Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2297 The divorced woman 49

Of course, An Ran would not tell Prime Minister Wang everything about what Empress Dowager Zhang discussed with the Zhang family, lest Prime Minister Wang know everything and formulate countermeasures against the Zhang family's actions. After doing this several times, Zhang Her family members will be on guard, thinking that the secret has been leaked, and they will probably conduct a strict investigation in the palace, making it inconvenient for her to continue to pry for information.

But if they were stopped by Prime Minister Wang by chance, they would just think that it was Prime Minister Wang who found out, and did not think about the fact that there were spies in the palace delivering information to Prime Minister Wang.

The reason why he did not tell Prime Minister Wang all the situation was not only for this reason, but also to hide his strength - An Ran did not want to reveal all his trump cards to Prime Minister Wang. After all, if the Zhang family fell in the future, would Prime Minister Wang be the second one? No one in the Zhang family can guarantee that. In this case, Anron naturally has to keep some trump cards and cannot expose all his trump cards.

But even so, Prime Minister Wang felt that An Ran knew a lot.

Not only that, Prime Minister Wang also discovered that An Ran had many secrets of the Zhang family that even he did not know. However, Prime Minister Wang did not think that An Ran deliberately collected information about the Zhang family. He only thought that An Ran heard it from the Queen Mother Zhang.

——Although Prime Minister Wang was cautious, like Empress Dowager Zhang, he also underestimated An Ran, thinking that with An Ran's power, he could only inquire about the situation in the palace, but not the situation outside.

In fact, after so many years of operation, Enron's influence has spread all over the capital. She knows the secrets that others know, and she also knows the secrets that others don't know.

At this time, thanks to Anran's knowledge of a lot of information about the Zhang family, Prime Minister Wang soon launched his first attack on the Zhang family.

Soon, an inconspicuous case involved the Zhang family.

In this case, a citizen from a neighboring state capital sued Zhang for encroaching on people's land.

This Zhang Moumou is actually not a member of the Zhang family, or in other words, not a descendant of the Zhang family, but a poor relative within the fifth service. The Zhang family arranged for him to be the steward of a certain village in the Zhang family.

To the Zhang family, this was a distant relationship, and they felt it had nothing to do with them.

However, the other party is actually a relative of the Zhang family in the fifth server. This relationship allows Prime Minister Wang to find room for maneuver.

Soon, news spread in Beijing that the Zhang family had invaded and occupied people's fields.

The Zhang family thinks this news is false, but as for Zhang, can you say that he is not a Zhang family member?

Who would care about ordinary people? I just heard people say that this person is within five servers of the Zhang family, and I feel that this is the real Zhang family.

Moreover, Prime Minister Wang deliberately sent people to spread the news, muddy the waters, and give people hints, saying that if a relative with such a distant relationship can be so arrogant, how about the Zhang family, how arrogant will they be?

Although some people think that just because a distant relative of the Zhang family is so bad, it does not mean that the Zhang family is bad.

But he was immediately scolded, saying that the Zhang family did not even restrain their relatives from doing this. The relatives must have thought that the family would not mind if they did this. So on the other hand, the Zhang family still acted as Zhang's backers. , after all, if Zhang Moumou was not a member of the Zhang family, but an ordinary person, would he dare to invade people's fields? Those who were invaded remained silent because they were afraid of the Zhang family behind Zhang Moumou, so the Zhang family had an unshirkable responsibility.

The Zhang family originally thought this was a small matter, but they didn't expect that it would become bigger and bigger later on.

Just when they were about to suppress this rumor, a bigger storm hit the Zhang family.

Soon, someone reported that the Zhang family was ruthless about human life. The person who was reported this time was not a distant relative of the Zhang family, but the second roommate of the Zhang family. It was said that Mr. Zhang, the second roommate, had taken a fancy to an antique vase, but he couldn't buy it because it was expensive. Since then, I have had the idea of ​​​​purchasing goods for zero yuan, indulging rich slaves, killing people, and destroying families.

This is not a lie, it is a real thing.

But it is said that the Zhang family is originally a big family. This big family has survived for a long time, and there are always one or two unworthy descendants. In addition, it used to be the queen's natal family, and now the Zhang family has taken power again, and then the Queen Mother Zhang has become the most influential person in the palace. , the Zhang family naturally became more arrogant and not as cautious as they were when they helped Li Miao ascend to power. They felt that no one dared to do anything to the Zhang family, so they would let themselves go and do such a thing, which is normal.

Of course, beating someone to death still shocked Mr. Zhang Er. His original intention was to scare the slaves at home and make them hand over their things. However, due to the fierceness of his slaves, they used it when pushing people. He was very strong, and after a few pushes, he was pushed to the ground, where he hit a stone and died.

Although Mr. Zhang Er had no intention of beating someone to death, it was still a mistake and he killed someone. Besides, what right do you have to steal other people's things? If, according to Mr. Zhang Er’s idea, he takes something he likes and can’t afford it, and just robs it by force, then where does that leave the king’s law?

Moreover, even if you make a mistake and kill someone, in this era, it doesn't matter whether you made a mistake or not. After all, you kill someone. If you kill someone, you have to pay with your life. This is not a modern era with loose criminal laws.

The reason why this matter was not exposed before was because the Zhang family saw that Mr. Zhang Er had beaten someone to death and were afraid of something happening, so they gave the victim a large sum of money. These days, if money can make a difference, then that person will The reason why we didn't sue the Zhang family was of course because we knew that the other party was the Queen Mother's natal family and that the lawsuit would not win, so we just took the money and let it go.

The reason why it is exposed now is naturally because of someone's operation.

Needless to say, this person is Prime Minister Wang.

At that time, Prime Minister Wang asked An Ran whether, apart from trivial matters such as occupying people's fields, the Zhang family had any fatal leverage.

An Ran talked about the antique vase.

This matter was investigated by An Ran outside the palace, but Prime Minister Wang did not know about it. He only thought that the Zhang family came into the palace and mentioned the matter to Queen Mother Zhang, letting An Ran know about it. He did not know that An Ran's power had developed outside the palace.

However, An Ran also said that after receiving the money and fearing the power of the Zhang family, the Kuzhu family did not plan to sue them. Whether they could be persuaded to sue the Zhang family would depend on Prime Minister Wang's ability.

For Prime Minister Wang, this matter was nothing more than a trivial matter, so he immediately sent someone to lobby.

Because the news about the Zhang family was getting more and more negative, and the lobbyists said that Prime Minister Wang was at odds with the Zhang family at that time. If they went to sue, letting Prime Minister Wang know about it would definitely help them get justice.

In this case, they naturally sued. After all, although the Zhang family gave them a large amount of money, the money was probably not even worth the antique vase, and there was also money for human life. It was said that they gave them a large amount of money. The money was actually equivalent to the Zhang family robbing them.

Moreover, the male head of the family died, leaving behind orphans and widows, and the money was robbed by the clan. After the clan took the money, they listened to the Zhang family and suppressed them not to complain.

Under this situation, the wife and young son of the suffering owner were naturally full of hatred. However, they knew that the Zhang family was powerful before, so they did not dare to go against the Zhang family. In addition, the clan threatened them, saying that if they dared to file a lawsuit, they would be punished. They were driven out of the clan, and they recognized the situation because their orphans and widowed mothers couldn't bear it anymore.

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