team members were confident and immediately followed An Ran's instructions and got into position one by one.

At this time, most of the people who should leave had already left, so An Ran ordered the city gate to be closed and waited for the enemy to arrive.

At this time, Zhang Wentian’s department is not aware of these changes that have taken place in Yunyang Mansion. It’s no wonder that they don’t know. In fact, not everyone attaches great importance to the development of the intelligence department like An Ran, so Zhang Wentian’s department only accepts When they arrived at Yunyang Prefecture, just like other prefectures and counties, they didn't know anything else about the news that the people in the city were fleeing. They didn't even know that the prefect and the guards had fled.

Although no news has been received, Zhang Wentian's department also knows about the local performance in various prefectures and counties during this period. Most of the civil and military officials in Yunyang Prefecture have almost fled, and those who have not escaped are probably ready to open the door and surrender.

So when their large group of people arrived at Yunyang Mansion, they saw that the city gate of Yunyang Mansion was closed tightly and the suspension bridge was raised high. It was not like other prefectures and counties that opened their gates to welcome them. They couldn't help but look at each other and think about this Yunyang Mansion. Who are the prefect and the guards? They are quite courageous. They know that it is them, King Zhang, who dares to resist.

At that moment, someone came forward to persuade him to surrender: "The imperial court is immoral and the emperor is stupid. Why are you helping the tyrants to do evil? Why don't you surrender quickly?"

Just after saying this, I heard a Qingyue voice coming from the top of the city. Someone laughed and said: "You said that the court is unjust and the emperor is fatuous. Do you think you are good people? Last year, you failed to attack Dingxi Mansion. You had no food and grass, and you robbed the surroundings everywhere. The issue of food for fellow villagers and the actions of the imperial court are just a matter of fifty steps and a hundred steps. How can you still have the nerve to say that the imperial court is immoral and the emperor is fatuous? Let’s not talk about whether the imperial court and the emperor are good or not. Anyway, you are not qualified to say it. .”

"My lies are misleading! We are obviously doing fair business and we are all paid. How can we talk about robbery?" said the lobbyist.

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