Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2255 The divorced woman 7

Wang Qingqing is four years younger than An Ran, still only thirteen years old.

Wang Qingqing is literate because her father is a scholar and she learned it from him. Unfortunately, the rich are poor but the scholar is poor. Although her father is a scholar, her family is still very poor, especially because her father is in poor health and needs money to take medicine. There is no way. She then entered the palace to lighten the burden on her family, and then after making money while in the palace, she could also send some money back to her family to support her family.

Therefore, although Wang Qingqing is only thirteen years old, she is probably the child of a poor person who has been in charge of the family for a long time, but she is very mature and not at all like a modern thirteen-year-old child.

Wang Qingqing did not work with Wu Nvshi, but with Cai Nvshi.

Although I followed different people, because I came from the same group as An Ran, I felt closer to him and was quite enthusiastic towards An Ran.

Of course, Wang Qingqing is not the only one who is enthusiastic. There are two senior maids in the same room, one surnamed Cao and the other Liu. Palace maid Cao and palace maid Liu are not young, almost twenty-five, but they have not yet become women's history, that is, He said that if he does not become a female historian next year, he will leave the palace.

These two people were also pretty good to An Ran. When she and Wang Qingqing came, they greeted each other with smiles. However, An Ran felt that Wang Qingqing smiled sincerely, while these two people smiled less sincerely and smiled purely out of courtesy.

This is normal. After they arrived, they had two more competitors.

Although she and Wang Qingqing are newcomers and can't be promoted to women's history within a year and are not their competitors, they still have to be on guard against her, so they smile insincerely, which is normal. .

For a period of time after that, An Ran was doing the job of copying documents.

This work is boring, and my hands will get sore after copying for a long time. There is no way. In this era, there are no computers, so I can only copy slowly. Otherwise, if I use a computer, it is estimated that all the information can be recorded in two or three days.

But if you have to use a brush to copy word by word, it will be much slower.

An Ran wanted to build the palace database and was working towards his own goal, but Wang Qingqing, on the other hand, had no purpose and only regarded this matter as work. As for work, it was so boring and hard, so Wang Qingqing had to do it every day. When I go back, I like to complain that my hands are sore from writing.

An Ran took advantage of the absence of Lady Cao and Lady Liu to persuade her: "Don't complain. If this gets to Lady Cai's ears, she will think you are complaining about her and she will be unhappy."

Wang Qingqing couldn't help but feel nervous after hearing this, and said: "What should I do? I have already said it, and Lady Cao and the others have also heard it, so they won't tell it, right?"

An Ran said helplessly: "It's difficult to expect others not to tell anyone. Anyway, just be more careful in the future."

Wang Qingqing paid more attention to Wang Qingqing, but this matter still seemed to make Cai Nvshi unhappy. When passing by the house where Cai Nvshi and Wang Qingqing worked that day, An Ran heard the voice of Cai Nvshi training Wang Qingqing from inside, saying that after her inspection, she She copied the wrong materials, scolded her for how she did things, and also criticized her for being dishonest and lazy during work.

Wang Qingqing was still young after all, and she cried when she was scolded. When she came back and saw that An Ran was alone, she said to her: "I just copied the wrong place, and she scolded me for a long time. Besides, how can I be wrong when I am on duty?" To be honest, there was only one time when I went to the toilet when she was looking for me. When I came back, she said she came to look for me, but I wasn’t there.…”

An Ran secretly thought, she deliberately picked on you, especially the one who went to the toilet. She probably went to see Wang Qingqing specifically to see Wang Qingqing go to the toilet, and then said she was not there, making excuses, but this was her guess, and there was no evidence to prove it. , so she couldn't say it, lest Wang Qingqing listen and tell others, whatever Fang Anran said - depending on Wang Qingqing's character, it was still possible - then she would be in trouble, so she could only say: "You Just tell me, but don't tell anyone else, lest it reaches her ears and she thinks you are complaining about her."

Wang Qingqing said: "Of course I know. Now I'm very careful and won't tell others. It's just that if I don't say these words, I feel uncomfortable, so I tell you."

An Ran secretly thought that he shouldn't even tell her.

The most important thing in the palace is not to say too much.

It seems that Wang Qingqing hasn't realized this yet, or in other words, she has a talkative character and can't help it. This is normal. After all, she is only thirteen years old. No matter how precocious she is, she is still a child, which is not like herself. It's an old monster wearing the skin of a minor.

Then I heard Wang Qingqing say bitterly: "Ms. Cai is causing trouble for me like this. She must have heard my complaints, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. But when I complained about hard work, I only complained in the room. People who heard it, There are only three of you. Of course, Sister Ran, you won’t tell others, so it must be Palace Lady Cao and Palace Lady Liu who said it, two bitches! I didn’t recruit them or mess with them. They did it for no reason. My trouble!"

Listening to Wang Qingqing's resentment, An Ran secretly thought, it's your own fault for this. You don't keep your mouth shut and talk nonsense everywhere. If you don't get rid of this habit, even if there is no conspiracy by Palace Lady Cao and Palace Lady Liu, there will be other palace ladies.

When people in the palace make trouble for others, it may not necessarily be because you have provoked her, or even she may not like you, but for various reasons, such as showing kindness in front of Cai Nvshi, acting as Cai Nvshi's spy, and keeping an eye on you. It is possible that Wang Qingqing will tell this matter.

What's more, although Wang Qingqing is young and a newcomer, she is also a potential competitor of Lady Cao and Lady Liu, so they will suppress her existence. Isn't this normal? Only by suppressing all those who might come forward can they rise to the top in the remaining time.

After all, she had heard that in July and August this year, there would be a selection process for the six bureaus and one division of the palace. If there was a selection, there might be a female history officer promoted to the Secretary Division. No matter who was promoted, the vacant seat would definitely be that of Palace Lady Cao. and the goal of Lady Liu.

In this way, they naturally have to suppress the person who takes the lead to avoid taking their position.

Although Wang Qingqing had opinions about Palace Lady Cao and Palace Lady Liu, Wang Qingqing learned a lesson from this struggle, so every time Wang Qingqing saw the two of them, the look on her face did not change, and she still got along with them as before. How did she get along with her, and didn't show off to them, because she knew that showing off was useless. It was better to let them think that she didn't know that they had done bad things, paralyze them, and then have the opportunity to retaliate against them in the future.

Not only did Cai Nvshi not go to grab Gongnu Cao and Gongnu Liu to ask if they had said bad things about her in front of Cai Nvshi, Cai Nvshi often found reasons to put Wang Qingqing on duty at night in order to bully Wang Qingqing. Although Wang Qingqing became more and more resentful. Cai Nushi never complained again.

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