Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2335 Who is the murderer 21

"As for you saying that I have a bad temper, I can change it. If the child doesn't have your surname, I can also let him change his surname. Anyway, he was kicked out by the Li family. We had to make a new ID card and so on. Then let the child Just change it to your last name."

As for her husband saying she is ugly, there is nothing she can do about it. After all, her appearance was given by her parents. What can she do? Even if you had money before, you could have plastic surgery, but now you don’t have money and you can’t have plastic surgery, so you can just forget about it.

Li Mingyue felt that her husband should be satisfied with her humiliation, but in the end, Li Mingyue's husband only sneered and ignored her.

Li Mingyue's husband didn't believe what she said. After all, the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. It would be strange for her character to change. Besides, Li Mingyue is already menopausal. Even if she changes in the future, her temper will only get worse. He is irritable and will not get better, so he still insists on getting a divorce.

Li Mingyue's husband insisted on divorce, and Li Mingyue had no choice.

As for Li Yu, he has no feelings about his parents' divorce. In his opinion, even if they are divorced, what he earns will not belong to him in the future? So what is he afraid of when his parents get divorced? ——He has not yet thought that his father still plans to get married and have children, and may not give him any property in the future.

Because Li Mingyue could not stop her husband from divorcing her, Li Mingyue divorced her husband within two days.

After the divorce, Li Mingyue quickly sold out all her valuable bags, shoes and clothes, just like her husband wanted, and then spent all the money lavishly. She had no money to rent a villa and wanted to stay in the villa without leaving. It was impossible, and he was quickly kicked out by the owner of the villa.

Li Mingyue, who was kicked out, had no place to go, no money, and no chance of finding a man to give her money. In the end, she had no choice but to rent in the basement.

Although she heard that her biological mother still had a home in her hometown, it was said that her younger brother's family lived there, and her biological father was old. She was afraid that if she went back, not only would she not get any benefits, but her younger brother would also ask her to raise him. She has never raised her biological father, so she would rather live in the basement in Xuancheng than go back.

Even if she lived in the basement, she wouldn't be able to survive if she didn't make any money. After all, she had been lavish in the past and had sold out all the valuable things and squandered them. Now she couldn't spare a penny to live on. In the end, Li Mingyue had no choice but to work.

But just like her husband thought, she knew nothing and was still old, so how could she find a job? Even if she had an overseas degree, others hired her because of her academic qualifications, and in the end she looked like a young lady. Then he couldn't do anything, so he drove her away.

She couldn't find a job, and her son's company went bankrupt just as her husband thought. He couldn't take care of her at all. She had no choice but to do unskilled jobs that she didn't like before, such as cleaning.

Many women in their forties or fifties do this.

It was easy to get started, and although she didn't want to do it, because she had no money left, she had to do it, otherwise she would starve to death, so she had no choice but to do it.

Although the income is meager, I can still make ends meet.

But every time she dreams back at midnight, she always regrets that when she left the Li family, she should have sold those clothes, shoes and bags, bought a house in a small city, and saved the remaining money to use slowly. It would be nice to be so lavish and spend it all, otherwise it wouldn't be so hard right now.

It’s a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. When I spent money, I always felt that I had the ability and could make money, and I was not afraid that I would spend it all and have no money to use. How could I know that my ability was not good, no company was willing to hire her, and she could not find a job? ?

She is already bad enough, but her son Li Yu is even worse than her. After the company closed down, he still has no intention of finding a job and works for others. He feels that he was a young master and a boss before, working for others. , isn’t that to be laughed at? He couldn't get rid of that reputation, so he didn't look for a job.

——Actually, it’s a shame that he didn’t find a job. Otherwise, he would have disdained to work for others, but finally he was willing to work, and it’s like his mother that no one wanted him. Then he would have really lost face.

If you don’t work and have no money, what can you do? You have to rely on Li Mingyue to support you.

Sometimes he also goes to his father to ask for money, because his father has found a good job and his income is good now.

As for Li Mingyue's ex-husband, at first he asked his son for money and gave it back. After all, he hadn't married yet and had children. He was afraid that if he didn't succeed in marrying and having children, he would have to rely on his son to support him in his old age, so he was naturally willing to give it; when he got married, After the new wife gave birth to a son as expected, she stopped giving.

However, he could not say that he was not willing to give it. He could only say that his stepmother did not allow him to give it, and put the responsibility on the new wife. The new wife knew that her husband was not able to show up, so she was willing to make a fool of herself.

This made Li Yu very angry. He wanted to block his stepmother and beat her up, but his stepmother was not easy to mess with. My husband said that if he didn't give him money, his son would be angry and he might have to deal with her. He wouldn't do it every time. Going out alone, not with her husband, but walking in a place with many people, made Li Yu unable to do anything.

Li Yu had no choice but to trouble his stepmother in public and asked her why she stopped his father from giving him money.

It turns out that this woman is not an economical person. She denied it as soon as she came up and said that she did not stop his father from giving him money. It was because his father did not earn enough and had no money to give him. Then she turned back and said that he was in his twenties. Not only did he not mention how unfilial he was to give money to me who was already old, but also to ask me for money, the onlookers nodded repeatedly, saying that he didn't look good. Li Yu almost died of anger after hearing this.

After he couldn't get money from his father, his mother Li Mingyue's burden became even heavier. After all, she paid for all of her son's expenses.

But no matter how hard it was, there was nothing she could do. After all, it was her son. What else could she do?

Such a hard life made her feel that she could no longer endure it, but she was unwilling to go back to her biological father's family. Firstly, she was afraid that they would not recognize her, and secondly, she was afraid that her biological father would be old and ask her to raise her, so she would go back. Not only will there be no benefits, but it will also be even harder.

So I could only grit my teeth and endure it.

Not to mention how miserable Li Mingyue's mother and son were now, but as for An Ran, An Ran was slowly gaining a foothold in the company. That day, he couldn't help but ask Li Changxin about Mrs. Wu's current situation.

The reason why he asked about Mrs. Wu's situation was because An Ran was curious about what method the country had come up with to control a spirit speaker.

It's quite scary to know the ability of the Spirit Talker.

Li Changxin said: "With her abilities, it would be a pity to kill her, so the country still plans to see if she can use one or two of them. If she can't use them, she will be killed as soon as possible. Logically speaking, she has done too many bad things, so she should go to jail. She was sentenced to a severe sentence, but because of her important role to the country, I only reserved the power to pursue her. I didn’t really pursue her. Anyway, although she was not in jail, she was detained by the authorities and could not go anywhere. It was almost as good as being in jail. .”

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