Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2291 The divorced woman 43

I won’t talk about the Fang family’s reaction, just the palace.

Although Li Confucius had listened to An Ran's wishes and settled for the next best thing, he only gave An Ran the title of Mrs. Qin. However, even this made Empress Dowager Zhang unhappy. She felt that because of her inconvenience, Fang Anran could help the new emperor and let An Ran help the new emperor. Fang Anran took the credit that belonged to her. She was obviously the one who had the greatest credit. If it weren't for her, the new emperor would not have been able to ascend to the throne. As a result, the person the new emperor valued most now turned out to be Fang Anran, not himself. This made Zhang The Queen Mother was naturally unhappy.

But in Li Miao's view, if Enron hadn't arranged for a few capable people for him in the early days, he might have been killed or maimed by the enemy like others in that assassination incident, and he might have left the scene early - -As far as he knew, the Empress Dowager Zhang did not send anyone to protect him at that time. It was An Ran's decision to make the decision himself, and An Ran found the person, so the credit naturally belongs to An Ran. After all, if it weren't for An Ran, the Empress Dowager Zhang and others would have been unaware. At this point, if no one is sent to protect him, what else does he have to do?

This was the first time An Ran rescued him.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that he was framed and molested for the second time. If An Ran hadn't saved him, he would have died long ago.

An Ran saved him twice. Such a great contribution is naturally greater than the Empress Dowager Zhang's contribution to the throne. After all, other people helped him ascend to the throne. Although they also have merit, this contribution will never be greater than the grace of saving his life. After all, If he dies, then there will be nothing left. How can we talk about succession?

Naturally, Empress Dowager Zhang didn't know what Li Miao thought like this. She just saw Li Miao doing this and became unhappy. Then she began to target An Ran intentionally or unintentionally. In addition, she also tightened her control over Li Miao.

Although Li Miao was originally ignored by the Zhang family and other important officials, the Queen Mother Zhang wanted to further control Li Miao so that he would not be the boss in the previous dynasty but could still be the boss in the palace and give good treatment to the people he valued. , so the Empress Dowager Zhang wanted Li Miao to marry her natal niece.

Li Miao was seventeen years old at this time, which was considered an age for marriage among the people, so he could naturally get a wife.

Not to mention that Empress Dowager Zhang intended to further control Li Miao, but that An Ran became a first-class wife of the Qin State and was given a house outside her home. Her status in the palace became a transcendent existence. Apart from Empress Dowager Zhang, she was the greatest, even if it was the former emperor's. Concubine Wang was now like a pig or a dog. She was really like a pig or a dog. All those who were talented or above, who were favored a little bit, or who had made Empress Dowager Zhang feel unhappy, were all driven away by Empress Dowager Zhang. They went to the royal temple to pray for the late emperor. There would be people torturing them there, and it goes without saying how miserable their lives would be. The only ones left in the palace now are the low-ranking concubines whom Empress Dowager Zhang did not look down upon. The only concubines above the rank of a human being were those who had followed Empress Dowager Zhang before.

Among them, Han Sibu, who had usurped An Ran's position, was naturally eliminated by Empress Dowager Zhang, who appointed another one of her own as the Secretary of the Shang Palace Bureau.

As for Han Sibu, who was so arrogant at that time that even Empress Dowager Zhang dared to send her aunt to threaten her, Empress Dowager Zhang found some evidence and was sent to prison. This did not unjustly accuse Han Sibu. I have indeed committed a lot of things over the years as Secretary.

If An Ran had not always behaved herself, Empress Dowager Zhang would not be able to find fault with An Ran. Otherwise, even if Li Feng granted An Ran the title, Empress Dowager Zhang would have ordered someone to bring down An Ran.

Unfortunately, we can't find any faults, so we can only find faults and make small troubles for Enron.

The people at the top knew that Empress Dowager Zhang was targeting An Ran, but the people at the bottom didn't know. They only knew that An Ran was granted the title of Mrs. Qin. She was very prosperous and powerful, so because she was a low-ranking concubine, she was not sent to the royal temple to drink. When Cui Lanlan of Northwest Wind heard that An Ran was prosperous and had the power to follow the dragon, she felt that her day was coming, so she approached An Ran and wanted An Ran to take care of her.

It would be even better if she could be recommended to the new emperor.

Don't talk about the fact that she is the former emperor's concubine and is six years older than the new emperor. There are many cases in history where the new emperor has taken a liking to the old emperor's little wife. She may not have a chance. Besides, there is currently no woman around the new emperor. , isn’t it a good time for her to take action?

Since An Ran didn't come to see Cui Lanlan, Cui Lanlan could only send the maid next to her to tell An Ran this.

An Ran couldn't help but laugh after hearing this, thinking about what kind of good things Cui Lanlan was thinking about. She was a concubine of the former emperor and wanted to crawl into the new emperor's bed. Did she think it was possible?

Of course, there are no such emperors in history, but generally they are free emperors. They can have any woman they want. But is Li Feng free now? Not at all. As far as she knew, Empress Dowager Zhang had arrangements for Li Miao, a freshly baked public cucumber.

Besides, she has never asked about Cui Lanlan. Is Queen Mother Zhang targeting her? Now she hugs her thigh, and she is not afraid that Queen Mother Zhang will cause trouble to her when the time comes.

It's okay, Cui Lanlan doesn't know, she can help her find out. I believe that after she finds out, based on her character, she will stay away from him as cleanly as she did when she first entered the palace, for fear that he will hurt her.

At that moment, An Ran sent his contacts to tell Cui Lanlan about the fight between the first-class Mrs. Qin in the palace and the Queen Mother Zhang. Cui Lanlan was really frightened and did not dare to contact An Ran anymore. After all, in her opinion, how could An Ran win? As for the Queen Mother of a country, and the Zhang family of Queen Mother Zhang’s mother-in-law is also very powerful, it is obvious who will rule the world in the future. Since An Ran has a bad relationship with Queen Mother Zhang, she is afraid that her cousin will not be able to survive for a few days, so how can she dare If I contact you again, I'm afraid I'll be implicated by An Ran.

Although she was not favored in the palace, had no children, and the old emperor died within a few years, she would have no future, but no matter how little future she had, her life was still there, and she still wanted to live, so naturally she did not dare to contact her again. An Ran, if you are afraid that Empress Dowager Zhang will be angry in the future, don't torture yourself to death.

An Ran saw that Cui Lanlan really stopped contacting her, so she deliberately sent someone to contact her and mentioned what she said last time. She wanted to meet and talk with her, but Cui Lanlan refused.

Cui Lanlan said that she had thought clearly. She was the late emperor's concubine, so she should keep her integrity to the late emperor.

In addition, she also told An Ran that she was a person of integrity and did not want to deal with outsiders, and asked her not to look for her again in the future.

An Ran couldn't help but smile when she saw what she said, knowing that the matter was settled.

Even if she gets rid of Empress Dowager Zhang's control and regains her freedom in the future, Cui Lanlan will not be able to mention this matter anymore, and she will not have to contact Cui Lanlan in the future. After all, she said it herself. She is a person who keeps integrity and does not want to talk to outsiders. Deal with her and tell her not to come to her again, right?

Therefore, An Ran sent someone to contact Cui Lanlan before on purpose, just to get Cui Lanlan to say such things, so that once he becomes prosperous again in the future, he can be protected from Cui Lanlan's harassment, and take this opportunity to deal with Cui Lanlan once and for all.

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