Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2280 The divorced woman 32

An Ran didn't deliberately praise Li Miao. After all, if you praise him deliberately, don't backfire - Empress Zhang had a rebellious mentality depending on which one she wanted to push. She just didn't want to push the other person, which would be bad.

An Ran only listed the detailed information of these candidates for the clan, and focused on their family situations, because An Ran knew that after seeing the family situations of these candidates, Empress Zhang would choose Li Miao.

Li Miao was not the only person whose mother died, or even the only person whose parents both died. After all, when the old emperor selected candidates, he tried his best to select orphans from within the fifth server.

However, among these people whose parents have died, some have a very good relationship with their deceased mothers, some have stubborn personalities, and some have outstanding abilities.

I believe that Empress Zhang would be disgusted with the former, fearing that she would not be able to win the position of mother in the heart of the new emperor. Even if she was made the Queen Mother, it would be an empty title. Naturally, this was not what the ambitious Empress Zhang wanted to see.

The latter two, those with stubborn personalities or outstanding abilities, I believe Queen Zhang would not want to support. After all, she is afraid that if she has any arrangements, the other party will not listen to them if they violate their wishes.

Only Li Miao, An Ran did not mark such words, and even deliberately wrote that he had an honest character - An Ran believed that Queen Zhang wanted to support people with honest characters.

Of course, from an outsider's point of view, Queen Zhang would not be able to detect that An Ran planned to support Li Miao, and thought that she wanted to support those people with outstanding abilities. After all, outstanding abilities were considered a compliment in the eyes of the public.

But the last thing Empress Zhang needs is someone who can praise her.

Soon, An Ran received a message from Queen Zhang, asking her to report the details of Li Confusion.

The fish is hooked.

This made An Ran feel relieved. After all, if Empress Zhang was unwilling to support Li Miao, what she had to do would not be successful, but at least it would be much more difficult.

Long before Queen Zhang replied, An Ran had met with Li Miao and mentioned the matter to him.

"The Queen asked me to submit the information of each clan member. I have followed the Queen's preference and praised you for your honesty. I believe that the Queen will take a fancy to you and help you in the future. After all, compared to the powerful clan members, she You should be more willing to support someone who is honest and easy to control. In this way, if the Queen Empress supports you, you may not be unable to ascend to the throne. But you have to strive for your own success. When you meet the Queen Empress in the future, even if you have a good relationship with your mother, Don’t show it in front of her, lest she feel disgusted. She wants to be the supreme queen mother, so naturally she doesn’t want to be ranked second in your heart.”

Yes, Li Miao was not like what An Ran said. He was just honest. In fact, he also had feelings for his deceased mother. However, in the information An Ran submitted to Queen Zhang, An Ran did not say that Li Miao had feelings for his deceased mother. Of course, , which did not mean that she had no feelings. It was equivalent to saying that although she did not lie to Queen Zhang, she did not tell the whole truth.

An Ran was not worried that Queen Zhang could investigate and find out that Li Fong had feelings for his late mother. Because Li Fong was introverted and didn't like to communicate with others, others might not know. Even if they knew, Queen Zhang would ask An Ran why he didn't mention it. It could also be said that she didn't know about this. After all, no one had any secrets. As a female officer, it was normal for her not to know everyone's details.

Although Li Feng was cowardly and incompetent, he was not stupid. He immediately understood what An Ran meant. Surprised, he couldn't help but nodded in agreement and said, "I understand, thank you aunt for helping me."

An Ran smiled and said: "We are in love, so I will just help you. The details will depend on your own performance. Remember, don't tell this matter, lest others know that the Queen is planning to support you, and you will become the leader." of rafters.”

After staying in the palace for more than a year, almost two years, and seeing more people and warmth, Li Feng naturally has a lot more palaces than before, so he naturally understood when An Ran told him like this, and immediately said that he would It won't be exposed.

This conversation took place after An Ran sent the information and before Queen Zhang responded.

The reason why I mentioned this matter to Li Miao at this time is because, after Empress Zhang replies, I will tell Li Miao that he should not think that this is because he is capable and has been appreciated by Empress Zhang and did not notice her. help.

An Ran was not a selfless person, and naturally he didn't want to help someone without the other party knowing about it, so he had a conversation with Li Fou before Queen Zhang replied.

Soon after, Queen Zhang replied, and An Ran told Li Miao that Queen Zhang had decided to support him as she expected.

Li Miao couldn't help but be overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately thanked An Ran.

He knew that An Ran must have helped a lot in this matter, otherwise it would be impossible for Queen Zhang to take a fancy to him at first sight among so many people. After all, he was a transparent person before and had no reputation. He didn’t even understand, so why did they decide to support him? So in the middle, what is Enron's helping hand?

An Ran could not help but feel relieved when she saw that Li Miao was able to figure out the situation despite his lack of ability. What she was most afraid of was that Li Miao was a fool and he was not grateful to her for helping him. He only thought that he was capable.

If you can know that you have played a big role in it and know how to thank yourself, then you are not a fool.

At that moment, An Ran smiled and said: "You don't have to thank me. This is just the beginning. I will help you get on the road first. How to go next so that you can have the last laugh. We still have to make a good plan, but you don't have to worry too much. Empress Zhang and the Zhang family support it, and then I will help you, as long as you keep a low profile and don't draw attention to yourself, it will be fine, and wait for others to fight first."

Li Miao is not very capable, so the best way to compete is to continue to be transparent and high-profile. It is not suitable for him. After all, he does not have the ability to support a high-profile.

And this was exactly what Li Miao wanted, because he was not a high-profile person at all. He didn't know how to do it if he was asked to be high-profile, so he listened to An Ran's instructions and said hurriedly: "I understand."

After An Ran met with Li Miao, he followed Empress Zhang's instructions and reported Li Miao's details again.

Since An Ran reported the matter based on Queen Zhang's temper, Queen Zhang was naturally satisfied after reading it, and immediately made up her mind to support Li Miao.

An Ran naturally conveyed Queen Zhang's intention to Li Fiao, who couldn't help but be excited after hearing it. After all, who doesn't want to be the emperor? He wanted to go home before, but couldn't do it, so he had to go home. Now he can be the emperor. Of course I think so.

Not to mention anything else, he wanted to become an emperor and take revenge on those who bullied him before.

Don't say that he doesn't have the courage to be an emperor. Maybe he will be more generous when he becomes the emperor, but now he is just a little person, and he will not fight back if he is bullied.

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