Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 227 A World with More Men and Fewer Women 27

"Don't worry about reinforcements coming. As far as I know, since crossing the river, Zhang Wentian's troops did not concentrate their forces to attack one of them. Instead, they divided their troops into four groups to attack the four neighboring houses, including In our government, they want to take advantage of the new victory across the river to pursue their victory in order to quickly expand their territory in the south of the Yangtze River. This idea is correct. After all, when the government in the south of the Yangtze River heard that they had crossed the river, their livers and gallbladders were broken. Seeing them coming , either escaped or surrendered, allowing them to easily capture several mansions. If the lord hadn't defended our mansion, it would probably have been Zhang Wentian's territory." Xiao He analyzed. "Because they divided their forces into four groups, and the other groups are still pursuing the victory with great momentum. It is impossible to ignore the great momentum over there and come to our side to help. Anyway, as long as the other groups progress smoothly and expand their territory, we will If we don't succeed, we don't need to worry about it for a while, so until they stop in other areas to develop territory, we don't have to worry about reinforcements coming and a huge army pressing on the border, which we can't handle."

After listening to his analysis, An Ran couldn't help but nodded and said: "You are right, but when they have almost expanded their territory on other roads, they will probably turn around and try to see if our side is easy to fight."

"That will happen a long time ago. By then, the lord may have more territory and won't be afraid of them at all." Xiao He said.

An Ran nodded and said: "This battle has won us a temporary development opportunity."

Just like what Xiao He said, the enemy troops who attacked Yunyang Mansion could not find reinforcements, and because they were leaderless, several senior generals were killed by An Ran, so they retreated to the next door mansion, which was the first to be captured, and waited for others. The passers-by are very busy, let's see if we can help them.

Since no one came to attack the city, An Ran began to rectify the situation in the city.

Some of the people who had not left saw that An Ran had defended the city, and because they heard that she had not yet been defeated, they had a certain degree of confidence in her. So now that they saw that the city had been defended, they did not leave. Anyway, the rebels had crossed the river. Everything around here is unsafe. Where can I go? It's better to stay under An Ran's rule for the time being. At least it's still safe here.

An Ran also moved the rules and regulations of Lijia Village to the city. Since the rules and regulations are very good, naturally no people will be unhappy - it may affect some high-level interests, but the city's high-level officials have long since received the news that the bandits are coming. They ran away. Now those who have not left in the city have no way out, so there is no need to worry that these rules and regulations have touched their interests and they will be unhappy. For Enron, establishing new social rules coincides with troubled times. It's a good thing. After all, when the troubled times came, all the old systems were broken. It was better to rebuild on a pile of ruins than to patch up an old building that was not allowed to be demolished and try to turn the old building into a new one. Much easier.

Just when An Ran was about to clean up the chaos in the city, the prefect and other officials who had escaped earlier heard the news and came back. They confidently asked An Ran to open the door, saying that they heard that Yunyang Mansion was guarding. Prepare to come back and continue with official business.

Seeing that the other party wanted to pick peaches, An Ran couldn't help but feel happy and asked the guards to drive them away.

The imperial court had penalties for officials who fled before the battle. This man escaped before the battle, and now he dared to come back to pick peaches. He probably didn't know how smart Prince Ma was, and he was guilty, so he dared to be so cruel.

Either because she didn't want to cause trouble, or because of his behavior of running away without a fight, she could have caught him and thrown him into prison. Anyway, no matter whether it was under the old system or the new system, he would definitely be convicted.

The post-war order in Yunyang Mansion was restored much faster than Xiao He and even Enron himself, who designed this system. It may not have been more than a month. Everything was running steadily under the system designed by Enron. At this point, An Ran couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, secretly saying that the future system would indeed stand the test. For such a large mansion, she would follow the usual social management systems in the real world (she had worked in apocalyptic worlds, games The whole world has been exposed to the system of how the government operates, so it is not difficult to move here and make slight changes according to the situation of this world to form a perfect system that adapts to this world), immediately starting from population, labor force, gender, commerce, agriculture, I have a clear understanding of the land, mountains and forests. Of course, it may also be similar to this Yunyang Mansion. Now people are almost gone. There are only about 100,000 people in the entire mansion, not to mention the population of a city in the real world. It may have a smaller population than some larger towns, so it is not difficult to manage.

She felt that there were few people and the management was simple, but in the eyes of Xiao He, who was helping with practical matters - because of his excellent ability to manage internal affairs, An Ran, who had few talents around him, was sent to take over the internal affairs of Yunyang Mansion - this According to what he found out, he came from the Han family but unexpectedly met a master and learned martial arts. All his thoughts and ideas were completely beyond his understanding, and he was left to personally arrange this new social system. When the whole society was running like a perfect machine in an instant, the stunning beauty of each link running like a precise instrument made Xiao He, who was only familiar with the previous system, deeply fascinated. He had never imagined that However, there is still such a perfect system in the world. When I look back at the previous system, I feel that there are loopholes everywhere in that system, and there is a sense of decay and rigidity everywhere. After trying this new system After the social system, he felt disgusted when he looked at the past system.

He didn't believe that a young man from the Han family could do this, so he tended to believe that the person who taught him martial arts might be a hermit master, both civil and martial arts. Not only was he excellent in martial arts, but he also had the talent of Crouching Dragon, so he taught him this Such an outstanding concept of governing the country.

Yes, the idea of ​​governance.

He didn't think that what this young man did was, as he said, just to manage his subordinates well. When he saw this system in Lijia Village, one day, he couldn't help his curiosity and asked this young man. Why do you think of formulating these systems? The other party said flatly, there are no rules without rules. No matter how few people there are, there must be rules. Otherwise, how to deal with things? Don't be confused and can't find the place to start, so This set of rules was designed just to manage these people well.

But after seeing these systems that seemed ordinary to young people, he was amazed by the perfection of this system, so Xiao He, who stayed in Lijia Village to observe, the more he understood these systems, the more unfathomable they became—— This is completely an emperor's art, a means of governing a country. What is meant is to manage these people well. It can completely manage the people of the whole world, okay...

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