Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2265 The divorced woman 17

In this way, An Ran became Mr. Wu’s competitor, which naturally made Mr. Wu feel a sense of crisis and treat An Ran badly. This is normal. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, so An Ran Not surprised.

Although her attitude towards An Ran has changed a lot, An Ran has slowly established herself in the palace now, so even if Master Wu's attitude towards her becomes worse, the following female historians of the Song Dynasty, especially Han female historians, will continue to be hostile to her. ——Han Nvshi is really hostile. Song Nvshi, in fact, she has changed to fawning over Anron after Enron was promoted. She hopes that Anron can put in a good word for her in the future and let her be promoted, but because of many times before When An Ran caused trouble, An Ran naturally ignored her. Song Nu Shi saw that An Ran ignored her and was of no use to her, so she naturally began to be hostile to her again - but An Ran now has a large number of contacts due to her accounting work, plus her memory Well, remember others clearly, especially those whom she marked as having good character, and remember them clearly, and make every effort to make friends with them. In this way, she has more and more connections in the palace, including Zhang Zhang and others. Even if he wants to cause trouble for her, it's not that easy.

In addition, she also has a loyal subordinate like Wang Qingqing, so she is getting more and more comfortable in the palace, unlike when she first entered the palace, she was walking on thin ice.

Over the next year, Sibosi saw little change.

Soon, it was time to select palace ladies once every three years, and the palace became lively again.

Speaking of which, An Ran thinks that the emperor of this dynasty is quite smart. Let the palace maids leave the palace at the age of twenty-five without becoming female officials. It is a benevolent policy and is not bad for the emperor. After all, in this way, there will be no elderly palace maids except female officials. Yes, they are all pretty little girls, and the emperor feels comfortable looking at them.

There's nothing much to say about the selection of palace maids, it's just that the secretary has brought in some new people.

Although Wang Qingqing is still a palace maid and has to live with others, because she is the palace maid in charge of An Ran and has a backer, the newcomer does not dare to treat her badly when she comes, so although she still lives with others, because He is an old man and has a backer, so he lives comfortably.

This year, in addition to the draft and the selection of palace ladies, another thing happened in the palace, which was much more popular than the selection of palace ladies and the draft.

But he said that three years had passed, and the old emperor was getting older and older. He finally couldn't withstand the pressure from all parties and began to select children from the clan and bring them to the palace to train them, so that he could choose one of them to be the crown prince.

Although this was the last resort of the old emperor, it also added a bit of turmoil to the already turbulent palace. For a moment, people's hearts were floating - although there was no sign of the prince, some people were already making plans to see who they were looking for. The bet was placed.

An Ran looked at this wave of clan disciples and secretly thought that what he wanted to do was on the line.

Among this wave of clan children was Li He, the grandson of Prince Xuanping, a clan child supported by Han Feng.

It turned out that Han Feng had hooked up with Li He's compatriot sister before. Although the other party was just the granddaughter of the county prince, because her father was not the crown prince but the bastard of Xuanping County Prince, he was only granted a marquis title, so she was only granted a county title. Jun is not a princess or princess, but to ordinary people, she still has a lot of background. After all, even if she is the granddaughter of Prince Xuanping, she is still a nobleman from the royal palace, so Han Feng wants to marry her.

But Han Feng is just a businessman, and even if Li County Lord is just the daughter of the prince's concubine son, he is not something that a merchant like him can reach. Therefore, the Xuanping County Prince's Palace has always disagreed. Li He, who had married the Marquis, also disagreed.

But now it's better. Because of his father's death, Li He was favored by the emperor and selected into the palace to be groomed as a prince. He hopes to compete for the throne in the future.

This fight for the throne is a matter of swords and swords. Competition between brothers will be bloody. What's more, they are distant relatives and clans, there is no affection between them, and the throne is hanging in front of them, so the fight will be more bloody. .

Such competition cannot be supported without huge financial resources.

But the poor Ding Dangxiang of the Xuanping County Prince's Palace had no huge financial resources for Li He to compete for the throne.

At this time, Han Feng said that he was willing to support them as long as they agreed to his marriage to Li Xianjun.

The Prince of Xuanping County is in urgent need of money, and Han Feng, who has been developing for three years, already has a lot of money. More importantly, although this man is lustful and it is said that there are countless women in the backyard, he falls in love with his own girl and insists on marrying his own girl. , Xuanping County Prince's Mansion felt that this matter had no harm to their family, only benefits, so they hit it off and agreed.

So the Prince of Xuanping County successfully obtained the support of Han Feng's huge financial resources at the expense of Li County Jun's marriage to Han Feng. With the support of such huge financial resources, the development was much better than other candidates with little money, so in the end Li He Victory was achieved.

Because Li Xianjun became the new emperor because of his compatriot brother, she became a princess, and Han Feng also became the one to marry the princess.

Although he was just a businessman, Han Feng had already become an imperial businessman due to the activities of the Xuanping County Prince's Palace, and due to his relationship with the Prince Consort, he was granted the title of Marquis. He was a proud man and a winner in life.

And Han Feng like this naturally caused the original person to be ridiculed by countless people, saying that his husband was so capable, but he didn't know how to restrain himself in his family, and he made mistakes and was kicked back. It was too stupid.

It was clear that he was innocent, but he was driven back by Han Feng inexplicably. In other people's mouth, it became that he had made a mistake and was driven back. He was also ridiculed and abused, and the Han family never explained. It is normal for the original body to be full of resentment.

In fact, the reason why Han Feng insisted on marrying Li Xianjun was that she was interested in her background at the beginning, which would be beneficial to his business. After all, ordinary businessmen without a backer would easily be robbed of their wealth, if nothing else. , if Han Feng had not married Mr. Li, things like soaps and mirrors would have been forced by others to give up the formula sooner or later. Just because he hooked up with Mr. Li and had the Xuanping County Prince's Palace as his backer, others would not dare to take action.

So when it comes to how much Han Feng likes Li Xianjun, An Ran doesn't think so. At most, he likes him a little, and values ​​him more.

Later, I heard that Li Xianjun's younger brother had become a candidate for the throne. I felt that as a time traveler, I would be able to help him achieve his goal. Once the other person became the emperor, it would benefit him even more, so he was naturally willing to invest in Li Xianjun. river.

Sure enough, his investment was successful. His wife had a good background, but later she became a princess, the only compatriot sister of the new emperor. Her background was even greater, and he became a relative of the emperor, and he was flourishing.

And now, An Ran would naturally not let Han Feng succeed. After all, if Li He really came to power, it would be too difficult for her to overthrow Han Feng.

At that moment, An Ran placed puppets next to several candidates to see which one had better character, so that she could choose to invest and compete with Han Feng in the arena, not letting him get his wish.

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