Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2321 Who is the murderer 7

Listening to the partiality of Grandma Ye, using the money given by the original body's father to give gold to her younger son, and thinking that Grandma Ye and Aunt Ye were concerned about the property of the original body, An Ran secretly thought, no wonder the original body doesn't like his grandparents and aunt, who? In front of the original person, these people also said such things as the original person is a girl and will be a member of another family in the future. The family property should be inherited by the uncle's family. Although the original person is an ordinary person, he is not a dumpling. Therefore, it is normal for me to be angry and dislike my grandparents and uncle's family.

However, no matter what the situation of these two people is, at least from Enron's current point of view, there should be no problem with these two people. It is not seen that the two of them have any ability to transcend nature.

Next, the original uncle and aunt, An Ran, didn't see much of anything.

Including seeing other relatives the next day, nothing was wrong.

Except for the fact that there are some cousins ​​working outside, and An Ran hasn't seen them yet, there is nothing wrong with these people.

Afraid that he would not be able to see it with the naked eye, An Ran also spent his health points to let the system help scan to see if these people had supernatural abilities or systems, but there was none.

In fact, these are within Enron's expectations, because the previous taskers, if they are careful, should have investigated these people. Even if the task level did not rise at the beginning, the tasker who took the task had a low level and could not be found out. Later, the mission turned purple. The person who took the mission must be a powerful person, so it was impossible not to find out.

But something happened. It must be that the murderer was not these people, or else he hadn't been prepared for it long ago.

But the point is, if these people are not murderers, then who is?

An Ran has already done several such tasks to find the murderer behind the scenes, but at least he had some clues before. Only in this one, he had no clue at all.

This is normal. If you don't have a target and are surrounded by people, it would be strange if you want to find a murderer who is hiding in the dark to kill the original person, or a murderer who seems to have supernatural abilities.

After all, if you are an ordinary murderer, you only need to wait for him to take action, and if you lure the snake out of the hole, he will be exposed sooner or later.

But it would be different if it was a murderer with supernatural powers. He could take care of himself in the cave without leaving the cave, which would be difficult to find.

Although it’s hard to find, you have to look for it.

An Ran had no choice but to pack her things and go back unhappily when the time came.

This trip home has yielded nothing except a waste of time and energy. Can An Ran be able to cheer up?

When she first entered the mission, she still had a goal, which was to investigate all the people she knew. Now that the investigation has come to an end, she has basically checked all the people she knew, and nothing was wrong. This made An Ran... I started to feel a little confused and didn’t know what to do next.

Just waiting for an accident to come to your door is certainly not Enron's style. After all, only a thousand days can make a thief, and there is no thousand days to guard against thieves. Moreover, if the person in the dark is powerful and creates accidents, it will not be the props in her space. If she could resist it, wouldn't her mission be a failure?

Seeing that this matter is so difficult to solve, An Ran feels that the level of this task should be orange. Well, maybe if he fails this time, the level of this task will be raised to orange.

After returning home, An Ran started writing code.

After looking at the system, I couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to do?"

When An Ran first came into contact with the system, the system didn't even ask questions actively. Even when she asked the system about something, the system didn't talk as much as other systems in the fast-traveling stories and knew how to answer. Most of the time, it ignored her.

But now that the two have been together for a long time, the system sometimes looks at her actions and if it doesn't understand, it will take the initiative to ask, like this now.

An Ran saw that it was rare for the system to take the initiative to ask her, and then said: "I'm going to build an information collection system and set up a filter word with my name to see if I can filter out useful information. Since the people around me don't look like murderers, I want to be in the vast sea of ​​people." This is the only way to find it, otherwise it wouldn’t be like finding a needle in a haystack.”

In fact, after setting it up like this, it still takes a lot of effort to collect information, because the name of the original body Ye Anran is probably the same as there are many names. In this way, if you want to extract information related to yourself, It was also a huge workload, but for the sake of the task, she could only filter them one by one.

"Is this useful? Maybe the other party won't mention your name before taking action?"

"I don't know. Let's give it a try. You can't sit still and wait for death. In fact, I'm confused. How can someone try every possible means to want her to die when she is an ordinary person? Does she know something that others don't know? I just didn’t notice it.”

The system didn't answer her this time, but An Ran didn't expect the system to answer her.

The IT technology in this world is similar to reality. It is much behind the IT technology that Enron understands, so Enron quickly wrote an information collection system and began to spread it on the Internet.

Soon, a lot of information mentioning the three characters "Ye Anran" entered the database.

Enron marked some information that was obviously not his own, and blocked the people who sent such information. In this way, some people who mentioned the three words "Ye Anran" but had nothing to do with the original person but had the same name were blocked. , and then search again, these people who mentioned other Ye Anran's names will not appear in the search results, which can save Anran some trouble when browsing information.

An Ran hopes to find out something about the original person before he gets into a car accident.

There are still two months left before the car accident occurs. After such a long time, as long as she searches carefully and has clues online, she can still make it in time.

The reason why it is necessary to find out something before a car accident occurs is because when the car accident occurs, it is probably when the murderer starts to strike. Seeing that he has escaped the car accident, he will definitely arrange the next accident. Then there will be accidents every day. , she doesn’t have time to check.

She was afraid that if she couldn't find any clues online, there would be nothing she could do.

Maybe it's like what Anran thought. There are really no clues on the Internet. All the information mentions "Ye Anran" and excludes information with the same name. Most of them are mentioned by his classmates, colleagues, and relatives. Although among them There are a lot of malicious discussions, but most of them have nothing to do with the accident that happened to the original body. For example, the original grandmother and the original aunt still often discuss An Ran recently, and they are jealous that she will get all the things that her father and mother Ye will have in the future. house, but no one said they would attack An Ran.

The same goes for other relatives. Even if they are jealous of how many houses the original person has, they have never said that they want to kill the original person. This is normal. After all, no matter how jealous ordinary people are, there are always only a few people who are really determined to kill people. The law is against them. , it still has a deterrent effect.

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