Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2310 The divorced woman 62

An Ran is a modern person and naturally does not approve of robbing others. However, Han Feng is different. His original creations are pirated. It stands to reason that she can publish the formulas - soap and mirror. This is the favorite thing for time travellers. Enron has done so many world missions, so naturally he has already mastered it - and then let others guess that someone stole Han Feng's formula.

Although this can eliminate Han Feng from the root, after all, once the formula is announced, the competition will be who is better at business in order to grab the market. Otherwise, everyone knows how to make this thing. If someone doesn’t know how to do business, Where can I still make money?

And Han Feng is obviously not the kind of person who knows how to do business, otherwise he would not be rich in the real world.

But An Ran felt that stealing a formula, even if it was fake, was considered stealing in the eyes of others and was always disgraceful. This was not conducive to the perfection of royal laws and the soundness of the market, so he simply transferred the patent to Han Feng's case. Laws and anti-monopoly laws should be enacted to resolve this matter in an open and fair manner.

Prime Minister Wang felt that the items mentioned by An Ran were really necessary after careful consideration, so he spread the word and discussed them in the court, so he formulated such a system, which made Han Feng feel that it was inconsistent with modern patent laws, anti-monopoly laws, etc. The law is something very similar.

The reason why such a law was introduced is that Enron felt that it was necessary to encourage the innovative spirit of this era, so it was natural to create something like this. Otherwise, if you make something, others will immediately copy it, which will not be conducive to encouraging everyone's innovative spirit.

Only with the spirit of innovation can society progress.

Technology will increase productivity and promote development in other areas, so sometimes reform can be subtle and silent, and there is no need to use coercive means.

As for doing this, she may not see changes for a while, and she doesn't care. Anyway, her purpose is to quietly push the wheel of historical development. As long as it can bring about new changes in the world earlier, that's fine. She doesn't mean If society must undergo earth-shaking changes immediately, it is better to change slowly, lest the changes are too fast and the people of this world cannot adapt to them for a while.

After this royal law was promulgated, Han Feng hurriedly applied for creative protection so that he would not be able to sue others for stealing the formula.

Then because of the anti-monopoly law, he had to hand over the formula and allow several shops in Beijing to produce soaps and mirrors - the owners behind these shops were mostly ministers of the DPRK and China.

Since the formula was handed over and other companies were involved in the production, the prices of soaps and mirrors dropped rapidly. Soon, ordinary people could afford soaps and mirrors.

And because ordinary people can afford it and the market has become wider, several companies still make a lot of money. After all, only a few powerful people like Prime Minister Wang can find Han Feng for the formula. Not everyone can find it. Han Feng wanted a prescription because there were only a limited number of production shops, there was no mechanization in this era, and the production capacity was limited. It did not have a large-scale impact on the market, resulting in overcapacity, competition to lower prices, and little money to be made. Therefore, although the price dropped, But since there are more people using it, there is no excess production capacity, so everyone can still make a lot of money.

The only one who didn't make any money was Han Feng.

Without him, the reason why he made money before was because he took the high-end route and earned money from the dignitaries in Beijing. The output was limited and the price was set high, so naturally he made a lot of money.

But now, there are more people doing it, and each one has a background. His original customers will usually go to these people to buy, and will not buy from him, a commoner. After all, among those with background If you buy it from someone else, you can also make a good investment for the forces they want to make friends with.

In this way, Han Feng's customer base was robbed, and he could only develop the ordinary people's market. However, in this era of inconvenient transportation, expansion of the ordinary people's market was very inconvenient. Moreover, he had to compete with several other companies, which made him How much money can you make? After all, other families can still receive large sums of money from dignitaries, but he cannot.

Therefore, Han Feng's income dropped rapidly after doing this.

If he were a business wizard, he might open up the market for ordinary people in other places, but he didn't have the courage. In the past, he only made money with novel formulas and never opened up markets in other places. It's the same now, especially when An Ran became the queen and the Fang family became the queen. After marrying Chengenhou, Han Feng had been worried that the Fang family and Li Feng would suppress their family, and he did not dare to become bigger and stronger for fear of becoming a target.

So soon, the scale of Han Feng's business shrank to what it was before he came, and the Han family's business scale once again returned to that of an ordinary wealthy household.

Once he returned to an ordinary wealthy household, Han Feng would no longer be able to support his concubines.

There is no way, it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. In the past, he was not stingy with his concubines and had a lot of money to support them.

Now that the family's income is tight and the money has been spent, except for a small number of people who have winks, many of them who don't have immediately complained.

Although they complained, Han Feng had no money to support them as before, so there was a situation where Han Feng could not support everyone.

So Han Feng gathered everyone together and told them about this.

"Except those with children or those without children, if you feel that it is too hard to live like this with me, you can leave, and I won't be unhappy. But if you don't want to leave, then you must live according to the current conditions, and you can't live anymore. complain."

Asking him to take the initiative to drive away these women, he was embarrassed to do such a thing. After all, the male protagonist of harem novels did not do this.

Since they can't take the initiative to expel people, they can only follow their own rules. If they want to, they can stay, and if they don't, they can leave.

After listening to Han Feng's words, some of them had savings and their parents' families to rely on, so they left.

Those who have savings should be able to live a good life after leaving Han Feng. With these savings, they will be able to live well when they marry again. It will not be like in the Han family, where the living conditions are already very poor. If they marry again, it will not be worse than this.

And those who have no savings, or those who have savings but no family and no place to seek refuge, can only remain silent after hearing Han Feng's words. After all, they originally relied on Han Feng for survival, and now they can only continue to rely on Han Feng for survival. If Han Feng's financial situation is good, their life will be better. If Han Feng's financial situation is poor, their life will be worse.

Because most people have no savings, and some people have savings but no natal family, there are not many people leaving, only a few. For Han Feng, the burden has not been reduced much, which leads him to maintain this large-scale Ji Ji. The concubine group, as well as the endless stream of concubines and concubines being born, can only compress the supply as much as possible, otherwise he will not be able to feed so many people with his current money.

Looking at this huge team of rice insects, Han Feng couldn't help but regret, thinking that he shouldn't have taken so many concubines before.

Secretly, I don’t know how the male protagonists in those harem novels can support so many women.

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